2. What is the period (years-decades) when Audiolingual Method emerged and dominated foreign language teaching in the United States while ‘Situational Teaching’ evolved in the United Kingdom? ________________________1950-70______________
3. Why do teachers frequently use the ‘role play’ technique in Communicative Language Teaching?
_________________________to create real life situation ____________________________________________
4. Why do the teachers use authentic materials in Communicative Language Teaching?
___________________________to encourage them to learn L2_____________________________________________
5. What are the five hypotheses according to the Natural Approach?
6. What does H. Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences imply for foreign language teachers? Write in one or two statements.
_____People differ from each other, everyone has dominant intelligence in Language Learning process. ____For example verbal, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, bodly-kinethetic kind of students to take into consideration.___ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What is accepted as the ultimate goal of foreign language learning according to current understanding imposed by the education policies of the European Council?
Make learners more independent and autonomizated. To make them learn by themselves, like self management. Autonomizationis a problematic term because it is widely confused with self-instruction. autonomous learners understand the purpose of their learning programme, explicitly accept responsibility for their learning, share in the setting of learning goals, take initiatives in planning and executing learning activities, and regularly review their learning and evaluate its effectiveness In other words, there is a consensus that the practice of learner autonomy requires insight, a positive attitude, a capacity for reflection, and a readiness to be proactive in self-management and in interaction with others. This working definition captures the challenge of learner autonomy: a holistic view of the learner that requires us to engage with the cognitive, metacognitive, affective and social dimensions of language learning.
FLED 306 History of Foreign Language Teaching FINAL EXAMINATION (MAKE UP)
PART 3. Writing
1. Write A PARAGRAPHabout one of the prospective trends in foreign language education in a short paragraph.
I think on of prospective trends is networking. This method has its advantages and the future is bright. why I mentioned bright? Because we depend on internet and use some benefits from it. For example distant learning is now widely used . this method helpful in teaching foreign language. Teacher from Oxford university has ability to teach student from Kazakhstan. This is one of methods or ways of teaching. I think in future may be we wouldn’t need even teacher. Internet will teach us.
9. Write AN ESSAY in which you criticize the Audiolingual Method from a communicative point of view.
____________teacher can u submit my previous essay________________________________________________________________________________________