April, 26th is a special day for the people living in Ukraine and regions situated not far from it. The horrible accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear station on that day in 1986. There was a nuclear reactor explosion which had far reaching consequences.
Contamination by various radioactive isotopes, such as caesium-137, iodine-131, strontium-90, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240, from the Chernobyl nuclear accident have affected the air, land, and water of Ukraine and vast areas beyond it. Recorded but unreported radiation levels in Kyiv a few days after the accident exceeded the maximum allowable levels by a hundredfold.
Press reports claim that significant numbers of deaths by radiation sickness, elevated levels of stillbirth and birth defects and highly elevated rates of childhood leukaemia have occurred in the affected areas. Those claims and other concerns are being researched by a host of scientists and medical professionals from Ukraine and other countries.
Significant areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia will remain unsafe for human beings for thousands years. It is a tragedy that thousands of people have returned to live in these contaminated regions.
A number of foreign countries offered specialized medical equipment and drugs for biological elimination of isotopes of different chemical elements from human body.
The Ukrainian people are very grateful to all those who helped and continue to help them.
2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: