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Uncommon Vocabulary

compulsory state administered exam conscientiously

multi-discipline (= many subjects) test-preparation

taxing (=difficult) pass mark certificate of great consequence

Grammar Point

Use a variety of past tenses:

Around that time I was studying in a local middle school.

I had been preparing quite conscientiously for quite a while.

I was quite surprised that I had passed because I had found it quite taxing.

The news arrived by post; it was delivered while I was sitting down to breakfast.

Experience 12: Some important family news

Describe some important family news.

You should say:

What the news was

How you heard about this news

Whether it was important

How you felt when you heard this news.


Exactly the same as Experience 11: Some important news.

Experience 13: An important letter you received

Describe an important letter you received.

You should say:

When you received this letter

What the letter was about

How you felt when you read it

Why it was important.


Exactly the same as Experience 11: Some important news.

Experience 14: An important letter you sent

Describe an important letter you sent.

You should say:

When you seen it

What if was about

Why it was important

Whether it influenced you.


This is quite an easy topic. There are many options to choose from. However, the best option is probably a letter of complaint about a product or service. (If you choose a "product", then you can use the same content for another topic later in this chapter.)

Uncommon Vocabulary

complaint unacceptable compensation

proprietor (= shopkeeper) disgruntled (= unsatisfied) criticize

not up to scratch (= unacceptable) get one's money back


Use a variety of past tenses:

I originally sent the letter last month because I had previously bought a... (product)

When I first bought this... (product) the proprietor had initially told me that...

At first the... (product) had been quite satisfactory, but later I noticed that...

Experience 15: An interesting trip you have been on

Describe an interesting trip you have been on.

You should say:

Where / When you went

What you did there

Why it was important

Whether it influenced you.


Use exactly the same content and language as Place 19: A city / town / village you have visited. Use vocabulary from Part One Topic 34: Travelling.

Experience 16: The best holiday you have been on

Describe the best holiday you have been on.

You should say:

Where / When you went

How travelled there

Why you choose to go to this place

What you liked most about this holiday.


Use exactly the same content and language as Place 19: A city / town / village you have visited. Use vocabulary from Part One Topic 34: Travelling.

Experience 17: Some long distance travel you would like to do

Describe some long distance travel you would like to do.

You should say:

Where you would go

How you would get there

Why you would choose this place

Whether the trip would be expensive.


This topic is not actually an experience because the card states "would like to do". It has been included in this section because the actual vocabulary and content can be exactly the same as Experience 15: An interesting trip you have been on; Experience 16: The best holiday you have been on. Remember to use vocabulary from Part One Topic 34: Travelling.

Grammar Point

You must use conditional tense:

If I had the option to travel to any destination, I would probably pick...

The reason why I would select this is because I would love to...and I might be able to...

Use a present perfect past simple tense:

Ever since I was a kid I have always had a real burning desire to visit this place.

Experience 18: An activity in an English lesson

Describe an activity in an England lesson that you enjoyed.

You should say:

Where you would go

How you would get there

Why you would choose this place

Whether the trip would be expensive.


Talk about a play or performance that your English class produced.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1325

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