Life in the city and in the countryFamily
1. Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in each person’s life?
2. Are there any things that you do with your parents together?
3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?
4. What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?
5. Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?
Card ¹2
Family traditions
1. Let’s talk about family traditions. Are there any family traditions that you follow?
2. Are there any things that you do with your parents together?
3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family traditions?
4. What can you advise people who don’t have their own family traditions?
5. They say that family traditions unite the family. What do you think about it?
Card ¹3
Family relationships
1. Let’s talk about your family relationship. What is family for you?
2. Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents?
3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?
4. What can you advise people who want to get on well with their parents?
5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?
Card ¹4
Friendship and relationship with friends
1. Let’s talk about friendship. How important is friendship for you?
2. Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?
3. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?
4. What can you advise a teenager who wants to make friends in a new school?
5. Nowadays people prefer to have more money than many friends. What do you think about it?
Card ¹5
1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the system of education in Belarus?
2. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?
3. Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.
4. You’re talking with a British student. What would you advise him/her to do to prepare for an exam well?
5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?
Card ¹6
Studying at school
1. Let’s talk about studying at school. What can you tell me about the place where you study?
2. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?
3. Ask me about my school life.
4. What can you advise a student who is not very good at languages to do to achieve better results?
5. Nowadays some young people complain that they have lots of problems at school. Do you agree with them?
Card ¹7
School traditions
1. Let’s talk about studying at school. What can you tell me about your school traditions?
2. Does your school differ from any other school you know?
3. Ask me about my school traditions.
4. What school traditions would you advise your British friend to introduce in his/her school?
5. Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same?
Card ¹8
Choosing a career
1. Let’s talk about your future career. What would you like to do in future?
2. Is there any kind of job you would never choose? Why?
3. What questions will you ask your future employer about your future job?
4. Give me some advice or what I need to think about while choosing my future career.
5. Some people think that it is necessary to have good communication skills in order to get a good job. Do you agree with this?
Card ¹9
Life in the city and in the country
1. Let’s talk about life in the city and in the country. Where would you like to live?
2. Do you find your town a comfortable place for living?
3. Your family is going to move. What questions will you ask your parents about your new flat/house?
4. Your friend doesn’t know what to choose: to live in a city or in the country. Give him/her some advice.
5. How do you see an ideal place for living?
Card ¹ 10
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1299