Gt;how do you make a player a spectator?
<geartrooper>take away his mouse
Gt;god i hate irc sometimes.
<sexy1>ich fahr mit nem kumpel ein bischen mit dem auto rum
- sexy1 quit
<Cr4sh|zzZZzz>was seid ihr für lamer
<Cr4sh|zzZZzz>"ich fahr mit nem kumpel ein bischen mit dem auto rum"
<Cr4sh|zzZZzz>kommt mir vor als hättet ihr erst gestern euren führerschein bekommen xD
<Cr4sh>sexy1 wann bekomm ich mal ein lohn!!!!
<Cr4sh>boah sexy1 guck doch nach als ob du meine adresse net rausfinden könntest =P
<sexy1>ich weiss sie schon :D
<solea>demo von meinem war Cr4sh
<solea>arghh Hero
<solea>meint ich
<Hero>Da ist Harps schon nicht da, da verwechselst du mich mit Cr4sh
<Cr4sh>ist so bad nauheim hat den größten altersdurchschnitt in ganz deutschland^^
<solea>kurstadt eben :)
<Hero>Ich dachte, das hätte nen Ort auf der Insel hier :P
<Hero>Hier läuft auch fast nur 70+ rum
<Cr4sh>Hero hier laufen halbtote rum^^
<Hero>omg xD
<Hero>omg, draußen schreien kleine Kinder irgendwas rum
<Hero>manchmal hasse ich es, direkt vor nem Kindergarten zu wohnen
<Cr4sh>na sollange sie net "folgt dem Führer" oder sows rufen ist e doch wurst^^
<PunDit>hey hey
<sexy1>good mornizzle p-dizzle
<apflstrudl>?!? was sucht eine funktion zum pw generieren in der seite zum löschen vom user...
<der_andi>frag mal den coder....
<apflstrudl>ich glaub wir sollten dem wahn mal einen kleine punchball schenken
<apflstrudl>den kann er sich dann direkt neben die pc auf den schreibtisch stellen und seine agressionen los werden :)
<Cr4sh>ach du Hero bist auch net normal
(15:50:00)<Xenios>booh! :D
(15:52:52)<Xenios>damnit, I scared everyone to death...
<WahnFred> der_andi mal nix am code machen, ich muss noch nen batzen committen :)
<der_andi>bin grad am futtern ;)
<WahnFred>ok, commited
<WahnFred>viele neue bugs eingebaut :)
<WahnFred>man muss doch was zum fixen haben :)
<tc-bot>TC2: Hero (REMOTE ADMIN): BOOOOO! :D
<tc-bot>TC2: spicoli (7): ahhhhhhhhhhh
<tc-bot>TC2: spicoli (7): u scared me ;-)
<Cr4sh>geh weg
<Cr4sh>mach mich net so neugierig :D
<der_andi>also donnerstags ists hier immer wie aufm friedhof
<der_andi>ich leg mich auch gleich unter die erde
<Cr4sh>in meiner dusche sind schon spinnenweben
<Cr4sh>auf degraves server
<Cr4sh>wahrscheinlich versteckt
<sexy1>gleich mal such0rn
<Hero>probier mal
<Hero|GV>eihrul: I'm here now
<Hirato>eihrul, I'm not seeing stencil shadows
<quin>eihrul, just thought i'd add the long list of lines beginning with eihrul
<geartrooper>you guys really have to stop pinging eihrul
<sexy1>komm schon du willst es doch auch :D
<sexy1>chanserv hat sich ne alte klargemacht, der kommt heut net mehr :S
<Cr4sh>der kommt spätestens nächste nacht wieder
<Cr4sh>ne der hat urlaub =O
<Cr4sh>sexy1 das net witzig <.<
<Cr4sh>1. heißt das eigentlich ChannelService
<sexy1>ich lache :d
<Cr4sh>2. ist das nen bot weibliche bots gibt es nicht!!!
<Cr4sh>3. du stinkst
<Cr4sh>man braucht ChanServ eh net für die meißten sachen
<Cr4sh>net mal zum kicken
- sexy1 left (Kicked by Cr4sh with the following reason:-)
<Hero>zumindest nicht wir, die wir die Elite sind
<der_andi>kannst du mir mal privat das passwort chicken, hab ssh hier nicht
<der_andi>chick it *lol*
<Clown> <-- you should get one, Princess_
<GeniusAtWork> /agrees
<Princess_>you're not the first person who has told me so actually
<Princess_>that's actually much cooler than my pink uzi
<Cr4sh>pauli you spammer!!!!
<Pauli>yes, i'm ;)
<Pauli>before that me was a spanner ;)
<apflstrudl>der is wohl blind...
solea: omg i am gay
<ChanServ>[Thomas_] <wintermute>cr4sh halt die fresse
<Cr4sh>ist das nen neuer trend?
<Pauli>halt die fresse
<Cr4sh>ihr seid doch alles smeller =PPP
<Pauli>ja, es ist schon ein sehr farbiges vokabular hier ;)
<Hero>das heißt: maximal pigmentiertes vokabular
<Pauli>stimmt Hero , ich vergas(ß)
<Hero>was, du vergast!? You racist bastard!
<Cr4sh>ihr seid mir welche <,<
<grenadier>Harps, when England will play in E2008? ;)
<Harps>we are too good for just Europe..... only world tournaments ;)
<SandMan>i waanaaaaa permaquad!
<SandMan>and #godmode
<tc-bot> TC1: Hero (8): get the fleck back!
<wintermute>hey...only 4 min left on sauer download...106 KB/s
<sexy1>damn you!
<sexy1>i cant play for 2 hours -.-
<kuzen>:( 2 day left
<Wii[ntermute]>Wiiiiii!!! (^_^)
<blahville>the new zoom doesn't hurt either :P
<sexy1-euro2008>i like the new zoom so much
<blahville>i don't know how i lived without it
<blahville>i am officially a camper now
<Gordo-ApSci>how come i never see you actually PLAY sauer? :P
<eihrul>because i am not stupid enough to play under my actual name?
<Princess_>morning :)
* Hero hugs Princess_ =)
- Princess_ quit (Ping timeout)
<Hero>mmh, meine Schere ist magnetisch o.O
<tzzzzz>ja sowas gibts
<tzzzzz>unsere moderne technology
<Harps>you are the least friendly Clown ever
<Harps>anytime! :)
<Storm>who is wintermute? :)
<Hero>he is the one and only sir Winter of Mute
<wintermute>I'm in quicksilver sauer clan
<wintermute>we share princess
<eihrul>Sauerbraten: The Quest for Beef
<solea>hast du noch keine erien?
<wintermute>sorry i couldn't stay for you whole PSL match yesterday
<sexy1>lol nvm you missed nothing
<wintermute>idk...from what i saw you were not doing bad
<sexy1>we played 3 draws on hog2
<wintermute>OMG that's awesome!
<tenshi>and frustrating ;)
<sexy1>he wanted to loose that he can choose the second map too
<wintermute>draw is better than loss
<sexy1>so both sucided at the end of each game
<Hero>wintermute : that was NOT awesome
<Hero>they commited dumb suicides to get less frags :P
<wintermute>sounds like a chess match
<sexy1>yeah it was
First auth-key implementation
<WahnFred> TC 1 has now restarted
<eihrul> yay
<eihrul> the revolution has begun :P
<eihrul> first tc1, then the world :P
<UnfakedPlayer>found it :)
<UnfakedPlayer>was my fault
<eihrul><- victory!
<SomeGuy>does anyone ever actually use the public chat?
<deGrave>there public cheats?
<deGrave>damn it was chat not cheat:D
<niekie>Oh eihrul, I've been meaning to ask you.. how does one obtain an /auth key from you? :-)
<eihrul>you need to buy me a ferrarri
* niekie is teh poor :p
<eihrul>okay, then just a porsche
<niekie>eihrul: how many Ferrari's did you get so far? :-)
<eihrul>i am not at liberty to say
* niekie grins.
<WahnFred>kannst ja auch selber kompilieren apflstrudl, das diff ist ja auch im forum
<apflstrudl>aber hab atm keinen compiler mehr auf der hdd
<WahnFred>musstes halt per hand übersetzen :p
<apflstrudl>WahnFred, ok
<apflstrudl>*nach dictionary such*
<der_andi>apfl: aber mit -O3 bitte ;P
<apflstrudl>*nach dictionary mit -03 such*
<solea>my accuracy btw
<Hero>omfg solea
<Hero>still cheating!? :DDD
<obi_de>ich glaub es hackt... ich bin bemüht i.wie wieder ranzukommen an die typen die im mom gut sind... und du kommmst hierhin und machst direkt wieder sowas :D
<]-[>sie säuft halt nicht so viel übles zeug wie du
<apflstrudl>WahnFred, Spiel mir das 1337 vom Code... ;)
<Deimos_>he kick/banned me from a server for no reason a while ago
<Deimos_>I asked because he had master
<PunDit>he probably thought you were cheating.
<PunDit>consider it a compliment :)
<Hero>Deimos_ : under what name you played?
<Deimos_>Hero: unnamed
-- later --
<{HOF}>CHAT unnamed(2) disconnected (kicked and banned), connection time --> 0:00:22
<wintermute>how do you know that wasn't Deimos?
<blahville>he is playing ffa
<Unlix>but now i need some foot :D
<tenshi>nicht füße
<Unlix>errr right, food i mean
<Mr_Unlikely>can you take boobs and porn outta movies/internet
<cannonFodder>I've been trying (downloading it takes it off the internet, right?)
<Hero>yes, I'm a TC
<blahville>omg a TC!
<blahville>who let him in???
<blahville>roy sometimes people change nicks but Hero plays alot.. its very simple keep on the lookout for a quad loving whore, you will find Hero
<blahville>just trying to help him
<Hero>Now I can't play inkognito anymore!
<Royksopp>why are there two Princesses?
<Hero>because she is so awesome that one princess isn't capable of the amount of awesomeness
<Royksopp>That is a serious understatement...
<Princess_>because it takes two to keep up with Hero.
<Mr_Unlikely>^^ very true
<Mr_Unlikely>the hero part
<solea>sexy1 went to bed :)
<eihrul>okay, so where is the mod?
<jtrag>Why, do you want to 'Cheat' too?
<eihrul>i don't need a mod to cheat
<eihrul>i wrote the game
<sexy1>we have beers you have tacos, its balanced
<Princess_>i suggest we make a trade sexy1.
<sexy1>i would love it
<sexy1>i would pay for it
<Princess_>meet me in a dark alley. don't tell anyone where you're going.. i'll bring tacos.. you bring beer.
<sexy1>i am the guy with a little rose at my dress
<Princess_>ok i'll be the girl with the tacos.
<Princess_>if we could have beer at 16, I probably would have put on my cereal in the morning instead of milk.
<sexy1>whats you hair colour?
<Yohurt>mine is
<Yohurt>brown, i guess :D
<Yohurt>or dark blond
<Yohurt>dark blond sounds better
<Hero>no mirror or something at yours?
<Yohurt>ofc not
<Yohurt>i have my wow char as my background, that mirrors my personality
<Hero>windle: If it does so, run out of your house and eat some green grass
<windle>hero: that's actually quite an insightful idea..
* windle eats his front lawn
- innovati quit (*.net *.split)
<blahville>lol the irc server doesn't like JUST innovati
<spicoli>need to learn dutch
<spicoli>and spanish
<spicoli>and palpamento
<spicoli>and i'm not even very good at english yet
<spicoli>and it's the only one i know
<PunDit>yeah the internet is 100% stable no?
<Hero|remote>the problem is.. this modem here isn't
<Mr_Unlikely>kick it
<Mr_Unlikely>that works alot
<Mr_Unlikely>for go-carts and kids
<Unlix>dont tell that cannon mr.u
<Unlix>or cannon jr. will suffer
<sexy1>bei TDM campen alle nur rum
<sexy1>und schlagen mich mit meinen eigenen waffen <.<
solea: btw why i should try to find tits on the ogro...i have my own tits
<kripken>I am sure he is rebooting into a new and improved graphics experience as we speak
<kripken>where nothing crashes and everything is fast
<eihrul>doesn't exist :P
<kripken>but we have to dream
<Hero>!8ball Do I pwn?
<ChanServ>Hero: It is decidedly so.
<Harps>!8ball Am i cool?
<ChanServ>Harps: Absolutely not.
<Harps>fuck this
<Harps>8ball hates me :<
- Royksopp joined
- Mr_Unlikely quit
<Royksopp>Where'd Mr. U go?
<Princess_>it's so weird he just left when you got here.....
<Princess_>jk :p
- apflstrudl quit
- MacMax quit
- Royksopp quit
<wintermute>they're dropping like flies
- Berk quit
<PunDit>im out see ya later.
- PunDit quit
<Mr_Unlikely>taking bets on who leaves next!!
<Cr4sh_>sind alle hier
<Hero>Hiermit berufe ich die erste Vollversammlung der Elite ein
<Hero>Leporte ist zwar ingame, aber der ist eh nicht sooo Elite wie wir
<Cr4sh_>das war gemein <_<
<Hero>wir müssen iwas bereden o.O
- sexy1 quit (Ping timeout)
<Hero>ach, egal
<Assastoned>Cr4sh wanna play or you have installed Pokemon Revenge 2009
<WahnFred>best would be, go to bed, sandman was gone some hours ago
<SandMan>i am here :)
<Unlix_>meine leitung ist dicht, muss 6 torrents pausieren :(
<Hero>Unlix_ : dann mach das wenn wir spielen :D
<Hero>oder du laggst die in Grund und boden
<Unlix_>auch keine sooo schlechte idee :)
<Unlix_>ich irritier sie mit einem 400er ping und ihr holt die flagge
<Unlix_>ich mein heisst ja nicht umsonst capture the fLAGg
- Cr4sh^vs^Shanera renamed to Cr4sh^vs^Langeweile
<Hero>Und die Langeweile beginnt den Kampf mit einer Standardattacke, dem Nichts-zu-tun-Energieball! Aber Cr4sh kontert mit einer passenden Gegenattacke, den SauerFunLogs! Das hält die Langeweile nicht aus und stirbt xD
<sexy1>mowl homobaron
<sexy1>graf von homo
<Cr4sh^vs^sexy1>wow ich bin vom fürsten zum baron aufgestiegen ^.^
- Cr4sh^vs^sexy2 renamed to Cr4sh^vs^hmmkAmirgehendieideen
- Cr4sh^vs^hmmkAmirgehendieideen renamed to Cr4sh^vs^hmmkA
<Khane>I'd actually like a crouch, but I know he'll never make it.
<blahville>no crouch thats silly for sauer
<Khane>It'd be useful for my playstyle.
<blahville>then definetly no
<blahville>oh and eihrul, this is for khane.. REMOVE QUAD
<eihrul>sauer's SP mode is largely a joke
<eihrul>i don't take it seriously
<Khane>Which is probably why it's so unpolished.
<eihrul>it's because no one cares about it
<blahville>even in polished games i don't care
<Unlix>no one cares about it because it's so unpolished
<Khane>I have to take Unlix's side here.
<Hero>no one cares about the unpolishment then
<Hero>I'm confused now. A little at least.
<Unlix>we need something cool... like... "the ironsnouts kidnapped eihrul. kill them and bring him back so sauer-developement can go on"
<eihrul> Hero: no one cares about no one caring about the unpolishment of the unpolishness of it
<Hero>Now everything is clear! Thanks a lot :)
<blahville>pundit let me sum it up, everyone wants jetpacks on vehicles driven by bots in a single player mode
<Pun[Dit]>Sauerbraten Blurb: You kill stuff...the end
<eihrul>Pun[Dit]: that is straight out of the sauerbraten docs
<Pun[Dit]>lol eihrul who reads that crap
<blahville>Pun[Dit] get out of here with all your making sense crap
<blahville>back to jetpacks
<eihrul>and ponies
<eihrul>with jetpacks of course
<TheMaster>did roy get banned?
<Pun[Dit]>Something even worse
<Pun[Dit]>he got a +e+m+o
<wintermute>oh...i got something funny
<TheMaster>or super random
<wintermute>and super random
- TheMaster left (Kicked by wintermute with the following reason:-)
<wintermute>told you
<sexy1>Cr4sh|famlos wann darf ich wieder lawlen?
<Cr4sh|famlos>nie wieder
<Cr4sh|famlos>sry aber dieses lawl macht mich voll aggro^^
<sexy1>ich mag das aber, das is von entrakan =(((
<Cr4sh|famlos>jetzt weiß ich auch warum das so nervt
<Cr4sh|famlos>klar is ja von entrakan -.-
* sexy1 geht in den keller zum lawlen
- mIscreant joined
<Hero>mIscreant !
<mIscreant>I mean hi!
<geartrooper>hey Hirato
<geartrooper>would you be interested in mapping for eisenstern?
<quin>no no no pick me pick me
<blahville>as far as i understand it homi started off as normal noob
<blahville>then he turned into super noob troll
* tenshi_ doubleslaps cannonFodder and Hero
<Hero>Is that the quicksilver-SlapTV?
* Hero slaps tenshi_ with 5 pointed G36 rounds.
<tenshi_>i doubt that :P
* cannonFodder pokes tenshi in the eyes
<cannonFodder>wiseguy, eh?
<ConMan>stop the violence!!!
<ConMan>think of the children!
<blahville>eihrul: please review the QS log and pray thats not true
<blahville>the mental barrier i had preventing me banning you themaster is gone now that you are w00t
<blahville>just a fyi
<Princess>ooooh I wanna do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<TheMaster>:O !!!!!!!!!!
<TheMaster>(runs to fallout shelter)
<cannonFodder>the +b-ombs are a-comin'
<TheMaster>but why im not that bad am i???????
<eihrul>you are w00t, thus inhuman
<ConMan>you freak me out
<blahville>hahah eihrul
<Hero>boah ey, ich hab nix getrunken, nix geraucht, und verhalt mich trotzdem wie Cr4sh -.-
<Cr4sh|stoned>du arschgesicht!!
<Cr4sh|stoned>aba geilo
<sexy1>ich glaub ich geh auch
<Cr4sh|stoned>das net euer ernst
<Cr4sh|stoned>ich kiff mir hier FÜR EUCH
<Cr4sh|stoned>die birn voll
<Cr4sh|stoned>und ich verlasst mich =(
<sexy1>für uns?
<Cr4sh|stoned>nur wegen euch bin ich so ein junky o.O
<blah|afk>good time to die i think
<Hero>np, I'll respawn
<blahville>nadeking says this.
<blahville>shut your mouth and know your role.
<sexy1>but its :know your role and shut your mouth
<Pun[Dit]>or know your role and open your mouth
<D-Rok>i was waiting for the full thing
<blahville>take a little walk down Know Your Nade Boulevard, hang that right on Nade Drive, and check your candy ass directly into the NADEKING SMACKDOWN HOTEL!!!
<ChanServ>[solea] <+wITA> but beer's like god
<PunDit>who is beer
<Unlix>versucht nich mit mir zu kommunizieren
<Unlix>auf der familienfeier musste man für alkoholische getränke nix zahlen
<Unlix>ich bin grade gaaaanz leicht angetrunke
<Hero>verstehe ;)
<Princess>i'm going to copy and paste all this into an email and send it to him so he gets it tomorrow
<Hero>Princess: get to it
<Hero>better attach a screen, he wouldn't believe
<blahville>omg the log burns my eyes
<blahville>it has colors and caps
<blahville>feel free to use sp4nk for color spam :)
<teddy>woo spam party at #sp4nk
<sexy1>nooooooooooo!!!!!!!! i got teh mister in my channel!!!!!!!!
<TheMaster>SPAM PARTY!!!!!!! // blue
<TheMaster>ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //blue
- Hero sets mode: -vv Unlix TheMaster
- Hero sets mode: +m
<teddy>tomorrows the psl? damn! I have to go to the renascence fair. A girl invited me, as a friend, and i honestly don't want to go, but am too nice to say no :D
<teddy>is it nerdy to want to be at home programming and gaming? i think not!! :D
<Hero>rather than going out with girls? yes, it is
<teddy>depends on the girl...
<Princess>no i think the fact that you're going to a renaissance fair is nerdy
<Princess>are you going to dress up?
<teddy>no way
<Princess>I'd totally pay to see that.
<teddy>how much would you pay? :D
<Princess>i'd pay what it's worth.. and i don't think it's that much.
<Hero>Princess is on a striking spree! O.O
* Princess is innocent
* teddy is using /me to fit in
* Hero too
<Cr4sh^>ja welcher homo hat dem eigentlich op gegeben!!!!
<Hero>im Zweifelsfalle der der fragt Cr4sh^ :S
<Cr4sh^>pscht hero!!!!
* teddy wants pie
<teddy>no muffins though
* Hero gives teddy an (EVIL) apple pie
<sexy1>hmmm pie
<Hero>Enormous Virus Infected Legal apple pie
<teddy>i think it has PTD's
<teddy>poke transmitted diseases
<booster606>hey guys im looking into buying a new gcard for this second pc i have. i need a lil advice
<eihrul>booster606: get either a geforce 9600-9800 or a radeon 4800
<eihrul>we're talking about buying new cards
<`Rowan>new 8gb memory cards that seem to make your computer crash are gay
<Hero>8gb? thats insane
<Hero>well, maybe not insane
<Hero>but... something else
<burp>you meant awesome? ;)
<Hero>dunno, pick an appropiate word. You probably know english better than me
<burp>me? never
<burp>what's the poper word for an 8gb memory card harps? ;)
<Harps>*proper :)
<Harps>i believe that is the term.
<burp>umm... ok!
<Unlix>allerdings, jetzt stellen sich ganz neue organisatorische probleme
<Unlix>die_andi jetzt automatisch tc? :-S eingeheiratet sozusagen?
<Unlix>naja der_ando
<Unlix>du weisst schon :)
<|RB|Undertaker>Btw, some players' nicks are heard very "strange" for russian ears.
<|RB|Undertaker>...strange is not right word. Funny is more suitable.
<Hero>like which?
<|RB|Undertaker>This word means prostitute (very roughly)
<cannonFodder>teddy_, any country you ran would probably fall off the earth out of embarassment :P
<teddy_>no we would fall out of the earth because the other countries couldn't handle our coolnes
<teddy_>so we would have to travel to a distant plannet where everything is awesomeER
<cannonFodder>back to your home planet?
<teddy_>yep :D
<cannonFodder>dweebo 9?
<teddy_>no... 8
<teddy_><sarasim> wooo!!! Im pumped!!! </sarcasm>
<Hero>teddy_ : who the hell is sarasim?
<teddy_>yer mom
<teddy_>lol that was supposed to be sarcasim.. and be an XML tag
<cannonFodder>it's spelled 'sarcasm'
<Deimos_>you phail at typing :P
<cannonFodder>did you get the MrU dictionary?
<teddy_>i know
<teddy_>i typed it write the 2nd time, but not the 1st or 3rd :D
<teddy_>omg my brain is dead
<Hero>gomez fucked it up agaiN!!!
<Hero>game is over
<cannonFodder>so it's a tie
<Deimos_>3:3 ^^
<Hero>Gomez equals a teamkiller in sauer
* teddy_ pictures Hero tracking down gomez and killing him with a rocket/mg combo
<cannonFodder>We should find him and frag the living crap out of him :)
<Hero>I practiced that
<Hero>cannonFodder : agreed
<Hero>I'l make him flee to america and you intercept his flight
<cannonFodder>hero's replacing the red ironsnout with gomez
<Hero>you got one rifle shot. get ready
<MacMax>hey sp4nkies =)
<PunDit>its a sign?
<MrU_atWork|afk>... did he call us sp4nkies?
<MrU_atWork|afk>i wonder if he went into the sp4nk room and said HEY QS!
<cannonFodder> haha! I'm taking over for MrU
<grenadier>during play with 16/32 bots crashes happen very quick
<Hero|GV>kill them all quickly enough and you are good. ^.^
<Harps>what do i do
<Harps>how do i connect to things
<`Rowan>options servers gamesurge? lol
<Archangel_>I love watching harps be helpless
<Archangel_>if only because he kicks ass ingame
<Harps>where is options
<Harps>this has to be the most retarded program ever :(
<`Rowan>no Harps you're just silly and are noob :D
<`Rowan>i think i set up everything on mIRC myself when i was like 12 gosh :P
<Pauli>girls are like tornado, they come hot and wet. when they go, your house and car are away too.
<Princess>Unlix_: du bist ein tintenfisch.
<Princess>vielleicht ein meeresungeheuer :O
<Unlix>entscheide dich macmax: mumble für mac oder mumble das funzt? :P
<cannonFodder>it feels like I'm trying to pee out an apful
<MrU_atWork|afk>we have a winner
<MrU_atWork|afk>!setinfo wintermute: dude...the pink power ranger is hot
<MrU_atWork|afk>well that will be the winner once i get home
<blia>hey hero, na keine schule *wunder*
<Hero>krank :(
<blia>haste bei der ersten grippe schon "HIER" geschrieen ???
<Deimos_>yah sc0urge is truly *old* school :P
<Deimos_>j/k ;)
<sc0urge>lol Deimos_ thanks for sharing that with the rest of the ppl
<sc0urge>youre not too young yerself Deimos_
<Deimos_>yeah, I'm really feeling my 20 years
<tc-bot>TC2: unnamed (2): where can i get a weapon. should i buy it somehow or just find it???
<tc-bot> TC2: Saturno (5): gg but why not insta ?
<tc-bot> TC2: Fier9224 (7): cuz this isnt an insta game
<Pauli>genau, wech mit respawngelumpe! is ja wie aufm bahnhof. warten warten warten ... ;)
<server-bot>Server: }TC{Zero (8): whats your problem suic?
<server-bot>Server: aNALzOMBIe (7): he sucks
<server-bot>Server: aNALzOMBIe (7): thats his problem
<der_andi>oh, mein monitor hat seinen ersten pixelfehler :-/
<WahnFred>meiner auch
<WahnFred>trinke nen bier dann siehste den nicht mehr :)
<WahnFred>nochmal lächeln für heros sauer-fun-log :)
- whatinthebluehell quit (Quit: ItDoesntMatterWhatTheQuitMessageIs!!!!!!)
<Hero>wo ist Khane eigentlich
<sexy1>der khane lässt sich ja net blicken
<Hero>am Ende ist er gar nicht da und ihr spielt ohne ihn :P
<tenshi>am ende spielen die zu zweit ;)
- Jafet joined
* Jafet waves
<Jafet>Do the developers come here often?
<Jafet>When any of them arrive later I might wish to express my immense frustration at the near-complete lack of comments in their code.
<eihrul>oh, ok
<Jafet>Hmm, you wouldn't happen to know any of the developers, would you?
<Jafet>Okay, thanks.
<Speeder>eihrul you can warn me too when a developer shows up?
<CIA-2>actiongame: ac_stef * ac/source/src/physics.cpp: fixed nade bounce on 45 degree walls
<RantingHuman>about time :)
<stef|Nu>we're billiard compatible now :)
<grenadier>is some command to turn off voicecom, in order to don't hear/read these commands? When for example >10 players will use voicecom in the same time, then it will be very annoying :)
<Harps>yeah, i can imagine people like `Rowan doing things like that
<Harps>`Rowan: sign up for esl please :>
<driAn>`Rowan: yea.. sign up now :P
<Harps>..or be blacklisted
<CIA-2>actiongame: adrian_henke * ac/source/vcpp/buildEnv/welcome.bmp: installer background
<CIA-2>actiongame: adrian_henke * ac/source/vcpp/buildEnv/ac.nsi: heavily pimped installer :)
<Harps>Pimp my Assault Cube, hosted by Drian :>
<eihrul>driAn: why is he shooting his shotgun into the water?
<driAn>eihrul: because he wants to kill some fishes
<eihrul>maybe have him shooting up? :)
<eihrul>or crouching if he is shooting fishes ;)
<Harps>new mode: One Shot One Fish?
* driAn installs a virtual win98 machine
<RI>driAn: What for?
<driAn>i want to verify that ac runs on win98..
<eihrul>sad thing is it is the year 2008 :)
<RI>driAn: You'll fail.
<driAn>if it fails, i will remove it from the list of supported os'es :P
<driAn>though it would be cool if ac still runs on a 10 year old os
<RI>driAn: That's not why
<RI>Good luck getting AC to run on a virtual machine :P
<driAn>it runs already on my virtual win2k machine
<driAn>just tested the installer there
<eihrul>does it run inside a virtual win 98 running inside a virtual win2k running in linux? :P
<tenshi>Hero probt den Austand O.O
<tenshi>psl geklaut, channel geklaut ;)
<Hero>hehe, ne
<Hero>schmutz ist nur erstmal net da
<tenshi>schmutzwurst liegt gefesselt bei dir im keller ;)
<MrU_atWork>sth = something?
<MrU_atWork>never knew that
<Hero>maybe you did and you just forgot it
<MrU_atWork>nope... trust me .. im mr. lazy.. i would have remembered a shortcut like that
<Hero>sb -> somebody, just fyi then
<MrU_atWork>thought that was superbitch
<tc-bot>TC2: HateMe (1): peolple only shot rockets, but don't move! what happens ? may be you don't have legs ?
<cannonFodder>I like to cook. doesn't mean I'm any good at it.
<Princess_>it's kinda hot when a man knows what he's doing in the kitchen
<cannonFodder>I like sex, too, and the same rule applies
<Princess_>you're married, you don't have to be good at it anymore.
<cannonFodder>why run when you've caught the bus
<Princess_>you're old cF.. you're passed your sexual prime.
<cannonFodder>Passed it? F_CK!!! I never knew I had one
<Hero>Cr4sh^ , wenn du keine probs mit rapidshare hast: http://www.***-*****.org/detail.php?id=16566&cat=movies
<sexy1>mr & mrs smith ?
<Cr4sh^>boah geil
<Cr4sh^>vergiss die tussi
<Cr4sh^>ich nehm Hero!!!
<tenshi>our soccer team sucks
<tenshi>no doubt about that :P
<Unlix>it doesn't tenshi :/
<tenshi>we used to have great ones, but those times are over :P
<Hero>tenshi, be careful what you say :P
<tenshi>or i'll be banned from psl? :D
<tenshi>damn you
<Hero>didn't think so, but okay, if you want, tenshi
<tenshi>german soccer team is the best, they just had no luck last times
<Hero>thats the spirit
<Hero>as far as I know the US team is quite high in the FIFA world ranking
<Hero>but just because they played A LOT against countries who are even worse
<MrU_atWork>we have a soccer team?
<MrU_atWork>thats crazy
<Unlix>yeah MrU_atWork, they train every second month... they mainly get their money from selling frites
<MrU_atWork>lets just say.. Princess
<MrU_atWork>Princess's setinfo almost says his name.. but in shorthand.. and thats all we need to know
<Hero>Princess !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<MrU_atWork>the #1 loser on the !losers list
<MrU_atWork>the one we do not speak of out loud
<MrU_atWork>no not hero
- You have been kicked by sexy1 (Reason: -)
- You are now in #quicksilver
- sexy1 left (Kicked by ChanServ with the following reason: That user is protected.)
<MrU_atWork>almost sexy.. almost
<blahville>double owned
- sexy1 joined
<tenshi>1:0 for Hero
<WahnFred>auth wahnfred/passwort; while (true) { if blahville.score > wahnfred.score then kick blahville; } :)
<PunDit>omg lol
<Princess>hero du bist ein kokosnuss :)
<Princess>vielleicht ein tintenfisch
<Hero>I'm just in the conspiracy-theory mood
<MrU_atWork|afk>i see i see
<Hero>I suspected my teacher to manipulate our brains using hidden messages in the tasks of that testpaper
<MrU_atWork|afk>they do that... its the only time they have power over anyone .. including themselves
<MrU_atWorK>zip zip zip
<MrU_atWorK>i saw zip files in my dreams last night
<wintermute>so what he's saying is...soon...on sundays...he will be at the farmer's market buying scented candles with his GF
<MrU_atWork>Hero i didnt know you liked Scented Candles.. whats your prefered scent?
<MrU_atWork>im a fan of the xmas scents.. like Christmas tree and Fresh baked cookies
<wintermute>OMG...stop it dude
<wintermute>first the unicorns & rainbows
<wintermute>tight pants
<wintermute>now this
<MrU_atWork>all come on.. its just candles
<MrU_atWork>everyone likes candles!
<MrU_atWorK>have you been mia?
<MrU_atWorK>mia = missing in action
<solea>no i was in UrT :D
<solea>so quakenet irc :)
<MrU_atWorK>ahh took a break from Braten.. then you realize Roy left and it was safe to come back?
<teddy_>do any of you like anal?
<teddy_>couldn't help myself...
<TheMaster>well im of to maths see you all later!
- TheMaster quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<blahville>wow your joke was so bad even themaster left
<teddy_>if tehmaster left then i guess i succeeded
<MrU_atWork>almost halloween!
<MrU_atWork>Hero: what you doing for Halloween
<Hero>holy crap!
<Hero>I need to prepare some traps for this candy-addicted youths!
<Unlix>lol someone brought a windows pc and it's not working
<Hero>surprise surprise
* Hero lists it up: rainbows, unicorns, tight pants, candles, halloween, dogs
<MrU_atWork>lol Hero
<PunDit>change your name !
<PunDit>use M@dman
<PunDit>even better
<mib_u4069f>I would but I 'm leaving work in 7 min, so I will be signing off soon..
<PunDit>your not leaving
<Hero>"Your not leaving until you CHANGED YOUR NAME!!!"
<mib_u4069f>I'm trying too right now I type / name m4dm4n and not its not working without space
<MrU_atWork>Pundit go down to his office and do it for him
<Unlix>its nick instead of name
<PunDit>I will help. Walking over there now
- mib_u4069f renamed to m4dm4n
<Unlix>pundit has been there :D
<MrU_atWork>i can picture.. "get out of my way" tap tap tap tap tap "name change" .. pundit walks away.. mumbling.. moron
<m4dm4n>he would not mumble moron
<PunDit>I did lol
<Cr4sh>keine sorge hab keine drogen genommen
<Cr4sh>heute nicht...
<Unlix>deshalb ist der so komisch :/
<fuckyoupingtimeout>these pretzels are making me thirsty!
<Cr4sh>Diese brezeln machen mich durstig?
<Hero>omg die töten Rico
<Hero>am Galgen o.O
<Hero>die schweine!
<Cr4sh>verrat mir nocheinmal eine szene aus dem film und ich werd dich mit bloßen händen erwürgen
<Hero>Greenday häts wieder rausgehauen :S
<Cr4sh^>der exisitert noch?^^
<Cr4sh^>dachte seine dummheit hät ihn schon aufgefressen
<Fatum>hehe...musst du nicht arbeiten?
<Unlix>das tu ich doch grade :)
<Pauli>Für Unlix ist es schon Arbeit auf's Chatfenster zu schauen. ;)
<Princess>du pfirsich!
<jacky_c>war noch nie pünktlich, finde nicht dass ich das ändern sollte nur weil ich auf die lehrerin stehe
<WahnFred>WS|Suicizer: SATAN, [Katze] and mefisto are not TC but they have some privileged status
<mefisto>I had to wash dishes for 6 months before they gave it to me
<mefisto>WS|Suicizer: you could do their laundry, maybe... I think Satan switched off of that to shopping for groceries
<Pauli>above it's me.
<cannonFodder>below it's me :D
<Pauli>Ich glaub' Hero hat 'ne Freundin. ;)
<Unlix_>jo Pauli, sie ist rot, erscheint nur manchmal und sie vervierfacht den schaden den eine waffe anrichtet :)
<cannonFodder>we may have a voltron for clan night
<cannonFodder>yoopers and I ran into him on ictf last night
<cannonFodder>may even get him to lurk on irc in hopes of duels
<cannonFodder>he was complaining that he'd lost his skillz
<MrU_atWork>uhmm sounds like a match for me
<MrU_atWork>complainer vs bitcher
<MrU_atWork>"i lost me skills" vs "I MOUSE MY FUCKING MOUSE"
<MrU_atWork>well they good cF, give the cW and cFjr. a hug and remember your out there for them
<cannonFodder>it's about time that lazy 2yo went out and found himself a job!
<cannonFodder>I'm sure there's a salt mine or Martha Stewart plant somwhere.
<Hero>musst halt schauen, wie speicherlastig das ist
<Hero>ich hatte mal sowas wie kd = [kill; sleep 1000 [attack; kd]]
<Hero>das hat dann sauer gecrasht.
<Hero>puncte suicide-spam :D
<Redon>ich hab eins das viiiiieeel schneller ist (damit hab ich mal -600'000 frags erreicht :P) und das ging auch :D
<Redon>alle 2 tausendstel sekunden :D
<mX|MisanthropX>redon wie geht dein spam? x.x
<Redon>das ist kein spam das ist professioneller-selbstmord
Radial: wtf redon idiot!!
Unlix: Hey! I'M the one who calls Redon an idiot, not you!
Radial: Hero, are you left handed?
Unlix: Hero doesn't have a left hand, he lost it in an epic battle in reissen
<MrU_atWork>hows it going buddy
<cannonFodder>moin moin
<cannonFodder>tired. no sleep last night...
<cannonFodder>busy playing with kal of all people
<cannonFodder>I actually ended an ffa match with 4 frags...
<cannonFodder>I accused him of taking it easy on me ;)
<Unlix>ich verabrede mich mit niemandem, so einfach :)
<Unlix>ne im ernst, ich hab das aufgegeben
<Unlix>das letzte mal als ich mit nem kumpel nen filmabend machen wollte wurd ich um 20:00 rausgeschmissen mit der begründung, er habe jetzt nen raid
<jackycola>< lust auf ne runde fußball ?
<jackycola>> ne sry ,hab mein gamepad verliehen
<server>MAP CHANGED: map: shipwreck mode: insta ctf
<server>forgottensol (17): when nieb made this one he was def on tequila
<Deimos_>um urxvt = the terminal I use. you're not a *nix user are you? ;)