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Exercise 125 Comparing jobs

Make eight sentences from this table about Penelope, Richard and Susan.

e.g.: Penelope earns less money than Richard.


Penelope Richard Susan Had earns has works more less fewer longer shorter holidays training money hours per week     than Penelope. Richard. Susan.

Exercise 126 Superlative sentences

Make eight true sentences about Penelope, Richard and Susan, like this:

… had the longest training.

… works the fewest hours per week.

Exercise 127

Write sentences with a superlative (the longestetc.).


Sydney Brazil large country planet the USA the solar system

Everest Jupiter long city state Africa South America

Alaska the Nile high river mountain the world Australia


1. Sydney is the largest city in Australia.

2. Everest _________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________


Exercise 128

Write down the following imaginary details about yourself and your ideal job:

Age: ……………………………………………………………….

Length of training: ………………………………………………..

Number of hours worked per week: ………………………………

Salary: ……………………………………………………………..



Do not show your list to anyone. Talk to everyone else in the class and find out who is the oldest/youngest, who had the longest/shortest training, etc.


Exercise 129

Study the chat comparing three models of electronic notebook. Then complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.


  Model A Model B Model C
Weight 180 g 140 g 98 g
Number of features
Price $140 $180 $220


Example: Model A is cheaper than model B. (price)

1. Model A is much _____________ than model C. (weight)

2. Model C has twice _____________ _____________ features as model A.

3. Model A is ______________ _______________ __________________ model B. (price)

4. Model A is ______________ _______________ expensive.

5. Model B is not ______________ _______________ _________________ model C. (price)

6. Model A has ________________ features ______________ model B.

7. Model C is ______________ _______________ expensive.


Exercise 130 º

[8, ex.1.2]

Complete this extract from a radio program with the correct comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.


Tokyo is still the most expensive (expensive) city in the world. Osaka is second and Moscow third, on a par with Hong Kong. Many European cities have gone down the ranking because their exchange rates have become ________ (weak), but Russia has a much _______ (high) inflation rate than many European countries. So prices in Moscow are among _________ (high) in Europe. But there is one advantage of living in Moscow. The underground is excellent – very cheap and much __________ (comfortable) than the one in London.

New York is _______ (expensive) US city. This is because the US dollar is _______ (strong) than many other currencies. Some European countries that used to be far _________ (expensive) than New York are now much ________ (cheap).

London is the 10th _________ (expensive) city in the world, according to the survey. A year ago, London was 5%-10% ________ (cheap) than many French and German cities. This is no longer so. Now London is 15% ________ (dear) than the German and French cities mentioned in the survey. However, London is a good city to live in. Business people said that London was _______ (exciting) of all the major cities in the world. Londoners also claim that it is _______ (clean) than it used to be, and ______ (safe) than many other European cities.

If you’re hard up, don’t go to Oslo – it’s Europe’s _________ (expensive) city. Meals at restaurants cost a fortune and drinks are very pricey.


Exercise 131

Look at this information about various models of bikes. Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?


    Zephyr Cycles Roughneck ZC7 Swoop Cycles Speed 900K Conker Cycles Champion All Lander Cycles DKM 500
Price ₤ 399.00   ₤ 400.00 ₤ 450.00 ₤ 625.00
Number of colours  
Weight 15 kg   18 kg 22 kg 16 kg
Guarantee 2 years   1 year 18 months 5 years
Popular with customers J K L K


1. Customers think the Champion 2000 is the worst bike.

2. The Speed 900K isn’t as heavy as the Champion 2000.

3. The Speed 900K is the most expensive bike.

4. The Champion 2000 is cheaper than the Speed 900K.

5. The DKM 500 isn’t as expensive as the Roughneck ZC7.

6. Customers think the DKM 500 is the best bike.

7. The DKM 500 is lighter than the Roughneck ZC7.

8. The guarantee for the Roughneck ZC7 isn’t as long as the guarantee for the Champion 2000.

9. Swoop Cycles give customers a bigger choice of colors than Zephyr Cycles.

10. Customers think the Speed 900K is better than the Roughneck ZC7.

Exercise 132

Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives (in brackets) to complete the gaps in this letter from a bank.


Scotbank is one of Europe's leading banks. We can offer you a ……… (wide) range of banking services than any of our competitors. Our many clients range from the ……… (small) family businesses to the ……. (large) multinational companies. We have just opened our ……….. (new) branch in North Street. You will find that we have installed the ………. (late) technology to make your banking even ……… (easy) and ……… (convenient). Our staff is one of the ……. (friendly), devoted to making business a pleasure. Don't take our word for it though. Come and see for yourself!

Exercise 133

Use comparative and give some advice.

Example: Do you like Bob’s Big Burger Bar?

go to a McDonald’s – fast, cheap

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