Mechanism of action of epinephrine: direct stimulation of α1, α2, β1, β2- adrenoreceptors.
Pharmacological effects of epinephrine:
Type of receptors
Stimulation of α1- adrenoreceptors
Dilation of pupil (midriasis)
Blood vessels
Constriction (due to contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels)
Stimulation of α2- adrenoreceptors
Blood vessels
Constriction (due to contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels)
Stimulation of β1- adrenoreceptors
Increasing of heart rate, heart contractility, heart conductance and heart excitability
Stimulation of β2- adrenoreceptors
Dilation (due to relaxation of smooth muscles of bronchi)
Relaxation (due to relaxation of smooth muscles of uterus)
Mast cells
Inhibition of degranulation (i.e. inhibition of releasing of histamine from mast cells)
Indications for epinephrine:
1. Bronchospasm (relieving).
Epinephrine → stimulation of β2- adrenoreceptors → dilation of bronchi → relieving of bronchospasm
2. Hypoglycemic coma
Epinephrine → α1, α2, β1, β2- adrenoreceptors → increasing of the glucose level in the blood (due to disruption of glycogen in the liver etc.) → relieving of hypoglycemic coma.
3. Anaphylactic (allergic) shock
Epinephrine → stimulation of β2- adrenoreceptors → inhibition of degranulation of mast cells → relieving of anaphylactic (allergic) shock.
Side effects:
Epinephrine can produce cardiac arrhythmias.
Mechanism of action of dopamine: mostly direct stimulation of D1-receptors (dopamine receptor type 1) and α1- adrenoreceptors.
Pharmacological effects of dopamine: iincreasing of heart contractility + dilation of blood vessels.
Indications for dopamine:
1. Shocks of different aetiology (e.g. cardiogenic shock etc.)
3.2.2. Alfa-adrenomimetics
List of drugs
α1, α2- adrenomimetics: Norepinephrine bitartrate
α1- adrenomimetics: phenylephrine hydrochloride
α2- adrenomimetics: naphazoline hydrochloride
Mechanism of action
Phenylephrine produces direct stimulation of α1-adrenoreceptors.
Naphazoline produces direct stimulation of α2-adrenoreceptors
Pharmacological effects:
for phenylephrine:
Type of receptors
Stimulation of α1- adrenoreceptors
Dilation of pupil (midriasis)
Blood vessels
Constriction (due to contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels)
for naphazoline:
Type of receptors
Stimulation of α2- adrenoreceptors
Blood vessels
Constriction (due to contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels)