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Gt;good lord, no wonder windows has 98 percent market share worldwide heh <SATAN

Gt;the names linux people come up with for their apps :P     SATAN

Ignores Suicizer   <Suicizer>satan, do u react if i insult u? <Suicizer>here comes the insulting, dont say i havent warned u: ... <Deimos_>so far you're not showing much :/ <Suicizer>may i try 2 think sumthing good? <Deimos_>go ahead <Suicizer>k, <Suicizer>so i even got ur permission? cool <Deimos_>yup <Deimos_>though I'm not an op here so.. <Hero>yepp <Deimos_>but sure, go ahead <Suicizer>satan, u nooby, unfair, unreasonable, only-living-and-listining-2-its-own-friends admin, i hope u get aids - Suicizer left (Kicked by Hero with the following reason: Know your role and shut your mouth.) <Hero>ahh, that was good <Deimos_>lol <Deimos_>can't say that was worth the wait :/ <Deimos_>oh yeah, that makes a kickass setinfo <SATAN

Gt;the real irony was that the kick was only for 5 minutes :P <SATAN

Gt;on the psl server heh   <_M_>i think it's love gone sour. <SomeGuy>dont you mean Sauer? <_M_>LOL   <SomeGuy>heh i have no idea what you guys were talking about, i just wanted to get my 2 cents in ;) <SomeGuy>which is weird cuz my friend kept asking people for 2 cents <SATAN

Gt;hm <SATAN

Gt;maybe he meant it literally cuz he didnt have enough money for the bus <SATAN

Gt;"listen, thats really great input man, but Im short two cents for the damned bus!" <Hero>lol <SomeGuy>no, he needed it for a lolipop at the caf for 25 cents <SATAN

Gt;mmm candy <SomeGuy>he only had 23!! :( <SATAN

Gt;heh   <Unlix>mal ne technische frage: mein iBook sagt es ist 20:17, mein C2D 21:17, meine wanduhr 21:55 und die uhr im wohnzimmer 22:15 <Unlix>und meine uhr 23:15 <Unlix>wie spät ist es? :)   <microcosm>sauerbraten needs support for displacement mapping on the surfaces of the cube.. that would be huge <microcosm>or parallax <moonshield>it does <microcosm>ah it sure does have parallax <HiratoK>and normal maps, and glow maps, and specularity maps, and environment maps <Hero|GV>and singleplayer maps <Hero|GV>(can't help myself :/)   <MeatROme>apflstrudl: Hey .. long time no C .. I'm currently on the phone though .. Back In A Bit! <apflstrudl>kk :) <kick52>MeatROme: why have you not coded C recently? <kick52>you're a dev right?   <MrU_atWork>two clicks from being in lamers list on the qs-forums <MrU_atWork>whats his usual ingame name <SATAN

Gt;same <mefisto>same <Deimos_>the same   <MrU_atWork>omg stop typing.. let me catch up on what your talking about!! <Habib>lol <Unlix_>MrU_atWork: i can sum it up <Unlix_>Habib: Unban acid-burn satan: no habib: kk <SATAN>(heh, nice summary unlix ) <Unlix_>thats basically what happened Mru :D   (someone talking about a player) <Hero>acid? <MrU_atWork>no thanks i prefer shrooms   - _M_ joined <Hero>idiot dumbass fucker bitch moron goalkeeper <Hero>not you, M <_M_>lol <mefisto>although that reminds me of something I've been wondering for aw hile <mefisto>m, are you an idiot dumbass fucker bitch moron goalkeeper? <_M_>hm... <_M_>i beg to differ <_M_>regarding the "goalkeeper" part, at least <_M_>everything else sounds about right. <Hero>:D <mefisto>hehehe   <tenshi>!cocoa * Barkeeper gives tenshi a cup of hot cocoa and some cream. <tenshi>? <tenshi>useless Barkeeper - tenshi left (Kicked by Hero with the following reason: Heretic!) - You have been kicked by ChanServ (Reason: That user is protected.) - You are now in #quicksilver - ChanServ sets mode: +o Hero - tenshi joined - ChanServ sets mode: +o tenshi <Hero>:P <tenshi>fix psl page :P <Hero>no I wont now that you insult barkeeper <tenshi>:D <tenshi>damn   <_M_><Unlix>mal ne technische frage: mein iBook sagt es ist 20:17, mein C2D 21:17, meine wanduhr 21:55 und die uhr im wohnzimmer 22:15 <_M_><Unlix>und meine uhr 23:15 <_M_><Unlix>wie spät ist es? :) <_M_>you can tell unlix is not swiss :) <Unlix_>:D yeah half the file is full of quotes from me :) <Unlix_>wait... <Unlix_>[21:40] <Hero> thats a sign of silliness, getting in there <Unlix_>shit. <_M_>LOL <Unlix_>and the irony is, i could bet that hero will put this one into the next funlog release -.- <_M_>ROTFL   <tc-bot>ITC2: Rebel (5): where's red <tc-bot>ITC2: Kraky (1): rebel: on the fokin map ?   <tc-bot>TC2: os (4): damn i hate this stupid ball-weapon ^   Messagejoke! <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): i think i lost my brain <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): thats why i am so stupid....ok then i will suck <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Zero (13): das stimmt <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Zero (13): macht nix raphi <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): tschuldigung das ich so ein armer spassti bin <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): ich entschuldige mich bei allen spielern fuer mein beschissenes benehmen <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Unlix (18): ich verzeihe dir. schoen dass du es einsiehst :) <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Zero (13): entschuldigung angenommen raphi <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): ich bin halt nur ne KACKBRATZE <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Unlix (18): das ist wahr... <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Zero (13): das stimmt leider <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): meine mutter sagt auch immer....vater haette besser auf die herdplatte gespritzt <tc-bot>TC2: Raphi (1): i am sorry guys, i am a son of a bitch   <MrU_atWork>man i wish i was still at the Mc Chris concert <Princess>I wish you were still there too :S <Princess>jk   <Speeder>moonshield \o/ can I ask another germanese question? <stanze>what's germanese? an italian dish made of germans? :P <Speeder>Oo <eihrul>stanze: tastes good with ketchup   <MeatROme>Speeder: http://ornis-press.de/files/11588636815709.jpg && http://ungenannter.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/raf-plakat.jpg .. HTH :) <Speeder>who is more annoying MeatROme? <MeatROme>you :-P   Es ging um die map hallo: Unlix: verdammt, falsche seite Hero: umblättern :P   <Unlix>shmutz war aber die letzten tage mal da :) <Hero>jo :) <}TC{Zero>ja, hab ihn getroffen :-) <Unlix>er mich auch... <Unlix>viel zu oft mitter doofen rifle   <tc-bot>TC2: Raskula (2): how come I can never get on the red team? do youpay f rit or something lol? <tc-bot>TC2: Raskula (2): why is the red team always have pros and blue always has nubs <tc-bot>TC2: Raskula (2): do you have to pay to get on red or something? <tc-bot>TC2: Zerg (0): cuz all the pros know to join the team you're not on   <Hero>whats an xband radar?:/ <SATAN

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1076

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Gt;um urxvt is the name of a program?! <SATAN | Gt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_band <Unlix>its like wallhack for the american military forces <SATAN
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