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Uncommon Vocabulary

legend mythical fairy-tale amiable


Grammar Point

Use past tenses to describe when the story was first written etc.:

The story was originally written about 500 years ago.

I first read the story I saw the film / programme when I was living in Beijing.

Use present perfect tense:

I’ve always been a big admirer of Zhu Bajie.

People 5: An old person

Describe an old person who has influenced you.

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know this person

How he / she has influenced you

Whether this person has influenced other people.

Suggestion Talk

Talk about a teacher (the same as the next topic).

Uncommon Vocabulary

old aged pensioner elucidate (= explain) put in plain words

well-respected tutor mentor inspiring

Grammar Point

Use a mix of past tenses:

We first met when I was studying in my primary school.

He used to be my Chinese teacher.

Use future tenses:

I will always remember how he...

I will never forget how he...

People 6: A teacher who has influenced you

Describe a teacher who has influenced you.

You should say:

Who the teacher is

Where and when you met him / her

How he / she has influenced you

Whether you still know this teacher.

(Exactly the same as People 5: An old person.)

People 7: A neighbor

Describe a neighbor who you get on well with.

You should say:

Who the neighbor is

How long you known this person

What you like about this person

How often see this person.

(Exactly the same as People 5: An old person.)

People 8: A child you know

Describe a child that you know.

You should say:

Who the child is

How you know this child

What you like about this child

What things you do with this child.


Choose a young relative (cousin, brother or sister).

Uncommon Vocabulary

youngster kid youthful

relative chummy immature

(See also Part One Topic 14: Friends.)

Grammar Point

Use a mix of past tenses:

I’ve known this kid ever since he was a baby.

He used to live in the same community with me.

Use future structures:

I will always remember how he...

I will never forget how he...

People 9: A family member

Describe a family member who you like.

You should say:

Who the person is

What you like this person

What things you do together

Whether you think you are similar to this person.

(Exactly the same as People 8: A child you know.)

People 10: Compare two family members

Compare two members of your family.

You should say:

Who the two people are

How they are similar

How they are different

What you like about these two people.

You can use most of the same content from People 8: A child you know, but you can invent a twin brother or sister for that child, so you can talk about "my young cousins who are identical twins".

Uncommon Vocabulary

identical impossible to tell apart like two peas in a pod

likeness outward appearance trail

Grammar Point

You need to use some comparative structures:

A tends to be more... (adj.) whereas in contrast B seems to be more... (adj.) On the one hand, A is usually quite... (adj.) while B is often fairly... (adj.) One remarkable similarity is that they both... One clearly distinguished distinction is that...

People 11: Someone you have studied or worked with

Describe someone you have studied or worked with.

You should say:

How the person was

When you first met this person

Whether you had a good relationship

Whether other people liked this person.


Invent someone. Don’t talk about a real person. Choose a classmate or workmate who was also your friend and focus on friendship as well as studying or working.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1306

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Part Two Topic Analysis | Uncommon Vocabulary
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