“Within the 20-year period the comprehensive automation of production will be effected on a large scale, with more and more shops and plants being fully automated. The introduction of highly efficient automatic control systems will be accelerated. Computers, and control systems must be introduced on a large scale in industry, research, designing, planning, accounting, statistics and management.”
Specialists in cybernetics are working on the development of self-learning machines capable of solving problems set by man. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data, analyse them and perform certain operations as a result of the analysis. What is more, they are able to produce qualitatively new information.
A good number of these machines are already working in our industry, such as a cybernetic system for the iron and steel industry, an electronic system for geological prospecting, a cybernetic designer which designs gas pipelines and.
Automation in our country has reached the stage of developing fully automated industries. Electronic computing techniques find wide application in and serve as a basis for the development of modern programme-controlled machine tools, the controlling of space ship flights, weather forecasts and planning work.
2.Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
покращена автоматизація, промисловість, великий обсяг, повністю автоматизований, кібернетика, вирішення проблем, збирати інформацію, обчислювальна техніка, сталеливарне виробництво, чорна металургія.