Unit 18. Assertive Communication Skills for Professionals
An introduction to the program.“Assertive Communication Skills for Professionals” is a career track presentation by Carol Price. Carol Price is unquestionably one of the most highly regarded communication trainers in the United States. You will see why she’s so popular the minute you tune into this program. In the program Carol shows how to strike the balance between being “too nice” and coming on “too strong”. And she does it with a warm, yet high-energy style that will keep you involved throughout the program.
Carol Price has extensive experience in both corporate and small-business settings. She has helped thousands of professionals become more valuable to their organizations and more visible in their positions. And now in “Assertive Communication Skills for Professionals” she is ready to help you do the same.
The guide’s authors’ note: We advise you to listen to the program at home practicing your listening comprehension and note-taking skills and come to class ready for the discussion. Use the vocabulary from the program in your speech. Let the questions serve you as a plan for the discussion. On completion of the program you are supposed to take a test on program vocabulary.
Track 1 (25:30) and track2 (26:35). What Is Assertiveness?
Understanding the 4 communication styles:
Passive – self-protection through avoidance
Aggressive – uses anger to get results
Passive-aggressive – avoids direct confrontation
Assertive – expresses thoughts directly, but in a way that respects the opinions and feelings of others
to be overwhelmed
to be powerless
to be embarrassed
to be out of control
to get even
among peers
a welcome team member
to sound defensive
to feel low
to be incompetent
to say smth in the heat of emotion
to be dogged
to violate the rights
to be entitled to do smth
to pout
to endow smth
unalienable rights
to demean
vocal cues
the defeated
to sound apologetic
a whining tone
threatening words
to sound inflammatory
2. Listen to track 1 and 2 to answer the following questions:
What does the man say introducing the program and its author?
What are the situations through which four types of communication style are examined?
Describe the behavior of people in them?
What are assertive techniques?
Give four definitions of assertiveness.
What rights does a person have?
Characterize vocal cues of four styles.
What does assertiveness give people?
Track 3 (25:55) and track 4 (26:21). Building Your Foundation.
Roadblocks to assertiveness
Picking and planning your battles
How to assess what’s a “reasonable risk”
5 “must ask” questions to defuse tensions in a conflict
Analyzing and planning: what to say and do before you confront anyone
How to get in an assertive mind-set
Simple exercises to help calm yourself (master these and you can prevent a lot of blowups)