The Historical Boulevard and Panorama“Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855”
The Historical Boulevardis situated in the city center over the Southern Bay, bounded by a stone wall around the perimeter. This is a kind of a green park with many rare species of trees and shrubs. But it is a complex monument above
all. At the end of the XIX century stone tables with the numbers of former batteries were set on the
Historical Boulevard. The construction of
most of the
monuments was completed by 1904 - 1905
years - the 50th
anniversary of
the First
Defense of
The main alley of the boulevard runs from the main entrance to the restored cannon courtyards of the 4th
Bastion. Along the main alley you can see the restored
memorial designation of batteries.
In the central part of the Boulevard stands the building
of Panoramas "Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855", and thirteen monuments and memorial signs, immortalized the heroism of the defenders of
Sevastopol during the Crimean War. Panorama “Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855” - a historical and artistic monument, an immortalized feat of the
defender s of Sevastopol in repelling storming
French and British troops of fortified the Korabelnaya side of the town on 6 (18) June 1855 during the Crimean War. The building is circular,
built in 1904 by military engineer O. Enbeg
specifically to place the unique art-piece, created by Professor of class of battle painting F. Roubaud in the 1901-1904 years. Canvas is of 115 m length
and 14 m height with subjects completed the plan so
well that it is impossible to determine where are the items and where it is painted. Opening of the
Panorama was held on May 14, 1905, and was timed to the 50th anniversary of the
heroic defense of Sevastopol.
During the II World War, the building was severely damaged. Only two-thirds of
the canvas was managed to save from the fire
and it was evacuated from the besieged
Sevastopol. After the war, the survived fragments of the painting were restored by
the a group of artists led by Academician V.N. Yakovlev and P.P. Sokolov-Skala The opening was held on October 16, 1954, and
was timed to the 100th anniversary of the
First Defense of Sevastopol.
Price of the tour – 40-50 uah (5-6$). Photo, video – 20-25 uah (3$).
Opening hours – 9:30-17:30 except Monday.
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1556