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Classification of proper names - different approaches

Classification by Superanskaya

In this paper, we consider two classifications of names that seem to us the most complete. Immediately it should be noted that most linguists agree in opinion as to what category should share the names of their own, but there are some differences that need to be considered in research. In our view, such a distinction is most clearly represented in the classical distribution of names A.V. Superanskaya and special treatment D.I. Yermolovich.

A.V. Superanskaya in their classification based on different linguists of the XX century, both Russian and foreign. It defines several categories of proper names, but the most important of them, in our opinion, is the classification of names in connection with the named object. According to her, "the approach to division [in sectors] may be different by virtue of not only objective, but also subjective reasons, which are determined as a factor of social order and individual researchers" [Superanskaya 1973: 173]. This enables us to understand that the classification of A.V. Superanskaya may not be completely accurate, but it allows to further compare its proposed approach with others.

In her investigation A.Superanskaya takes the as a basis for the classification of Bach (1952), which she called not completely accurate, but it is reasonable enough. A. Bach distributed proper names as follows:

names of living creatures, or beings that consider living.

The names of things, which are countryside, houses, vehicles, works of art, the name Astrographic and space objects. names of institutions, societies;

naming acts: dance, games;

the names of the thoughts, ideas: literary works, military and so on. plans;

Naming of musical motifs and compositions. [Bach, 1952: 4]

Based on the above categories, AV Superanskaya highlights the, in our opinion, more accurate. At the same time, they are broken down into more specific sub-categories that make us parsed fair classification.

Thus, the distribution is as follows:

Names of living things and beings perceived as living:

a) anthroponomy (individual and group);

b) the names of animals (individual and group);

c) mifonimy.

The naming inanimate objects:

a) place names;

b) kosmonimy and astronimy;

c) fitonimov;

d) hrematonimy;

d) the names of vehicles;

e) varietal and brand names.

Proper Names complex objects:

a) the name of enterprises, institutions, societies, associations;

b) the name of the periodical press;

c) hrononims;

d) the names of holidays, anniversaries, celebrations;

d) the names of events, campaigns and wars;

e) the names of literary and artistic works;

g) dokumentonims;

h) the names of natural disasters;

and) faleronimy. [Superanskaya 1973: 174-205]

We see that such a classification covers a much larger area than the categorization A. Bach. Here we are particularly important to note that, in addition to familiar to anyone personal names, zoonyms, place names and astronims / kosmonims A.V Superanskaya highlights a host of other names, which at first glance may not be apparent. These include, for example, mifonims - naming people, animals, plants, people, geographical features, and so on. In fact, never existed. Due to the fact that in this class meet any of the above categories, the boundary between them and other Onim extremely thin, especially when it comes to Greek or Roman myths where the gods and the Titans are often identified with the characters.

It should, however, take into account that Superanskaya also includes a list of names, which are now extremely rare or do not occur, as well as subcategories that at a certain point of view may seem superfluous. These names include fitonims (naming the plant), the name of the periodical press, the names of the holidays. These proper names, except fitonims, can be attributed to the other sub-categories: the name of the periodical press - to the names of companies and institutions, and the holiday - to hrononims. Fitonimos same subcategory is controversial, since they are currently found only in the composition of names, but in the early stages of human development was widespread spiritualization of plants, especially trees. This makes fitonims names that can still be included in a separate group.

Classification by Yermolovich

D. Ermolovich based on the same principles as the A. Superanskaya, but its classification, there is one significant difference: the fact that A. Superanskaya subsumes anthroponyms, it divides into different classes of names. Thus, the distribution is as follows:


a) anthroponomy (single and multiple);

b) personalities mixed type (single or multiple);

c) sobriquet personalities (single and multiple);

Place names (single and multiple);

Zoonyms (single and multiple);


Names of ships, spacecraft and vehicles;

The names of companies and organizations;

The names of literary and artistic works.

As can be seen from the list of categories as those of Yermolovich order of magnitude less than the Superanskaya. It does not include any hrononims nor hrematonimy nor fitonims nor mifonimy, as well as many other sub-categories of the first review of our classification. Given that the categorization A. Superanskaya more fully reflects the existing order of things, we should not, however, forget that the D.Ermolovich largely recapitulating the various categories of names, bringing them together, so to call it an inaccurate characterization it is impossible.

However, it is also impossible to deny that some subspecies of proper names yet been overlooked - they include, for example, hrononims. This sub-category name, dedicated by A.Superanskaya reflects the names of various historical dates and events related to these dates. It is important because, for example, the names of epochs - the Renaissance, the Middle Ages - can not be attributed to any of the categories proposed by D.Ermolovich, while they still are separate translation problem. On the other hand, most of these names are translated in accordance with established laws and regulations, which means that they can always be found in their respective directories or dictionaries. But since we are dealing with fiction, it is possible and various abnormalities, especially in the works of science fiction or fantasy concerning names of various historical dates, names of parties, celebrations, events, wars and so on. And which also have to be translated. And since translation without reliance on any basis is difficult and often inaccurate, you have the foundation you need.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the choice of a preferred classification names for the translator is practically impossible. However, based on the genre of literature to be translated, we can give preference to a particular characteristic, if necessary.


Overall classification

Consider two classification proper names of two well-known linguists, translators and translation theorists, we come to the conclusion that a classification of all styles and genres of literature is impossible. However, the theoretical possibility of creating a unified classification for the purpose of its use in translating a single genre of literature exists. And below, we try to reproduce it in practice, summarizes the classification of proper names, intended to be used in the translation of works of fantasy and science fiction, which includes all the works we have chosen author - Terry Pratchett. Our distribution is as follows:

Names of living things and beings perceived as living:

a) personnel (single and multiple): anthroponomy mixed type prozvischnye;

b) the names of animals;

c) mifonimy;

The naming inanimate objects:

a) place names;

b) kosmonimy and astronimy;

c) fitonimov;

d) hrematonimy;

d) the names of ships, spacecraft and vehicles;

e) varietal and brand names

Naming complex objects:

a) the names of companies and organizations;

b) hrononims;

c) the names of literary and artistic works;

d) faleronims.

This approach is explained by several factors. First, we decided to use the scheme A.Superanskaya because we thought it right to begin to break all kinds of names into three separate categories, and then have to break them down into subcategories. This decision is due to a better systematization and optimization of the entire table. Secondly, we have excluded from the list of those sub A. Superanskaya who considered superfluous, and vice versa, including several categories D. Yermolovich, who showed us a more relevant by definition (such as the names of companies and organizations instead of the names of companies, institutions, societies and associations - the first definition of concise and reflects the totality of objects), or more suitable for complex analysis of names (this is due to the replacement of personal names on staff). The exclusion of certain categories explained already described above rational reasons we decided to join hrononims, the holiday and the names of events, wars, campaigns in one subcategory - hrononims as any historical event or celebration is always one way or another associated with a particular date or length of time (for example, Hundred Years' War), and even if the name does not reflect the events of this date, we still associate them with each other (for example, Christmas has always been associated with us from 7 January or December 25 - depending on the religion). As is the case with dokumentonims - we believe that the code name of documents and laws can be attributed to the names of literary works, but not art. This is especially true of scientific treatises and monographs that are, on the one hand, purely scientific work, but on the other hand, they are not alien and features of fiction. The names of the natural disasters we have excluded because, as a rule, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons and other natural disasters are assigned names identical anthroponyms (hurricane "Katrina"). Taking into account all of the aboveI would like to mention that our consolidated classification does not claim to absolute accuracy. However, we consider it the best solution for our research, and will continue to use it.



Date: 2015-12-18; view: 2472

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