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Exercise 192 Comparing situations

Mary and Helen are comparing their situations with Anne’s. Mary’s situation is the same as Anne’s, but Helen’s is different. Fill in a copy of this table with Mary’s and Helen’s comments.


1. I don’t like using the telephone. Nor do I I do.
2. I can’t swim. Neither can I. I can.
3. I didn’t go to work on Monday.    
4. I haven’t been to Egypt.    
5. I don’t cycle to work.    
6. I’m not going out to lunch today.    
7. I wasn’t given a pay rise.    
8. I wouldn’t like to leave BOS.    
9. I haven’t got any more holiday this year.    
10. I’m not very busy.    

Exercise 193

You are talking to Maria. Write true sentences about yourself. Look at the example carefully.


you can answer:

you can answer:



Exercise 194

Answer with neither…I or I… either.


1. I can’t play the piano. – ____________________________

2. I didn’t buy a newspaper. – __________________________

3. I haven’t got any money. – ___________________________

4. I’m not working tomorrow. – _________________________

5. I don’t know them very well. – ________________________

Exercise 195

Think of some of the things you own (for example, shoes, TV, car etc.)

Which are imported? Where were they made?

1. What are your country’s major imports and exports? Do you think products made in your country are better than products made in other countries?

2. Place these countries on the chart below.

Brazil France Germany Greece Italy Japan

Russia Singapore UK USA


Rich in natural resources





Low GDP per capita High GDP per capita



Poor in natural resources


Now compare your chart with a partner. Discuss like this:

- I don’t think that Japan is rich in natural resources.

- Neither do I. – or – I don’t either.


Exercise 196

Answer the questions individually.

1. How much cash do you have with you at the moment? Do you:

a) know exactly?

b) know approximately?

c) not know at all?

2. Do you normally check:

a) your change?

b) your receipts when shopping?

c) restaurant bills?

d) prices in several shops before you buy something?

3. Do you:

a) give money to beggars?

b) give money to charities?

c) give away used items, such as clothing?

4. If you go for a meal with someone you don’t know well, do you:

a) offer to pay the whole bill?

b) suggest dividing the bill into equal parts?

c) offer to pay the whole bill, but expect them to pay next time?

d) try to avoid paying anything?


5. What do you think about people who do not pay the correct amount of tax? Is this:

a) a serious crime?

b) morally wrong but not a crime?

c) excellent business practice?


6. If you lend your colleague a small amount of money and he/she forgets to pay it back, do you:

a) say nothing?

b) remind them that they owe you money?

c) arrange to go for a drink with them and say you’ve forgotten your wallet or purse?


7. Do you usually buy:

a) fashionable cloths?

b) expensive import cloths?

c) expensive domestic cloths?


Work in pairs and compare your answers with your partner’s answers, like this:

A: I normally check my change. A: I don’t normally check my change.

B: So do I. B: Neither (nor) do I.


Exercise 197

Create dialogues between A and B. STUDENT A uses the giving verb to make a statement (not a question). STUDENT B reacts to A’s idea by using so, eitheror neither in a response.


Example: would like

STUDENT A: I’d like to sail around the world someday.

STUDENT B: So would I.


Example: didn’t want

STUDENT A: John didn’t want to give a speech in front of the class.

STUDENT B: Neither did Adam.


1. don’t have 2. can speak 3. enjoy 4. are 5. isn’t going to be 6. haven’t ever seen 7. will be 8. is sitting 9. can’t fly 10. would like 11. didn’t go 12. wasn’t

Exercise 198.

Read and translate the text.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1415

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Exercise 125 Comparing jobs | Foreign Trade of the UK
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