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Gt;jerks <SATAN

Gt;i am teh cranky <MrU_atWork>you and me both <SATAN

Gt;grr. arrr! goddamn vpn ups! <SATAN

Gt;three letter acronyms suck! i hope they both die in a fire!   <Hero>obi_de ... einfach /ignore Thomas <Hero>und alles ist gut <Hero>der isses net wert sich groß mit dem zu streiten <Unlix__>ruhe hero, ich hab richterin barbara salesch heute verpasst ich kann das grade nachholen :(   <SomeGuy>radio show?! where can i find this?! <mefisto>ffs does no one read the channel topic? <mefisto>what's the point of having one around here, honestly!   <_M_>hey guys <_M_>...and gal :) <_M_>how are y'all doing? <Hero>doing fine <Hero>talking about SauerRadio <:-) <_M_>what's that? <mefisto>hahahah <Hero>check the topic <mefisto>just take it out of the topic, hero, this hurts <Hero><:-D <_M_>oh sorry... darn   <tenshi>intentionally :D <Hero>in-tenshi-onally ;) <ConMan>hahaha <tenshi>xD - tenshi quit (Quit: Verlassend) <Princess->apparently that was a bad joke.   <Unlix>solang tenshi mich da nicht wieder 120:40 zieht :D <tenshi>130:41 <Unlix>ach leise :-S   <SATAN

Gt;[08 12/23 11:49] <tc-bot> TC2: Phil (1): noob suck <SATAN

Gt;[08 12/23 11:49] <tc-bot> TC2: SATAN!!! (REMOTE ADMIN): said the guy with 2 kills and 19 deahts <SATAN

Gt;update: 22 deaths <SATAN

Gt;:P <dahlia>haha <mefisto`>snap   <Floppy>hey satan I am wondering how you do the remote admin thing <mefisto>he sold his soul to himself to get that <Unlix>satan sold his soul? that doesn't make sense <mefisto>so is he working for the mob or something <SATAN

Gt;I have to send bacon-flavored cookies to all the TC members, monthly. <Unlix>WTF <Floppy>Can I send bacon - flavored cookies so I can do the remote admin thing? <Unlix>WHY DONT I GET COOKIES THEN? <Unlix>THEY BETRAY ME! <SATAN


Gt;KILL HIM!   map betatest day <mefisto>I got something in my email that said testing will make my wood mightier <mefisto>so I'm definitely doing it   <SATAN

Gt;[08 12/24 15:59] <tc-bot> TC2: RaZoR (6): crap i broke my nose <SATAN

Gt;[08 12/24 15:59] <tc-bot> TC2: RaZoR (6): i hit my nose to the table <SATAN

Gt;[08 12/24 16:00] <tc-bot> TC2: RaZoR (6): i fell asleep <cannonFodder>lol! <cannonFodder>noob <cannonFodder>:D <cannonFodder>pwned by a table   <server>o deadmau5 (1): ghey <server>o deadmau5 (1): merry x-mas n00bz <server>o SATAN!!! (11): ... said the guy at the bottom of his teams list :P   <server>o spawn (18): im to stupid for this map :)   <SATAN

Gt;who do we know from sweden who is wierd? <mefisto>they all are <SATAN

Gt;hmmm <SATAN>interesting thought   <cannonFodder>you've got some work to do, hero :D <Hero>:D <cannonFodder>because I know I'm not getting better, so you _must_ be getting worse <cannonFodder>:P <cannonFodder>oh wait... there was a phone call in the middle of that that I totally ignored... <cannonFodder>wonder if it was my wife... <cannonFodder>brb <cannonFodder>XD   <tc-bot>TC1: Liugam|-sp4nk-| (14): fatum <3 <tc-bot>TC1: |RB|Honzik1 (4): Fatum is map? <tc-bot>TC1: |RB|Honzik1 (4): dont see that in maplist   LePorte: Ich bin oben bei der Rocketbase, zusammen mit... UNDERTAKER? o.O   <Pun[Dit]>tset <cannonFodder>no, Pun[Dit]'s broken <cannonFodder>someone reboot Pun[Dit] - Pun[Dit] quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) <cannonFodder>lol - Pun[Dit] joined <Pun[Dit]>initializing <Pun[Dit]>PunDit 1.01 booting   Mayhem was talking to cannonFodder the paramedic <ConMan>i'm back if you wanna grab another game Mayhem_ <Mayhem_>well, you're doing good for humanity...as long as you keep yourself grounded and remember you're affecting positively the lives of the people around you...you'll start to realize that you are working for the right side <Mayhem_>hey ConMan :) in a half hour or so will you be around? <ConMan>i just offered to play a game, but thanks for all the 'good for humanity', very uplifting <ConMan>:D :D   <dahlia>thanks for your help, by the way <Hero>I do what I can :) <cannonFodder>but not what you should :/ <cannonFodder>have you done the dishes yet? <cannonFodder>:D   - reddawn joined <reddawn>HALO <eihrul>wrong channel   <server>o Stu (12): at least i dont waiste my half life watching people chat.. <server>o SATAN!!! (REMOTE ADMIN): ... said the guy chatting ...   we were talking about telnet'ed IRC earlier <Hero>!ping <ChanServ>Hero: Pong! <teddy>PONG :1342155542 :D <Hero>xD   <mefisto`>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p3e4b8VvRg&fmt=18 <eihrul>funny how it shows "David Hasselhoff Drunk" under "Related Videos" :P   <eihrul>though, next release, it will not be so bad since every server will have auth on it <mefisto>well <mefisto>don't even have a release date yet <eihrul>yeah, because mappers are *cough* lazy *cough* * Hero is working on the mine complex you need to use to get the quad now <eihrul>except hero :P <Hero>:D   <agitatedString>watching the notas_alias_we.dmo gave me headache ! maybe it would be better to let him use his cheat cause it is bound to cause him an aneurysm and then problem solved for good   <blahville>sorry got carried away <tenshi>because you yell drunken at your monitor? <blahville>you confuse me with fraggingfucker? <blahville>i yell sober at my monitor   <agitatedString>does God have an infinite stack ? <eihrul>if god is omnipotent, why does he need a stack at all? <agitatedString>wow O_o <teddy>for the entertainment of recursive functions running forever <teddy>that never gets old :P <agitatedString>To iterate is human, to recurse divine. -- L. Peter Deutsch <teddy>lol... see I was right <eihrul>er <eihrul>trick question <eihrul>god already knows the answer, he doesn't need to compute anything :P <agitatedString>god = [god] <teddy>well I don't believe in god so nothing = [nothing] ? <teddy>and if you substitude nothing for nothing you get an = [] :) <teddy>i should rephrase if you substitute nothing for the word nothing   <blahville>thats like saying when someone is hitting me with a baseball bat i don't play well <eihrul>blahville: have you tried, though? <eihrul>blahville: playing while being hit with a baseball bat? <kripken>for science's sake you should <eihrul>totally <blahville>my wife usually is hitting me yes <eihrul>but WITH a baseball bat? <blahville>hmmm not really.. usually fists or pots and pans <eihrul>see, this is not the same <blahville>ok <eihrul>that's like saying a grenade launcher will do when a rocket launcher is called for <kripken>you should try them all <kripken>write up your findings <blahville>police usually do <blahville>i will ask for copy   <Unlix>lol i like him <blahville>lol <Unlix>the keeps on telling me he is so fucking awesome he doesnt need cheats <teddy>your not in sauer. you don't need to press t to talk :D <Unlix>LOL fuck   <teddy>lol i use incorrect grammar all the time :) <Deimos_>'I' <teddy>see? :)   <Pun[Dit]>my frame rate goes from 400-1000 rapidly <eihrul>yeah, because any FPS under 400 is unplayable, right?   <Drakker>at least you didnt say "that is soooooo 2008" :P <eihrul>that is soooo 2008   <Unlix__>i'm gonna go to bed <MadMan>tell the bed I said hi   CS map dust2: Finn: Irgendwas fehlt noch. Unlix: Dämliche Steam-Werbung?   <teddy_>hello from my iPod touch ;) <PartyBoat> . k teddy_ <PartyBoat>WAH <PartyBoat>HAHA <PartyBoat>HELLO FROM MY BAN CONSOLE <Hero>okay, people are getting crazy. Really time to sign off :D   * paklet GRRR coffee out of my new 'Berd das Brot' mug does not test much better - MIST <Hero>*Bernd *taste <Hero>:) <cannonFodder>awww. i was going to tell him his coffee needs to study   <tc-bot>TC2: /dev/null (7): _: reds are enemy, blues are friends, and greens are gay   <{OBI3}>CHAT <{BLUT|SWENTE}>(5) --> TACH <{OBI3}>CHAT }TC{Zero(2) --> MOIN MOIN <{OBI3}>CHAT TochpadUnlix(4) --> sind captain caps und seine shiftcrew wieder unterwegs? :-S   Finn: Ich bin vor teppo! viruz: das geht nicht, dann müsstest du ja vor mir sein... oh scheiße!   <blahville>i like TC and the servers they have are great service to community in my opinion <blahville>my favorite is hero.. he gives me some good beatdowns but always nice about it :) <Hero>=) <blahville>actually unless you push them TC doesn't have much of an ego <blahville>i played zero and he was very nice as well <Hero>I AM TEH PWNZORZ! xD <Hero>j/k <blahville>lol <blahville>nevermind <blahville>:P   <apfl>blutswente oder wie der typ heißt? <pdg>ja <pdg>der hat seine festplatte formatiert <apfl>lol <pdg>um seinen ping zu verbessern :D <apfl>noob <apfl>lol   * Hero wants to become sysadmin, too <PunDit>shoot higher then a sysadmin. <Hero>mmh... uber-sysadmin? <Colo>lol <PunDit>Director of IT <Hero>kk <Colo>exactly <Hero>so I'm gonna shoot him and take his place after beeing sysadmin? <Colo>LOL <Hero>:) <PunDit>haha   <LePorte>boah kleinkinder im krieg!!! <Unlix>LePorte zieh mich da nicht rein :(   <Unlix>andere zeugnisse waren aber auch cool <Unlix>53 fehlstunden ftw :) <Unlix>also <Unlix>UNENTSCHULDIGTE :P   <LePorte>lass mal mumble gehen, weniger tippen, weniger arbeit * obi_de kann gerade net... muss aufräumen -.- * Unlix ist auf der arbeit <LePorte>lol <LePorte>bin zu faul mein head zu suchen <LePorte>deine ausrede, hero? <LePorte>oO <Hero>bin grad on gegangen in mumble o.O   <Drakas>what are those QS bots? <Drakas>and TC, too <Hero>bots <cannonFodder>they hunt Drakases <Hero>yeah   <KtA|Freedom>WTF ? irc stats ::: Nice opers here, no one got kicked! :::: A white lie :: lire lire - mefisto quit (Ping timeout) <wintermute>thats only because PunDit can make a kick look like a (Ping timeout)   <Pun[Dit]>well check the ip maybe that will give you the answers you seek. <KtA|Freedom>fake ip <Pun[Dit]>yep <Pun[Dit]>proxy <Pun[Dit]>I am on tor <Pun[Dit]>this is an edge device ip. <KtA|Freedom>cool tor <Pauli>hm, tor, proxy, cheater Pun[Dit] ?? <Hero>lol <Pun[Dit]>yeah you caught me. <Pauli>:))   <wintermute>yeah...and Dork gave me 365 days off this year <wintermute>(^_^) <PunDit>lol omg <MrU_atWork>damn that dork guy... such a great guy.... hey wait a minute <MrU_atWork>that jackass! <Hero>wtf <wintermute>(^_^) hahaha...really i don't blame him <MrU_atWork>i know <MrU_atWork>and hero.. sorry forgot you had jackass highlighted as a beep word   <solea>but fine ^ <solea>^^ <MrU_atWork>?? <wintermute>uh-oh <MrU_atWork>who did what? <solea>^cuz i have to wait 2 more weeks for my i-net <wintermute>just remember it's always MrU_atWork fault <solea>lol <MrU_atWork>when it comes to solea.. i'm willing to be the whipping boy <solea>no it´s german telekom shit :P <solea>ehehhe <MrU_atWork>boo the german telekom companies <solea>yaaaaaaaaaaa <solea>:)) <MrU_atWork>shall i summon my ninja? <MrU_atWork>( side nonsense question <solea>rofl <wintermute>aaah...they must have done a search on solea...they find out she plays second life.... <solea>lol <solea>i don´t play that anymore <solea>:P <wintermute>then say...she can wait...she will just be on second life all day & night   <vampirefrog>http://www.xfire.com/screenshots/vampirefrog/ss_file-998134b8a88634df1437c43f4f2ff672414e90ed.jpg <vampirefrog>this one is 5 cubes radius <blahville>omg this sphere would be perfect for my new map.. its called "big ass sphere in the middle of nowhere" <moonshield>awesome   <h3y>i'm seeking an idiom <h3y>or word combination <PunDit>then your looking for fraggingfucker? <PunDit>oh wait thats an idiot ... <h3y>for a situation where you say 'hey man, that's making me nervous' <h3y>and 'dont do it' <PunDit>were all looking up idiom in the dictionary <Hero>yeo <h3y>lol <MrU_atWork>"quit it" <MrU_atWork>all ya need to say <h3y>hmm <h3y>nice <h3y>thanks :D <Hero>or, if you like, "Are you crazy quit that fucking shit asap!!!!" <h3y>ahhaha <cannonFodder>good idiom, Hero   <KtA|Freedom>so how was ur QS clan night guys :D <PunDit>We dont know yet <KtA|Freedom>o.O? <MrU_atWork>its tonight   <MrU_atWork>we even let FraggingFucker play <MrU_atWork>after we kicked him like 3 times.. <Hero>lol <MrU_atWork>he came up to pundits room and you could hear in on mumble.. saying "hey man its your server clear the bans.. " <Colo>so FF played and i had to leave?!?!? not fair! :) <MrU_atWork>you dont live in the same house as pundit.. we did it more for his sanity   * MrU_atWork is going next door to get some lunch - BRB <Hero>MrU is MrU in... The Lunch Next Door <Colo>co starring- The Sandwich as...."The Sandwich" <Hero>and Colo as "The Co-Worker" <Colo>....so i'm the one that dies in the first scene in the jacuzzi? <Hero>yep <Colo>well, at least i got the chance to co starring Mr_U, good for my career :)   <Cr4sh^>RainyG(0) --> liugamspank? <Cr4sh^>Liugam|sp4nk|(4) --> ? <Cr4sh^>RainyG(0) --> is liugam a clan? <Cr4sh^>Liugam|sp4nk|(4) --> yes <Cr4sh^>Dr.Cox(2) has renamed to Dr.Cox|Liugam <Cr4sh^>}TC{Unlix(1) --> yes, just like unlix <Cr4sh^>Liugam|sp4nk|(4) --> Its the best clan <Cr4sh^> RainyG(0) --> ^^ <Cr4sh^> }TC{Unlix(1) --> but sp4nk is not a good player   <blahville>yes dust2 looked like tons of fun <Drakker>blahville: it was :) <blahville>stop saying that <Drakker>hehe   <[Katze]>Drakker how do you upload to spareminds? <Drakker>[Katze]: its a p200mhz with 64 megs of ram sitting in my closet ;) <Drakker>I scp to it   <CIA-2>eihrul * r333 /src/fpsgame/client.h: added deadpush variable for multiplying the amount of velocity on corpses <eihrul>deadpush FTW! <CIA-2>eihrul * r334 /src/fpsgame/client.h: raised deadpush maximum <Drakker>quaded rockets! <eihrul>well, with quad it's only worse :P <eihrul>i am pretty sure with maximum deadpush and quad rocket you would cause a singularity in space time   <Unlix>mh mein client blinkt, hat jemand sex oder bier gesagt?   Werewolf: ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher.. zumindest scheisst der dann absichtlich daneben Werewolf: schiesst   <LePorte>heyho :D <LePorte>wasn der countdown auf der hp <Hero>zum neuen jahr? <Hero>:PO <WahnFred>[Mo Jan 19 2009] [22:10:24] <WahnFred> it's the final countdown - dadada da, dadadada da *sing*   <Liugam>lol <Liugam>my father disconnected me from the internet just to see how long it takes me to come to him and ask whats up with the internet o.O <Liugam>it was under 10 seconds xD   Hero: Ach, Newbie, halts maul Unlix: Wieso, was sagt er? Hero: "Hi"   <Colo>just that i will take a couple of days to rest from sauer, need to come back fresh, i'm sucking lately <mefisto-mobile>try yoga <Colo>i don't know if you are joking or serious mef :) <mefisto-mobile>I know! isn't that what's so great about me? <Colo>lol <Colo>you ppl are the strangest bunch i met :)   <flowtron>graphitemaster: try quad again <flowtron>seems I was able to fix it ... at least for now - graphitemaster quit (Ping timeout) <flowtron>hm   <dahlia>/kick digit <dahlia>:@ - digit quit (Quit: leaving) <dahlia>good   <[Katze]>With XP all you need is some shit that compares you shit with the shit that is released and if it is any different in ANY fuckin way yoou fail <[Katze]>no cheats for you   <[Katze]>You know what National Georgraphic had made me think that where you lie is full of zebras and fuckin lions Colo so dont trust them   <blahville>hi! <Colo>hi Hero, Mr_U, blahville, dahlia <Hero>hey blah, colo, mute, pauli <Princess->:O <Colo>yo mute <blahville>hey everyone <Princess->mute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Colo>and Princess :) - Kal_Torak quit (Ping timeout) <cannonFodder>all this niceness scared Kal off <Hero>xD <blahville>niceness kills kal.. ory ou didn't know? <wintermute>hahahaha cF <Hero>does a carebearstare work, too? <blahville>yup   <[Katze]>Hero i heard you say KFC they have those there? I mean i figured, but really? <[Katze]>on mumble earlier <Hero>erm, well, that was a team name in UrT :D <Hero>but yeah, I have actually seen a few KFCs in germany <mefisto-mobile>Kentucky Fried Clan <paklet>Kids for Church <Hero>Kaffee für Coladosen <[Katze]>hahahah <paklet>lol <Hero>:)   <mefisto>yo katze <[Katze]>yes? <[Katze]>oh wait that was just a greeting I am assuming <[Katze]> /-_-   <blahville>kal isn't invited is he? <cannonFodder>of course he isn't :p <cannonFodder>but he'll show up anyways <blahville>i see..   <t-chen|afk>ich bin auch gleich weider weg <Newbie>neiin <Newbie>du bleibst hier! <Newbie>und spielst mit mir! <Unlix>iihhh   * Cymric installiert seit 1h irgendwelche -devel-rpms um endlich rhythmbox zu uebersetzen ... <WahnFred>ih rythmbox <WahnFred>amarok! :) <Unlix>wenns gtk sein soll würd ich ja banshee nehmen <WahnFred>ihh gtk! qt! :) <WahnFred>was hast du denn für eine distribution Cymric ? <Cymric>fedora core 10 <Cymric>ich probier halt gerade mal alles aus :) <WahnFred>iih fedora core 10! opensuse! :) <WahnFred>gut nun :) <Cymric>lol ..   <WahnFred>toll. mumble 1.1.7. configure -> settings -> segfault   <Hitchhiker>!8ball am i an idiot? <ChanServ>Hitchhiker: Sure. Yeah. Exactly.     TCs second anniversary or - TC goes crazy :o)   <Unlix>TC conquers the world... Not because we have the most skill, but because we drink all others under the table. Especially MacMax.   <Quasar>TC: Hey Zero, was wollen wir denn heute Abend machen? <Quasar>Zero: Genau dasselbe wie jeden Abend, TC: Wir versuchen, die Weltherrschaft an uns zu reißen!   <}TC{Zero>Yes we can <}TC{Zero>suck     <Unlix>but i don't think interstellar travelling would be that cool... imagine our pings   talking about fusion and spacecrafts earlier, Drakker spotted http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/02/01/142239 <Drakker>Hero: check slashdot O_o <Hero>wtf <Hero>coincidence? Or are they watching US!? <Drakker>probably the second <Drakker>coincidences are like fairy tales, they dnt really happen <Hero>Who is it? notas? RantingHuman? CHANSERV? <Drakker>ok, time to hunt for hidden cams in my appartment, back in an hour or so :) <Hero>:D   <@Deimos_> my server chatter is pretty much limited to "no I don't, stfu noob"   <KaiserTod>you can see from one side of the map to the other * eihrul ponders that Kaiser overcompensates for the lack of fog in other games in his Sauer maps. <blahville_>yeah but the hack is you ADDED fog <KaiserTod>meh <eihrul>ponies + ponds + rockets + fog = map <blahville_>i think it is: * fog <KaiserTod>http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/3e8b146c73530907083741ddd36dc024c9c68918.png <blahville_>(ponies + ponds + rockets) * fog = map <blahville_>this is KaiserTod remember <eihrul>that would explain a lot <KaiserTod>>:3 * KaiserTod bites eihrul * eihrul puts a kangaroo next to Kaiser and runs away.   <MrU_atWork>WTF is going on here.. last thing i read was about a snowball and Thomas the train engine.. now your all talking like smart monkeys.. <bobofett>Damn he found us out! <bobofett>uhhhh duh <MrU_atWork>lol <MrU_atWork>choo choo fun <bobofett>i is a college student <cannonFodder>that's because I shut up <bobofett>ohhh look shiny thing * MrU_atWork grabs shiny thing.. and sits in corner... ewww ahhh <bobofett>hahaha <bobofett>Hows working going? <MrU_atWork>its coming along.. got to see a punctured liver and a pancease that was spilling a soapy like substance in to a 8 y/os belly <MrU_atWork>then i ate lunch.. yum <bobofett>OH that sound yummy MrU......time for lunch! <MrU_atWork>now i got shiny thing.. i r happy <bobofett>hahaha exactly.   <cannonFodder>yeah, when do you think svn will be ready? <eihrul>when people make more CTF maps <Hero>eihrul: do you build in more cool stuff in the meantime? :P <eihrul>i can't top the ragdolls :/ <cannonFodder>ponies <blahville>eihrul is collaborating on a pond rocket pony map <Hero>jetpacks <cannonFodder>pony ragdolls! <blahville>after this map his work is complete <bobofett>Can we get dragons? <blahville>wtf <blahville>quit being silly <bobofett>ha <bobofett>Ok fine....how about attack dogs? <bobofett>Chopper Sic Balls <cannonFodder>I want a poodle gun <bobofett>perfect <eihrul>only if the poodle gun launches ponies as secondary fire <bobofett>but of course! <cannonFodder>a pony bazooka? that's just silly   <JackyCola>lol <JackyCola>berk ^^ <JackyCola>loony grad so: hab keine zeit <JackyCola>ich: warum ? <JackyCola>loony: morgen doch itk klausur bei rüffer <JackyCola>ich so: WTF FFFASDASDHKAKSDJ ASD <Berk>lol <JackyCola>der so: fake <JackyCola>-.-   <SATAN

Gt;majikal is the type of guy who would consider using an umbrella in the rain to be unmanly <SATAN>:P   <graphitemaster>!/die <scriptkiddybot>graphitemaster Commited Sucide, Monsters stole some of graphitemaster ammo Hero|GV Laughs. <|DrV|>why are there never any nice monsters that pick up your ammo and return it to you? ;)   <graphitemaster>!whereami <scriptkiddybot>graphitemaster you're on #sauerbraten channel along with graphitemasters & UnfakedPlayer thinks you're drunk   Yigg: Was ist GP? Warum laufen in letzter Zeit immer so viele Leute mit so komischen Tags rum? Finn: Ich glaub GP steht für GenitalProbleme.   <headshot>SkiingPenguins, why were you banned in the first place <SkiingPenguins>blahville dont like me :( <Unlix>that statements suits to nearly everyone in here :) <blahville>-.-   <Unlix>i didnt say everyone hates skiingpenguins, i said blahville hates everyone :) <eihrul>blahville likes ponies <eihrul>so not everyone <blahville>ponies aren't someone <blahville>ponies are everyting!!   <Hero><webchatuser>im JAMES.FuSiOn <Hero>are you? <webchatuser>they all hate my clan - Hero setzt den Mode: +b *!*@cpc2-bolt8-0-0-cust144.manc.cable.ntl.com - webchatuser left (kicked by Hero with the following reason: idiot) <casp>hahah gj Hero <Hero>:)   (01:39:15)<blahville>hey dahlia and tenshi (01:39:31)<tenshi>hi blahville (02:09:38)<dahlia>hey blah (02:10:48)<Hero>wow, thats what I call lag   <Hero|GV>did you ever even use linux? :P <vampiregrue>me i use both three os's :D   <blahville>so Obama's recent stuff if worked out might start to affect you soon then? <cannonFodder>yeah, if the money for the states comes through, I'll have a real job very quickly <blahville>cool <cannonFodder>real = county <blahville>remember blah's tips for job success.. don't rape employees <cannonFodder>:P <Junkoh>that's a good tip :D <blahville>yeah <cannonFodder>that actaully seems to be required at this new place <blahville>in your head <cannonFodder>they referred to the sexual harrassment lecture as a "howto"... <Junkoh>how to harrass, or how to not harrass? <cannonFodder>how to... <cannonFodder>and get away with it ;) <blahville>was this lecture held in your head only? <blahville>if so that does not count <cannonFodder>no, there were others in the room... they made all the jokes, I just took notes :P <blahville>lol omg <blahville>here we go again <cannonFodder>:D   * RantingHuman ist noob :( <sexy1_>the cutest noob ever <3 <sexy1_>lol <RantingHuman>... sometimes, you scare me outside sauer as well <sexy1_>like on mumble? <RantingHuman>like right now! <RantingHuman>get away from me, you creep <RantingHuman>:P <sexy1_>:(   <JackyCola>bekomme eine hochwertige, edle armbanduhr, wenn ich innerhalb von 6 wochen für 25 euro bei conrad bestelle <JackyCola>oder... <JackyCola>ich steh auf und werf das in müll <JackyCola>brb   Unlix: Ey, ich muss echt weniger zocken,.. ich hab mich gerade springend fortbewegt, um schneller zum badezimmer zu kommen   <Quasar>ich mag nur die bonbons, die man vom boden aufheben kann <LePorte>wo alle drauftreten und sich die bakterien breit machen -.- <}TC{Zero>ich tret auch immer drauf...damit die kleinen kinder es nicht bekommen hehe   <theholder>hi? <quin>no i'm quite lo thankyou <theholder>lol   <paklet>http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/frontpage/2009/0219/1224241418104.html * paklet *ducks* before blahville finds him ;-) <blahville>LINK RAAAAGGGEEE <Hero>thats linkspeak <Hero>developed leetspeak O.O <Hero>you see all that numbers.. <Hero>thats a code <Hero>the words before tell you what algorithm you need to use to decrypt the code - mefisto joined <Hero>wb mefisto <mefisto>ty ty <blahville>woah good job joining the channel mefisto.. nice work.. clean join, no setinfo's.. very good   <blahville>do any cool startup stuff today? <blahville>like lose your entire company? <blahville>lol <blahville>:P <yoopers>we had bagels? does that count. :] <blahville>lol excess spending <blahville>you fools going down <yoopers>but...but...bagels, man, they're bagels!   <blahville>you still at work? <yoopers>yeah <blahville>its like 8 pm <blahville>wow <yoopers>just trying to get vmware esx installed so I can go home and vpn in to install some vms <yoopers>*I thought* it would have been a faster install than it has turned out to be <blahville>you are IT? <yoopers>no, but our IT sucks   <tenshi>but you needed an extra sausage <tenshi>;) <blahville>your mom needed an extra sausage   * eihrul is trying to minimize skybox bloat in sauer of similar skyboxes. :) <|DrV|>just set every map in outer space, problem solved ;)   <graphitemaster2>have you ever went in google maps and typed in this address <graphitemaster2>2524 Eniwetok Rd, San Diego, CA 92155 <graphitemaster2>in satalite view <Hero|GV>yeah, of course, I stay all day on google maps and enter adresses I can't even pronounce   <graphitemaster2>what are the brushes.cfg for <graphitemaster2>brush.cfg <Hirato>heightfield brushes mostly <graphitemaster2>oh yeah <graphitemaster2>highmapping <Hero|GV>heightmapping <Hero|GV>highmapping is when you smoked weed before * eihrul doesn't want to know what speedmapping is now.   <blahville>Montoto!! <blahville>welcome <Montoto_>thx :-) <Unlix>hero? <Hero>Unlix? <Unlix>mark in our tc-calendar: "guy joins irc and blahville is friendly to him" . <blahville>diaf Unlix <Unlix>think this might not happen again in a looong time :D <Hero>will do   <SkiingPenguins>hey eihrul, i got a guy who wants to talk to ye: -[Hell]SkyLaX-: I NEED THAT MATERAILS CAN BE EDITED LIKE NORMAL CUBES !!! <eihrul>i need a million dollars <|DrV|>i've always wanted a monkey <|DrV|>:P   <Meister>good afternoon <Faschingsprinz>ciao meister <Meister>ciao :) <Meister>are you at home? <Faschingsprinz>yes <Princess->sounds like a stalker.   <ConMan>shit class in 2 mins, 3 blocks away - ConMan hat sich zu Con|class umbenannt <Hero>RUN! <blahville>run forest <Hero>Just imagine Kal's after you <blahville>eek - RockKeyman-Studying quit (Ping timeout) <blahville>lol rockkey ran <Hero>pwned by fear   - RockKeyman-WTFisColo is now known as AnybodySeenColoML <Hero>rockkeyman, you KNOW that you can just type into that chat window, do you? <blahville>LOL <blahville>he always writes love messages to colo through nick changes.. he is shy   <Grapes>tryin to figure out how to use voice - Grapes quit (Quit) <Hero>he didn't just tell us that never someone taught him to speak, did he?   <graphitemaster>my microwave is fucked up i input 45 for 45 seconds it goes 45 minitues if i typr 0045 again 45 minutes I have to type 00045 for 45 seconds wtf is wrong with my microwave <Hero|GV>erm <Hero|GV>it was him! * Hero|GV points at baby-rabbit and runs away. <baby-rabbit>what? <baby-rabbit>I never touched his frigging microwave... radiation cancer causing death machines... * baby-rabbit remembers the laugh he got when he has to ask someone how to use a microwave - bastards! * eihrul would like to point out that the light coming from baby-rabbit's monitor as actually electromagnetic radiation. - baby-rabbit quit (Quit) <eihrul>damn <eihrul>scared him <graphitemaster>lol <Hero|GV>LOL   <graphitemaster>what happened with katez, i never see that person online any more? <cannonFodder>'puter blew up in a storm <graphitemaster>omg! rlly <graphitemaster>we need to do somthing <cannonFodder>http://sketchat.com/katze/ <Hero|GV>yeah, support Katze! * Hero|GV puts up banners <graphitemaster>I'm afraid if I give any money it will ionly go towards beer <graphitemaster>:P <cannonFodder>katze is addicted to sauer, not beer <cannonFodder>I was in his area yesterday and watched for him wandering down the street trying to use anything as a computer   <Drakker>http://cube.spareminds.org/retro6.jpg <Drakker>look at my new comm tower! <SomeGuy>nice, oh how i wish i was able to make circles... <Drakker>oh its simple really <Drakker>push the thing as hard as you can <Drakker>eventualy it'll become a cylinder <Drakker>then flatten it by stomping on it repeatedly <SomeGuy>O_O   <SkiingPenguins>how the hell does a mac book run off of a battery for 8 hours? <SkiingPenguins>TV commercial <SkiingPenguins>my laptop runs for 2 hours off battery <MoALTz>it is powered by the fanboi energy you emit while using it   <obi_de>welchen findet ihr am besten: http://vid.is-awesome.de/logos/ <Unlix_>das mitlere obi_de <obi_de>ja das find ich auch am besten :) <viruz>schwanke zwischen 1 und 2 <obi_de>ey was is denn mit 3 :D <apflstrudl>3 sieht (sry) billig aus imo, wie so billige vernseh werbungen wo sich die firmen nicht leisten konnte z.B. einen fahrenden roller zu filmen und dann kommt der so *wusch* ins bild rein   <blahville>seems like something to gloat about <blahville>so i doubt he works there <Hero>blahville: not everyone is like you are :P <Unlix>yeah, because if everyone was like you it would end up in a big massacre :-S   <SkiingPenguins> how could a guy come into my server, take my flag in CTF and score 6 times in less than 2 seconds? <Princess-> that's a good question. sounds like only something a girl could do.   <bader>someone show me ho to edit when i start playing this game!! <SATAN

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 827

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Gt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_band <Unlix>its like wallhack for the american military forces <SATAN | Gt;hit e <blahville>lol <SATAN
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