Uncommon Vocabulary See Part One Topic 15: Festivals; Experience 22: A busy time in your life.
Experience 24: Something dangerous you would like to do
Describe a describe something dangerous you would like to do.
You should say:
What the activity is
Why you would like to do it
Why you think it is dangerous
Whether you think you will do this in the future.
This is quite a strange topic and it can be difficult if you haven't prepared for it. The easiest choices are extreme sports, such as mountain biking, snowboarding, parachuting etc.
Uncommon Vocabulary
extreme sports adrenalin sports risky (= dangerous)
hazardous (= dangerous) breathtaking (= exciting) take risks
Grammar point
You must use some conditional structures:
I’d love to have the chance to have a go at mountain biking.
It would without doubt be quite risky.
It would need quite a lot of careful preparation.
I doubt I’ll ever have the chance to actually do it.
Section 4: A TV programme
A TV programme A radio programme A film A story from your childhood A book A song or piece of music A newspaper or magazine A website An advertisement A photo A piece of art Media 1: A TV programme
Describe a TV programme that you have seen
You should say:
What type of programme it is
What it is about
How often you watch it
Whether it is popular in your country
Choose a famous TV series such as Journey to the West or another long-running series based on a historical legend.
Uncommon Vocabulary
See Part One Topic 5: Television.
long-running be based on air (=broadcast)
cast episode series
Grammar Point
Use a mix of present and past tenses:
I remember when I originally saw the first episode...
The show is still running to this day.
They have aired repeats of the show many times over the years.
Media 2: A radio programme
Describe a radio programme that you have listened to.
You should say:
What type of programme it is
What it is about
How often you listen to it
Whether it is popular in your country
You can use the same content as Media 1: A TV programme, but change it into a radio programme (e.g., a radio version of journey to the West).
Uncommon Vocabulary
radio station radio play long-running series narrator
broadcast audio effects the script (= the words)
Grammar Point
The same as Media 1: A TV programme.
Media 3: A film
Describe a film that you enjoyed watching.
You should say:
What type of film it was
When you saw it
Why you enjoyed it
Whether this film is popular in your country.
Choose a recent famous movie. (Hollywood movies are easier to describe.)
Uncommon Vocabulary
See Part One Topic 25: Films.
a Hollywood blockbuster a box-office smash
a big-budget production animated special effects
an impressive script an unforgettable soundtrack
a strong cast (= famous actors / actresses)
Grammar Point
Use a mix of present and past tenses:
When I originally saw the film, it had been out for a quite while (be out = release).
It has been aired on TV a couple of times.
It has recently been released on DVD.
Media 4: A story from your childhood
Describe a story that you remembered from your childhood
You should say:
What the story was about
How you first heard this story
Why you remembered this story
Whether it is still popular today.
Use the same story as Media l: A TV programme (e.g. Journey to the West).
Date: 2015-12-17 ; view: 1280