Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.
As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on
Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, ‘May I come in?’
Poor Grandmamma was terrified.
¢He's going to eat me up!’ she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small
and tough,
And Wolfie wailed,
‘That's not enough!
‘I haven’t yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!’
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
I’ve got to have another helping!’
Then added with a frightful leer,
‘I’m therefore going to wait right here
‘Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
‘Comes home from walking in
the wood’
He quickly put on Grandma’s clothes,
(Of course he hadn’t eaten those.)
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair,
Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.
In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She started. And then she said,
‘What great big ears you have,
‘All the better to hear you with,’
the Wolf replied.
‘What great big eyes you have,
said Little Red Riding Hood.
All the better to see you with,’
the Wolf replied.
He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought,
‘I’m going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She’s going to taste like caviar.’
Then Little Red Riding Hood said,
‘But Grandma, what a lovely great
big furry coat you have on.’
‘That's wrong!’ cried Wolf.
‘Have you forgot
to tell me what BIG TEETH I’ve got?
‘Ah well, no matter what you say,
‘I’m going to eat you anyway.’
The small girl smiles.
One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her
She aims it at the creature’s head.
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, ‘Hello, and do please note
‘My lovely furry WOLFSKIN COAT.’
By Ronald Dahl
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Tell me something sweet about life,
Life without pain, stress and strife,
Something that will rise me to the skies,
Give me consolation and surprise,
Tell me something in your pleasant voice,
Something that will suit your taste and choice,
Something that will make the soul sing,
Something that will give me joy and wings.
Tell me something sweet, I beg you, dear,
Something that’ll kill my doubts, fear,
Something that will show me you’re near,
Tell me something sweet, my dear.
Jane Kislovskaya
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How good is to meet another soul,
One that perceives your vision and your call,
To realize that everyone is striving
To find a way of living and surviving,
To find that all have ups and downs,
At life sometimes smiles and sometimes frowns!
It’s good to learn from one’s experience and fears.
To make some points lucid, clear,
To understand that everyone’s unique
And common are the goals to which we stick.
Jane Kislovskaya
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Downwith children! Do them in!
Boil their bones and fry their skin!
Beat them, squeeze them,
bash them, mash them!
Break them, snake them,
slash them, smash them!
Offer chops with magic powder!
Say "Eat up!" then say it louder.
Cram them full of sticky eats,
Send them home still guzzling sweets.
And in the morning little fools
Go marching off to separate schools.
A girl feels sick and goes all pale.
She yells, "Hey look! I've grown a tail!"
A boy who's standing next to her
Screams, "Help! I think I'm growing fur!"
Another shouts, "We look like freaks!
There's whiskers growing on our cheeks!"
A boy who was extremely tall
Cries out, "What's wrong?
I'm growing small!"
Four tiny legs begin to sprout
From everybody round about.
And all at once, all in a trice,
There are no children! Only MICE!
In every school is mice galore
All running round the school-room floor!
And all the poor demented teachers
Are yelling, "Hey, who are these creatures?"
They stand upon the desks and shout,
"Get out, you filthy mice! Get out!
Will someone fetch some mouse-traps, please!
And don't forget to bring the cheese!"
Now mouse-traps come and every trap
Goes snippy-snip and snappy-snap.
The mouse-traps have a powerful spring,
The springs go crack and snap and ping!
It's lovely noise for us to hear!
It's music to a witch's ear!
Dead mice are every place around,
Piled two feet deep upon the ground,
With teachers searching left and right,
But not a single child in sight!
The teachers cry, "What's going on?
Oh where have all children gone?
It's half-past nine and as a rule
They're never late as this for school!"
Poor teachers don't know what to do.
Some sit and read, and just a few
Amuse themselves throughout the day
By sweeping all the mice away.
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Crabbed Age and Youth
Cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasance,
Age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn,
Age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave,
Age like winter bare;
Youth is full of sport,
Age’s breath isshort;
Youth is nimble, Age is lame;
Youth is hot and bold,
Age is weak and cold;
Youth is wild and Age is tame,
Youth, I adore thee!
W. Shakespeare
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Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1435