How did Thackeray call his “Vanity Fair”?$ a systemic educational novel,
$$ a novel without a hero
$ setbacks in farming
$ feudal political forces
What work by Thackeray was autobiographical?
$$ Pendennis
$ Henry Esmond
$ Vanity Fair
$ The Newcomers
Which of the following novels by Thackeray was the finest one?
$ The book of Snobs
$$ Vanity Fair
$ Henry Esmond
$ The Newcomers
Who was the oldest of three sisters Bronte?
$ Jane
$$ Charlotte
$ Emily
$ Anne
Where were Sisters Bronte born?
$$ England
$ Scotland
$ India
$ Norway
What were their works associated with?
$ social pretentiousness
$ corruption of society
$$ the lonely moors
$ manipulation of government
The early development of their imagination was caused by………..?
$$ their isolated life
$ generosity and modesty
$ shyness and poverty
$ religious descriptions
Villette” is based on Charlotte’s unhappy experience as a ……… in Brussels?
$ writer
$ caricaturist
$$ governess
$ satirist
The only novel of Emily Bronte was………. ?
$$ Wuthering Heights
$ Jane Eyre
$ Agnes Grey
$ The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
What work by Charlotte Bronte was autobiographical?
$ Shirley
$$ Jane Eyre
$ Vanity Fair
$ The Professor
Which of the following novels by Ch. Bronte was the finest one?
$ Shirley
$ Vanity Fair
$$ Jane Eyre
$ The Professor
What was young Charles fond of?
$ realistic description of life
$ literary form and status of novel
$$ adventure stories, fairy tales and novels
$ ideas of modern thoughts
What language did Dickens write in?
$$ English
$ Scots dialect
$ Standard English and French
$ Norman dialect and Scots dialect
Why did Charles left factory of shoe polish bottle ?
$ because of pollution
$ because of corruption
$$ because of misery of job
$ because of manipulation
The experience of newspaper reporter sharpened Dickens’s ………….?
$ morality and outlook
$$ speech and skill of character portraying
$ as a free person
$ as a religious man
Dickens’s “The Pickwick Papers” describes…………?
$ classical episode of London life
$ Church humorous events
$ romantic stories
$$ slightly eccentric characters
What did mar Dickens’s literary success?
$ systemic education,
$ intellectual beauty,
$$ personal unhappiness
$ feudal political forces
What did include Dickens charities?
$ poor imagination and literary work
$ heavy farm labor and little rest
$$ schools for poor and a loan society
$ good will and charity
Which of the following poems by Dickens describes the life of a poor orphan?
$ The Pickwick papers
$$ Oliver Twist
$ Nicholas Nickleby
$ Barnaby Rudge
What was young Kipling’s life like?
$ realistic description of life
$$ deserted unhappy years
$ adventure stories and novels
$ ideas of modern thoughts
What language was Kipling taught?
A) English and French
B) Scots dialect and English
C) Standard English and French
$$ Hindi language of India
Where was Kipling enrolled at when he was 12?
$ the school of pollution
$ the college of corruption
$ the university of misery job
$$ the united services college
The experience of publishing in periodicals caused………….?
$ his morality and outlook
$ his speech and skill of character portraying
$$ his popularity grew tremendously
$ his religious ideas grew
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1146