Self-Evaluation Test1. Which of the following attributes is used to adjust the density of a paint stroke? Stamp Density
2. Which of the following attributes is used to control the distance between the shadow and
the casting stroke? Shadow Offset
3. The SOFTNESSattribute is used to define the softness on the edges of the stroke path.
4. The VISOR window comprises preloaded animation clips, brushes, shader libraries,
or texture libraries.
5. The BRUSH PROFILEattribute is used to set the profile for the brush preset.
6. The TWIST attribute is used to twist paint strokes about their own axes.
7. The Glowattribute is used to add shadow to paint strokes. (F)
8. The Global Scaleedit box is used to set the size of the brush. (T)
9.The Twistattribute is used to set the profile for the brush preset. (T)
10.The Thorns on Meshattribute is used to give a glow effect to a mesh object. (F)
Review Questions
1. Which of the following attributes is used to control the softness of shadow? Shadow Diffusion
2. Which of the following brush types is used to render paint effects quicker than the
remaining brush types? ThinLine
3. The MESHbrush type is used to create an accurate conical geometry with the
textures that correctly map on the surface.
4. The TWISTattribute is used to twist a paint stroke from one end, while keeping the
other end fixed.
5. You can create realistic objects such as tree mesh, water effect, and so on by using the VISOR
6. The ILLUMINATIONattribute is used to illuminate brush stroke.
7. The Flatness2option is used to define the flatness of a paint stroke at the base and the
tip. (T)
8. The Brush Profileattribute is used to set the size of a brush. (F)
1. Which of the following joints provides free movement to a skeleton? (c) Ball joint
2. Which of the following deformers is used to deform an object by using lattices? (c) Lattice
3. SCELETON are a group of hierarchical structures that provide motion to an object.
4. SKINNING an object helps you bind corresponding objects to bones.
5. The CLUSTER deformer is used to deform a particular area of a polygonal mesh.
6. The CONSTRAINToption is used to impose specific limits to objects.
7. The Pole Vector constraint is used to move the end of a pole vector based on the
movement of the other object it is constrained with. (T)
8. The Flare deformer is used to taper an object in the X and Y axes. (T)
9. A Muscle is a parametric type of NURBS shape that can be deformed, whereas a Simple
Muscle type uses the NURBS model with a sine deformer to deform the object. (F)
10. The Jiggle deformer is used to shake a part of an object while it is being animated.(T)
Review Questions
1. Which of the following deformers is used to morph an object? (b) Blend shape
2. Which of the following data types is used to create a vector attribute that has three floating point values?
(a) Vector
3. The SOFT MODIFICATION deformer helps you deform high density surface meshes without adjusting vertices manually.
4. The SCLUPT deformer is used to create a rounded deformation on an object.
5. The ORIENT constraint is used to match the orientation of one object with the other such that the objects are aligned together.
6. The LATTICEtools are used to alter a portion of the geometric shape.
7. You should avoid changing the number of CVs, vertices, or other lattice points after applying a deformer to an object. (F)
8. In inverse kinematics, you can use an object at the bottom of the hierarchy to animate the entire chain. (T)
9. A constraint is used to restrict the motion of a body to a particular mode while it is animated. (F)
10. You can apply the Blend Shape deformer only to the objects that have equal number of vertices. (T)
1. Which of the following attributes is used to sketch a continuous stream of particles? (a) Sketch Particles
2. Which of the following forces is used to exert opposite force on the object that is
animated with dynamic motion? (d) Drag
3. FIELDS are physical properties that simulate the motion of natural forces.
4. The particle streaks in fireworks have a pre-applied GRAVITY held applied to them.
5. The CREATE SHATTER effect is used to break an object or a surface into n number of pieces.
6. The Create Surface Flow effect is used to create particles over a NURBS surface.
7. The Uniform field is used to move an particle in a uniform direction. (F)
8. The Volume Axis field creates a field to push particles within a volume axis. (T)
9. The Turbulence field is used to add an irregularity to an object. (T)
10. The Gravity field is used to simulate the effect of moving air. (F)
1. Which of the following laws states that every point mass attracts every other point mass
by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points? (a) Newton's law
2. Which of the following fields is used to simulate earth's gravitational force on to the particle
system? (a) Gravity
3. The VOLUME AXIS field is used to move particles uniformly in all directions, but within a
specified volume.
4. The LIGHTHING effect is used to create lightning between two objects.
5. The smoke effect can only be rendered using the Maya HARDWARE Renderer.
6. The lightning effect is used to create on a single object. (F)
7. The Radial field is used to add irregularity to an object. (F)
8. A goal is used to set the movement of particles toward a particular direction. (T)
9. The Normal Speed attribute is used to set the magnitude of the normal component of
the emitted particles. (T)
10. The Vortex field is used to push particles or objects in a circular or spiral path. (F)
Chapter 4
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 925