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T INA LEANED QUIETLY against the doorframe of Mariel's bedroom, her shoulder pressed against the cool wood as she watched the young doctor moving about the room. They had stayed in bed as long as they could before Mariel reluctantly answered the telephone, her mother's worried voice anxiously asking when they could go see Lisa at the hospital. After agreeing to be picked up in an hour at her apartment, the scientist had hung up the phone and kissed Tina softly in apology. The detective quirked her lips now in memory, the gentle tingle still lingering. The shower they shared had been all too quick for Tina's liking and she promised herself (and Mariel with an altogether unchaste kiss) the next one they shared would be much more...thorough. 'The next one ', Tina smiled at the thought. The private investigator watched as Mariel put on her watch and earrings, the scientist's green eyes quickly glancing out the window to gauge the temperature outside before she turned back to Tina and spoke.

"Do you think I should wear more than this?"

Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a soft white v-neck sweater, Mariel walked over to the leaning detective and smiled up at her. Reaching her arms gently around Tina's waist, she let her fingertips pull the taller woman to her. She had rummaged around in her t-shirt drawer and found an old one for Tina to wear after they had showered. It was always too big for her, but it seemed to fit the detective nicely. Mariel had to smile. She really, seriously doubted that Tina Amphipoli was a John Cougar fan but the black American Fool shirt looked so good on her and the way she rolled her blue eyes when Mariel slipped it over her head was worth it. Of course, the cop pants were still working for her too (if truth be told). Feeling the detective shift under her hands and reach her arms around her, Mariel moved closer as Tina's low voice rumbled down to her ears.

"It's gonna be cold out..."

Mariel just smiled and leaned up, letting her lips kiss against the detective's neck. It was too hard to imagine anything being cold when she was pressed against Tina's body. Feeling the taller woman reach over to the doorknob where her black suede jacket hung, she smiled as Tina brought it up around her shoulders. Reluctantly, she disentangled and allowed herself to be dressed, all the while looking up at Tina with a silly grin on her face.


The detective's low voice asked as she raised an eyebrow and smiled. She let her fingers smooth over the dark material on Mariel's shoulders before she heard the scientist answer.

"I really, really like you..."

Tina shifted with embarrassed discomfort, her eyes lowering as her hands busied at making sure the young doctor's jacket was indeed settled right (even though it was just fine). When she looked up, a little smile crossed her lips.

"Well..yeah..I uh.."

Mariel chuckled, seeing the faint blush creeping along the side of the detective's cheeks. She could see that Tina wasn't bothered, just that stoic no-nonsense Chicago thing coming through. It was downright endearing on the dark haired woman.

"You're such a big tough detective, aren't you? It's alright, you don't have to say anything mushy."

Tina put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow in mock indignation.


Mariel smirked and took the investigator's hand, pulling her into the living room where Idgie yawned and looked at the both of them with a certain irritation. After being chased out of every comfy spot in the apartment, the yellow cat had taken up residence on Mariel's cloth desk chair and hoped her mistress and new friend would give her some peace and quiet. Turning back to Tina, the scientist smiled softly, letting her eyes take in the clear blue of the detective's before her face turned more serious.

"I'm really sorry..about needing to go..and you leaving.."

Tina reached out and let her hand gently touch along the scientist's jawline before she leaned down and kissed her on the lips, wanting to remember the velvet sensation. Again, the sweet taste made her smile with fond remembrance before she pulled back and murmured.

"Don't be sorry."

Looking up at Tina, Mariel let her hands find the investigator's hips as her head slightly tilted to the side with a look of genuine affection.

"You know, I'm going to have to thank the federal government."

Tina laughed out loud as her hands came to rest on the scientist's shoulders, a disbelievingly amused look on her face.

"For what?! Jesse Helms?"

Mariel shook her head with a smile and rolled her eyes. Reaching up, she let her index finger trace down Tina's neck from jawline to where the collar of her t-shirt loosely circled her neck before pointing gently at the taller woman.

"For letting me work with best."

Tina pursed her lips as she raised an eyebrow, a thin smile crossing her lips before she took hold of Mariel's hand and kissed the pointing finger with charmed regard. Her murmuring voice was low and steady.

"Then I think I'm the one who should be thanking the feds, you know..."

Mariel sighed and just leaned forward, her body moving of its own volition, drawn to Tina on some elemental level she chose not to analyze. Sliding her hands around the detective's back, she nestled her head under Tina's chin and spoke softly.

"So, when do I get to see you again?"

She felt the low tenor of Tina's voice before she heard it.

"When do you want to see me again?"

Feeling the detective's hands rubbing over her back, she thought about saying that she never wanted to let go but instead was pushed towards something more practical and realistic, two things she hated having to be at the moment. Whatever happened to be spontaneous and dreamy? Oh well, a compromise at least.

"As soon as humanly possible?"

Tina chuckled, her thoughts following similar patterns but knowing there were things Mariel had to do with her family and with the Bureau. Agent Eph wanted the forensic scientist's full report on Wednesday and she herself would no doubt be busy detailing for Sam Lamonie every single second of last night. She also wanted to do a little background check on Cirra and Grosse Point, just to satisfy her own demons before trying to put them to final rest.

"Hmmm...how about Wednesday night? Is that too soon?"

Mariel pulled back and looked up at Tina, cocking an eyebrow at the detective and smiling as she spoke in a teasing tone of voice.

"You're kidding again, right? Of course it's not too soon! Besides, you did promise to show me Chicago and well...it is a big city. Lots of places to go...people to see...things to do..you know."

Tina laughed her soft deep chuckle as her hands squeezed gently against the scientist's body. Drawing the shorter woman further into her embrace, she smiled at how well Mariel seemed to fit. Moving her head, she let her lips find the scientist's ear and kissed just a bit before she spoke softly into it, feeling Mariel shiver in her arms.

"I know this great Italian restaurant I'd love to take you to..."

Mariel turned her head to the side and allowed more access to her neck as she felt Tina's lips place gentle kisses against her skin. Skittering sensations ran down her spine and made it hard to think clearly, let alone stand very well. Instead, Mariel just leaned further into the solid support the detective offered as she murmured.

"Sounds yummy...what's it called?"

Kissing softly along the blond hairline of the scientist's temple, Tina found a warm ear and breathed in again as she spoke.


Just hearing that word from Tina's rich voice was enough to make Mariel's mouth water. Reaching up, she brought her hands around the detective's neck and pulled Tina down, kissing her hard, wanting to leave this woman with something to remember and come back to when they finally parted. Mariel suspected, as the detective's lips responded in kind, that she could kiss Tina Amphipoli for an eternity and never grow tired of it. When she finally pulled back, the two of them looked at each other for a long moment before Mariel smiled.

"You know, I could really get used to that. In fact, I think there's a rule about this sort of thing."

Tina cocked her head as Mariel handed her the big leather motorcycle jacket draped on the edge of the couch as they started walking towards the door.


The scientist nodded her head as she grabbed her keys and opened her apartment door, leading the way down the hall towards the stairs. The detective followed, her tall dark form moving gracefully behind Mariel's smaller one.

"Yep, there's a rule. A few rules in fact. I like to call them 'Mariel's Rules of...Romance."

Tina paused at the bottom of the second floor landing and raised an eyebrow at Mariel who turned to smile at her.

"Why do I think I'm not going to like these rules?"

With a laugh, Mariel goodnaturedly backhanded the arm of Tina's jacket and shook her head. Lifting her chin in an official oratory manner, the rookie FBI agent spoke as she continued down the stairs.

"Rule number one. At the first sign of serious trouble, you kiss me."

Opening the outside door, Mariel paused and looked back at Tina who was following her, a grin on her face. Before she started to move out the door, the detective leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips, lingering just a little before pulling back. Mariel stood there speechless for a second as Tina shrugged her shoulders and spoke.

"You look like trouble to me."

Mariel smirked and shook her head as she turned to enter the bright sunshine of October. The tall private investigator ambled forward and walked down the courtyard sidewalk next to the blond. Clearing her throat, Mariel continued and looking sideways up at Tina, raising her golden brown eyebrow.

"As I was saying, rule number two...if you get caught, act innocent and then kiss me."

Tina smiled and nodded before raising her arm to point up to their left as she spoke casually.

"Oh, look, a bird."

When Mariel followed the detective's finger, she felt a soft kiss land on her right ear followed by a slight nibble of her earlobe. The scientist turned and put her hands on her hips as they stopped at the sidewalk in front of the apartment building, smiling in a playfully stern way.

"That's funny..now, rule number three..."

Tina mimicked the young doctor's stance and put her own hands on her hips as she spoke.

"Let me guess...more kissing."

Mariel narrowed her eyes and smirked at the detective. In front of them on the sidewalk, a woman walked her dog, a little yellow lab puppy that clumsily walked along and sniffed everything with youthful exuberance. With the wind blowing lightly, the crisp air cooled against Tina and Mariel as they stood facing each other. The scientist's voice was soft as she smiled.

"Rule number three..if there are people walking by, wait them out and then kiss me."

Tina moved closer until she was standing a few inches from Mariel, her solid form blocking most of the brisk wind. From where she stood, the scientist could feel the warmth radiate out from Tina's body as she turned her head up to look at the detective's face. Blue eyes gently gazed at her before they looked casually over her shoulder, watching the woman with the dog move down the street before coming back to rest on Mariel's face. In a soft low voice, Tina murmured as she smiled.

"She's gone..."

Mariel reached out and put her hands against Tina's sides, the thick leather jacket parting easily to allow her access. With a whisper, the scientist pulled against Tina's body.

"Then kiss me."

And so Tina did, leaning down to let her lips kiss against Mariel's in tender pressure. The busy street, the city of Evanston, even Chicago itself faded away as two people who were strangers just days before, found each other again. It took years of waiting, a city of millions, and a chance assignment on a criminal case, but they found each other. As they kissed, both came to the same conclusion that this was most definitely well worth the wait.

Pulling back, Mariel looked up and smiled as Tina draped her arm around the scientist's shoulder and walked them both towards the Buick. The golden car waited patiently in the sunlight as Tina took her keys out and opened the door. Reluctantly, Mariel let go of the detective's waist and watched as Tina's tall form climbed in and sank down comfortably in the leathered interior. The young doctor eased the door shut and leaned her arms in as the window rolled down.

"You know there's one more rule, don't you?"

Tina looked over at Mariel after the FBI agent's soft voice filled the car. She had to smile, the afternoon sunlight was dancing across Mariel's face, picking up the gold that flecked her green eyes and making her look simply beautiful. Resting a wrist over the steering wheel, Tina cocked her head to the side and smiled as she murmured.

"And what would that be?"

Mariel reached out and let her hand glide through the long dark hair to the side of Tina's face, absorbing with her eyes the detective's striking features. Every curve and line reminded her of home and the way those blue eyes looked at her made Mariel feel very...protected, even here in the safety of her normal life. She had a feeling that she was going to feel that way for a very, very long time. With a smile, the scientist leaned further into the car and spoke quietly against Tina's ear.

"When all else fails, I get to charm the hell out of you until you kiss me."

She felt Tina chuckle before the investigator turned her head and whispered.

"You got it.."

Then Mariel's lips were captured again, this time in a kiss that would hold them both over until the next time they saw each other. When they parted, she felt Tina take her hand and squeeze against it before the Buick started with a low rumble. With a smile, the detective put her sunglasses on, giving Mariel a slight tilt and nod of her head. Backing away from the car, the scientist smiled as the golden car pulled away, gliding down the street carrying Tina Amphipoli with it.

As she pulled away, Tina kept her eyes in the rearview mirror, watching as Mariel Potidean's figure got smaller and smaller. Shifting in the Buick's seat, the detective put her boot to the gas pedal and maneuvered the car through the streets of Evanston. Behind her stood a woman who she knew was going to mean more to her than anything in this entire city or in this life. She had been dead inside for a long time, now it was time for her to live again. The journey had just begun and Tina smiled at how much sweeter it had just become.

Standing there, Mariel watched as the yellow faded around the corner and the rest of the sounds and sites of the street came alive. Taking a deep breath, the young doctor wrapped her arms around herself and smiled. She had a feeling that she was going to love the city of Chicago and every single thing about it. To say her life had changed overnight was putting it mildly. Shivering just a bit with the possibilities, Mariel put her hand in her pocket, surprised to find a tiny piece of paper folded up. Pulling it out, she read the words written in a vaguely familiar hand and smiled even more.

'I'll always be here.'




D OWNTOWN, THE TALL highrise building on Michigan was quiet and empty. Walking along the polished 34th floor hallway that shone like a glaze of ice, the heels of his wingtips made muffled thuds as he reached up and adjusted the tie around his neck. He hated that on a damn Saturday, the boss made him wear a suit and tie, even for these informal strategy sessions. 'If you want the people to respect you, you first have to show them that you respect yourself enough to look the part. 'If he tried, he could even hear the delivery of those words in a smooth matter-of-fact voice.

At the end of the hall, a set of large mahogany doors stood imposing and dark. Behind them, he knew there would be an office the size of his own apartment, glass framing three walls overlooking the city. His boss loved to stand in front of each set of windows, looking to the north, to the south, and of course, to the east. He would have his hands behind his back, a smug smile on his face. One day, he would own this city..and if he had his way, he'd own the country eventually. Today, the charismatic man looking out over Chicago would simply step closer down a path he seemed fated to walk.


He hesitantly called out after opening the office door. Sure enough, his boss was poised at the north window surveying the vast expanse of street and building that stretched out along the shore of Lake Michigan. The other strategy team members would be here shortly, their Saturday meeting starting at 4pm sharp. His boss, however, would have been up since dawn, working, thinking, planning. Without even turning around, the medium built man in a sharp tailored charcoal suit spoke over his shoulder.

"You know, I have a very good feeling about today, Bruce. This city demands someone who can lead it into eminent prosperity, someone who knows what the people need."

His boss paused and turned, smiling at Bruce with that boyish grin of his. With brown hair cut perfectly conservative and his chisled jaw jutting out, he looked even more youthful than his early thirties would show. Motioning towards his associate, he continued.

"Chicago needs someone who is destined for greatness. This city needs me...."

Bruce Romano smiled and shook his head of dark curly hair as he joined his boss at the north side window. He had to admit, there was something strangely aphrodiasiatic about the aura of power the man standing next to him gave off. He was so confident and so sure of himself. He couldn't help but be attracted to that which was why he was here now, why he had given up his own position as advisor to Mayor Daly. He wanted to be there when it happened, when Julian Cesario took Chicago.

* * *


Eyes the color of ice grey slate looked through the glass partition separating an immaculately sterile labroom and the outer supply area. Things were progressing on schedule and it wouldn't be long before the cultures were ready. All her training at MIT was paying off, finally. Pursing her lips, the tall, brown haired woman turned and smiled to herself. The crisp white lab coat she wore fairly glowed under the flourescent lights of Lavamore Laboratories as the chief biochemist made her way towards her office on this October Saturday. Indeed, soon she would gain the respect and acclaim that she was entitled to and was promised. Living in the shadows just would not do anymore. Raising a thin brown eyebrow and cocking her head to the side, Lavamore's most accomplished and most sociopathic employee grinned wickedly. Laska Godwin was going to take what was rightfully hers and those who tried to stop her would suffer her wrath.

After all, it was His will.



Date: 2015-12-17; view: 778

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