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Markov Chain-Based Analysis of Critical Infrastructures

Moderators: RyazantsevAleksandr, ShcherbovskykhSerhiy (Ukraine)

· IvanchenkoOleg, KharchenkoVyacheslav, BirukovDmitry (Ukraine). Model of critical infrastructures accident

· MashchenkoElena, ShevchenkoVictoria (Ukraine). Research of the critical IT infrastructure service process, based on the semi-markov ́odel

· SkatkovAleksandr, MashchenkoElena, ShevchenkoVictoria (Ukraine). Formalization of the service processes in critical IT infrastructure based on the semi-markov model

· ShcherbovskykhSerhiy (Ukaine). Determination of non-uniform load-sharing impact on minimal cut set for repairable 2-out-of-3 system

16.15 – 16.45. Coffee-break

14.30-16.15. CLOSE SESSION



The KhAI-ERA project is a special support action funded by the European Commission within FP7 Capacities Specific Programme which aims to reinforce National Aerospace University “KhAI” research cooperation capacities in order to become more closely integrated into the European Research Area (ERA).

One of the key topics of the KhAI-ERA project is dependable embedded and distributed SW- and FPGA-based systems that influence on safety of critical infrastructures in aviation, space, energy, medicine and other domains. Mutually beneficial knowledge exchange and joint research realized by the National Aerospace University “KhAI” and Tallinn University of Technology in the frame of the KhAI-ERA projects will facilitate new developments in these areas.

This year the KhAI-ERA project results will be extensively presented at the CrISS 2013 through the following presentations ofthe National Aerospace University “KhAI” and Tallinn University of Technology representatives: Thomas Hollstein, Artur Jutman, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Eugene Brezhnev, Anatoliy Gorbenko, Oleg Illiashenko, Artem Perepelitsyn, etc.

KhAI-ERA project session schedule (see page 8):

Friday, May 24, 2013

Plenary session 1

SIL Certification of FPGA-Based Systems-1,2

SW Quality, Reliability and Security-1,2

Mathematical Models of Dependable Systems-1

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Plenary session 2

Green FPGA, Microprocessors and Diagnostics

SW Quality, Reliability and Security-3

Mathematical Models of Depen-dable Systems-2

Fault-Tolerant FPGA- and SW-Based Systems

Cloud-, Web-Systems Dependability and Resilience-1

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Plenary session 3

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 877

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Markov Chains and Multi-Criteria Models | Cloud-, Web-Systems Dependability and Resilience-2
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