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I N A SEA of people -- men and women dressed in every kind leather and rubber ensemble imaginable -- Mariel pressed herself up against the detective's body in an effort not to be swallowed up by the crowd. Inside the Mortar and Pestle, there were so many people packed into the space, it was hard to negotiate for even the tiniest bit of room. It was hot and smoky, the music loudly thumping throughout the dim large club. Strobe lights flickered back and forth over the heads of those dancing, a flashing milieu of sweating bodies keeping time to a bass line.

With Tina leading the way in front, the scientist reached out and put her hands on the investigator's waist, grasping her belt firmly as her taller companion muscled their way further into the club. One of Tina's hands was covering her own, making sure she was still attached while the other gently, but firmly pushed people out of the way. Everywhere Mariel turned, she saw members of every sex either paired up in some fashion or another or on the lookout for a night of fun with a stranger. Certainly this place was not as comfortable as the Whip Room and the young doctor had the feeling that this club was much more like a meat market than not.

The music was so loud that neither one of them could exchange words while they made their way back into the Pestle, pressing towards one of the three bars located in the large space. Mariel let her gaze take in the scene around her, getting an eyeful of a rougher side to the leather scene. There were two kinds of men, either dominating over someone else with tough macho stances or being led around by various body parts, submitting eagerly. Similarly, there were women doing the same. There seemed to be no one established sexuality, the pairings or threesomes or more were randomly mixed between straight and gay and everything in between. Mariel had to turn her head up at a couple of cross-dressers towering above even Tina's head as they passed by in tight spandex dresses.

Shuffling her way behind the detective, Mariel tightened her grasp until they finally found a more open area near one of the neon-lit bars. Only a small cluster of people gathered by it, engaged in various activities ranging from sharing a cigarette and drink to publicly punishing someone who was 'naughty'. Mariel took it all in while trying to be casual. When she felt the detective's hand on her shoulder, she turned as Tina leaned down to speak in her ear, the music forcing them closer to be heard.

"Keep your eye out for a guy on a leash."

Before Tina moved away, Mariel reached up and put her hand on the investigator's shoulder, pulling her back down while she stood on her toes a bit. As clearly as she could over the loud music, she spoke near the detective's ear.

"Tina, half the guys in here are on leashes."

The detective pulled back and looked around before she turned to Mariel and smiled down at her, leaning close once again.

"Good point."

Mariel smiled as she looked around them again, trying to think of a way to find this elusive Atoli guy who supposedly could help them maybe get into someplace where they might be able to find out some information that would crack this case. Well, that thought didn't make things seem easier, now did it? Spotting a taller guy with black curly hair and glasses with a collar around his neck, the scientist decided to take action. The bigger guy was standing next to them, his long-haired mistress casually holding the chain that attached to his collar in her hand. She was chatting with a group of other women similarly accoutered with submissive men and women. Leaning over, she tapped the guy on his arm.

"Hey there. What's your name."

The guy looked nervously at his mistress before he smiled at her and spoke softly.

"It's Bear."

Tina kept her gaze half on her younger scientist companion and half on the crowd around them. Mariel smiled at the man and leaned closer, her words loud enough for only him to hear.

"Nice to meet you, Bear, my name's Mariel. I was wondering if you happened to know a guy named Atoli?"

The mistress holding Bear's chain casually looked over at the two of them and dismissed the blond as a threat. Of course, her sub would be punished later for talking to someone without her permission, but she was engaged in a very interesting conversation with her friends about the merits of nipple clamps and therefore, could not be bothered right now to deal with him. Bear caught the look he received from his mistress and knew he was in for it later so he just shrugged his shoulders and went for broke.

"Oh yeah...you mean 'Atoli, King of Subs'? I know him."

The scientist smiled and turned her head, giving Tina a wink and a head nod before turning back to the man.

"Do you know if he's here tonight?"

Bear glanced up at Tina's silent, but nevertheless very noticeable form, eyeing him and his intentions. He had never seen either of these women in the Pestle before but damn if they weren't both very, very pleasant to look at. Maybe the tall one was looking for another sub, he wondered with idle curiosity. Smiling over at Tina before he turned his gaze down at the smaller blond woman, he leaned over and spoke conspiratorially.

"She in the market for a third for you all tonight? I don't like to brag, but I've done some wrestling in my day. That Atoli guy has no stamina I hear."

Mariel smile politely at the guy before she felt the detective's hand come to rest on her lower back, hooking a thumb in the band of her leather pants. Tina wasn't interfering, she was just making her presence known to both Mariel and Bear. With a head shake, the scientist looked up at the collared guy with a smile.

"No, she likes what I do. We just needed to talk to him about...the best kind of leash to buy."

Here, Mariel winged it, as she paused and pointed behind her towards Tina, who had a smirk on her face as she stood back and listened while the young doctor continued.

"You see, Bear, she was looking for a nice new collar and leash thing for me and I said 'you know, I bet that Atoli would know a thing or two about them'. And she really, really wants me in that tonight. Who am I to deny her?"

Bear chuckled in understanding, knowing a bottom's work was never done. Pointing back to one of the side rooms off the bar, he shrugged.

"Well, he's usually back there. His mistresses just leave him tied up for most of the night while they sit around and make him perform. Whatever, you know?"

Mariel nodded, affecting a look of deep understanding and experience.

"Yeah, I hear you Bear, whatever works, I say."

Bear smiled as Mariel patted him on the arm in thanks before turning back towards Tina, looking up into amused blue eyes. The researcher let a smile cross her lips and quirked an eyebrow before Tina started to lead them to the room they had been directed towards near the bar.

"Hey, if she changes her mind, tell her I'm available."

Bear had leaned over and whispered into Mariel's ear, nodding towards the leathered detective. The scientist just shook her head once and smiled, her voice pleasant.

"Will do."

He smiled and turned back to his mistress, who was now very much interested in what he was doing. Uh oh.

* * *


Tina moved them away towards the room before she put her arm around the shorter woman's shoulders. She had to smile to herself, Mariel certainly had a way with words and worked that situation very well if she did say so herself. With a tiny squeeze of pride on the scientist's shoulders, she leaned down, her mouth finding Mariel's ear.

"Good job."

Mariel just smiled up at the detective and shrugged, moving her body closer to Tina's as they pressed their way back through a crowded hallway. She felt the investigator's hand slide down and slip under her leather coat, finding her bare lower back as she was guided to a smaller side room. Just before they entered, Tina leaned down once again.

"Ok...in here, let me do the talking. Watch your step too. Don't speak unless spoken to and definitely do whatever I say. These women take their roles seriously and if they suspect that I don't have you in check, they'll get very suspicious. Ok?"

Mariel smiled and nodded, lowering her eyes as she moved closer to the detective, raising up her right arm a bit and offering her cuffs. Tina smiled briefly down at the young doctor and took the cuff chain firmly in hand, her face now projecting one of serious authority as she moved forward, pulling Mariel behind her by the wrist.

When they entered the room, they saw a series of low black leather couches along three walls with a number of leather-clad women sitting and drinking. Unlike Tina, they were all dressed in various types of leather corsets and body suits. Some were shiny patent leather outfits while others were fashioned with hooks and chains of all sorts. Many wore thigh-high leather boots and either had small riding crops or other discipline equipment. Standing in front of them on display was a man hooked up to what Mariel could only figure out to be some sort of harness or something. Whatever it was, the scientist couldn't imagine it being very comfortable.

The investigator stopped her short, indicating that she should stay where she was near one of the leather couches. Mariel watched as Tina strolled into the room and let her eyes casually take in the dark-haired mustached man with his hands pulled above his head, a collar and leash around his neck dangling down in front of him, and nothing more than a pair of black leather shorts. The detective turned her eyes toward one of the seated women and reached out her hand, raising an eyebrow.

"May I?"

The leather-clad woman nodded as the rest of them eyed the very stern looking detective. She handed over her riding crop, looking up at Tina and letting a sensuous smile curve across her lips before she purred.

"Be our guest."

The detective nodded her appreciation as she took the sturdy crop, testing the two strips of leather at the end against the palm of her hand. Well satisfied with the slapping sound, Tina walked over to the man and walked around him in a dangerous prowl, letting the tip of the crop trail over his body.

Mariel simply held her breath as she watched her partner. It appeared that Tina knew a thing or two about this scene. There was something rather intense about the way the investigator moved, almost like one would hunt down prey. She watched as Tina smiled at the twitching man, who unfortunately could not say anything due in large part to the fact that a thin strip of black rubber tied around his head was also occupying his mouth.

With a glance over at the women who were watching her intently, Tina smiled as she lightly snapped the riding crop against the back of the man's thigh, the women chuckling a bit as he half-heartedly struggled, not particularly wanting loose at all. It was clear this man liked public punishment and the women seated around the room didn't mind letting another dom take a turn. Tina put her hand on the man's shoulder and spun him, the harness turning from its point on the club's ceiling. Now, his back was to the rest of the occupants in the room and he was facing one very determined cop. Oh yeah.

Smiling, she reached up and roughly grabbed the rubber in his mouth, daring him to say anything when she pulled it free. Licking his lips, he smiled a roguish grin at her and lifted his chin. Tina looked him over, he wasn't half-bad if you went for that sort of look. He had short black hair and along with his black moustache, he also had a bit of a goatee on his chin. He wasn't particularly muscular, but he was average.

"You're Atoli."

She let her voice lower in a rumble, all the while letting the others think she was toying with him, the riding crop running up and down his bare leg. With a slight head bow and eyebrow raise, he cockily replied with a rather lascivious grin.

"The one and only, King of Subs."

Tina would have laughed if this wasn't such a necessary part of the operation. She stepped to the side of him, looking over at the women.

"Ladies, I do believe you have a SAM on your hands here."

They all laughed as she let the riding crop slap against his leather covered buttcheeks. Cheering, they gave the detective a thumbs up and went back to their conversations and drinks. Tina let her eyes find Mariel's, assuring her with a look while making sure she was ok. The scientist smiled and nodded, letting the investigator do her thing. Mariel was beginning to learn that there were many ways to get information from people. Well, whatever it took, she supposed.

Tina stepped back in front of Atoli and smiled as she reached up and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. He was still smiling a bit as he raised an eyebrow at her when she brought the riding crop up to his lips, the unspoken threat to wipe the smile off his face was not lost on him.

"Heh heh...now, uh, Mistress Cop-lady...no need for that. I'll behave."

Tina came in close, her voice low enough for only him to hear as her blue eyes bored into his brown ones.

"Don't ever call me lady again. The name's Tina and I need some information from you, got it?"

Atoli grasped the metal cuffs at his wrists, testing the chains that bound him as he nodded quickly.

"Yeah..sure..whatever. Heh..you know, anything you want. Anything at all."

A smile crossed Tina's lips as she reached around and let the riding crop snap against him again, making a grand show for the audience of mistresses that sat watching. Atoli jerked a bit and smiled at the detective, liking the way she handled that crop. Very much.

"I need to get into the Cage. Tell me how."

Tina's low voice was menacing against his ear as she paced around him, letting the leather she held in her hand occasionally flick against his skin in small snaps, marking it with gentle red. Atoli turned his head, watching her over his shoulder before she came back around in front of him. With a head shake, his voice was serious.

"Uh, Tina, is it? I don't think that's possible. They've got tight security. You've got to be on a list or something."

Tina stopped short, looking at him with fierce blue eyes before she reached out and grabbed his face again, coming in close.

"Is that the only way in?"

Atoli let his eyes look to the sides of him before he nodded his head, requesting that she come closer. With just a whisper for the detective to hear, he explained what he knew.

"Look, you didn't hear it from me, but there's a backdoor and the guy running it, Mark, takes bribes. Uh..."

He paused as he looked at her, not quite sure how to put this gently but given where they were and what had already transpired, he doubted subtlety was this woman's style. Why, if he wasn't already owned by seven other Mistresses, he'd be willing to take another.

"Sexual bribes. From men only."

The detective nodded, narrowing her eyes to assure herself that he wasn't just pulling her leg. As cocky as he was, he also looked sincere when he spoke of this. She knew this was the best she was going to get, so they'd have to work with that. Letting a smile cross her lips, she took the riding crop and ran it up his chest over the dark hair covering it in places.

"Oh, I'll give him an offer he can't refuse."

Atoli raised an insolent eyebrow and smirked, his mouth getting him into more trouble with women all the time.

"Hey, what about me? Don't I get an offer I can't refuse?"

With a chuckle, Tina patted the side of his face in a rather patronizing manner as she smiled. Reaching down, she pulled the rubber strip back up and placed it in his mouth, effectively ending his conversation. Leaning in close, she smirked back at him.

"What you get, Atoli dear, is my gratitude. Enjoy."

And with that, she reached around and pulled down just the edge of his leather shorts, exposing one rather white buttock as she stepped to the side. Smiling her thanks to the mistresses seated around the room, the detective delivered one rather stinging snap of the riding crop to Atoli's bare skin, leaving him a red marked calling card with her name on it. The room smiled at the little muffled yelp of pleasure that escaped from his gag. With a satisfied smile, Tina gave back the crop and brushed her hands. Well, that was easy enough.

Sauntering over to Mariel, whose face held a look of amusement mixed with something else, Tina reached out and grabbed the cuff bracelet and pulled the shorter blond woman to her, wrapping her arms around Mariel's neck in a quick hug as she spoke for only the scientist to hear.

"Got what we need. You good to go?"

Mariel pulled back and let her hands slide up to the detective's waist, knowing that many sets of eyes were on them. Giving the muscular body under her hands a gentle squeeze, the scientist smiled as she molded her body against the tall woman in a show of submission and whispered.

"Oh, I'm very good to go with you."

Tina smiled as she put one arm around Mariel's shoulder, drawing her even closer as they started to make their way out of the Mortar and Pestle. Despite their supposed guise, Tina was very much enjoying the feel of this woman's warm body up against her and the liberty of putting her hands wherever she wanted. Mariel, she knew, was comfortable with that and in fact, wasn't finding it easy to keep her hands off the detective either. Both of them seemed to be responding to not only the undercover field work demands, but also to a sense of growing attraction. There really wasn't much either of them could do about it, not that she or the scientist appeared to be fighting it. It just felt too damn good and too damn right.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 500

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