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W HEN TINA AND Mariel entered the candle-lit space nestled far back into the recesses of the Whip Room, they saw two women and a younger girl seated around a small table, lounging. In one large black leather chair, a dark-haired older woman sat relaxed with her legs crossed while the other two talked. The woman seated in the chair wore a skirt of black leather and an elaborate leather shirt adorned with metal rivets and chains. She had a black leather beaded band around her forehead and silver dangling earrings. With long wavy black hair, she was an elegant beauty. Raising a finely sculpted dark eyebrow, she looked over at the couple.

"Tina...it's been a while. I thought we saw the last of you years ago."

The detective shrugged in a non-committal way.

"I've been busy, Losa."

The seated woman's face was expressionless as she nodded. She had a tentative relationship with Tina Amphipoli, at times distrusting her and her motives in the leather community, at other times, admiring and respecting her. As much as she protested otherwise, Tina was considered a part of the loose-knit group of women in Chicago known as the Leatherwomen, bound together by trust and honor, living the way they chose without apology. Losa was the acknowledged leader, by vote and by common unspoken consensus. She was fair and she expected those within her community to abide by the unwritten rules of the leather life. As she took in Tina and her companion with a cautious eye, she pointed to an unoccupied low leather couch across from the two other women.

"Have a seat."

Tina let her gaze find Losa's rich brown eyes, nodding imperceptibly. In this domain, the detective was willing to play by her rules. She had always found the Leatherwomen leader to be honorable, if not a bit rigid in her ways. But, she needed this woman's help and in order to get it, she was going to have to be nice. She had no bones with Losa. Throwing Mariel's leather jacket across the back of the low leather couch, she put her hand on the scientist's shoulder and guided her over. Once seated, she casually let her hand rest on the inside of Mariel's thigh, making it clear to the room's occupants their 'relationship'. With a nod, she let her eyes slide over to the scientist.

"This is Mariel, a friend of mine."

Losa looked over at the blond and appraised her. Mariel was nestled up against the detective, her green eyes had more or less been totally focused on Tina since they came in, waiting for the taller woman to let her know what to do. Losa had never seen this woman in the community before, but she appeared as if Tina had taught her well. At the mention of her name, Mariel's eyes went from the detective's face to Losa, lowering her gaze slightly with respect to the seated woman. Losa acknowledged her with a head nod before turning her attention back to Tina.

"So, Tina. What brings you here? Surely it isn't for the drink specials."

The Chicago Leatherwoman's voice was no-nonsense, her face impassive. The investigator shifted on the couch and leaned back in a casual gesture, her hand still resting possessively on Mariel's leg. She glanced over at the woman and young girl who had been quiet the entire time. With an eyebrow lift, Tina silently inquired about these two. The corner of Losa's mouth raised slightly and her arm gestured out towards them.

"They stay. This is Lari and Caitlyn. Whatever you have to say, it can be said in front of them."

Lari looked over at Tina with a casual eye, she had heard about this mostly mysterious woman from some of the others in the leather community. Of course, everything that was said was true: Tina Amphipoli was impossibly beautiful. With her long brownish hair pulled back from her face with a leather head band, Lari was dressed in a brown leather bra and leather skirt adorned with golden rivets and trim. She nodded in the direction of the couple and remained silent. Tina let her blue gaze fall on the young girl before turning her head to Losa.

"She's a little young to be here, isn't she?"

The detective was referring to Caitlyn, a slight girl of maybe fourteen, long pale blond hair falling around her shoulders. She was dressed more conservatively though, wearing a pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. She looked over at Tina with grey eyes, a bit defiantly the investigator noticed. Losa remained silent when Caitlyn spoke up in a girlish but strong voice.

"Pardon me, but I have just as much right to be here as you. These folks took me in and have been totally cool to me, they're the only family I have now."

Mariel let her eyes catch Caitlyn's and she smiled, nodding her understanding and acceptance at the girl as she let her hand reach down and press against the detective's. With a light squeeze, the scientist looked up at Tina and gave a gentle entreaty with a tiny raise of her chin. The investigator looked over at Mariel for a few seconds before she turned back to the young girl and nodded.

"My apologies, Caitlyn, Losa."

The young girl smiled politely back while Losa reached for her drink and took a sip, watching the interaction. Caitlyn, while young, had a world of experience, some of it rather unpleasant of late. She had come to Losa when she had nowhere else to go and they had let her stay, giving her a roof over her head and meals. They tried to shield her from some of the more graphic activities in the club, but Caitlyn actually had little interest in that, preferring to avoid that scene anyway. All of her energy was focused elsewhere, on her own quest for answers to a question that had been haunting her for months.

"Now, about what you want from me, Tina.."

The detective looked casually over at Losa after the leader had spoke, her hand pressing against the smooth leather covering Mariel's leg. It was clear that the older woman wanted to get down to business and Tina knew that she needed to make this quick, because of their own time constraints, but also because Losa would tolerate being probed for information only so long. The investigator cut to the chase with her own brand of no-nonsense.

"Do you know anything about the slave market for kids in this city?"

Losa blinked before her eyes hardened and she sat forward. With a low warning tone, she leveled her gaze at the detective.

"Just what the hell are you implying, Tina?"

Mariel felt the tension in the room suddenly come to life as she glanced at her partner, noting the detective reacting to Losa. With soothing strokes to the hand that rested on her thigh, she let her green eyes find Tina's in a gentle request before she herself turned to Losa and responded, her voice soft.

"With respect, Losa, she wasn't suggesting that you had any personal interest in this. I'm sure we all agree that that kind of thing is very wrong. Tina just trusted you enough to be honest with you about why we're here."

Losa turned her gaze toward Mariel and narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth drawn tight in a hardened expression. Cocking her head to the side, Losa's words were clipped and angry.

"Oh really? And just why is it you're here? To accuse us just like the cops have? We won't be cowed into making excuses for our lifestyle. Just because we're Leatherwomen doesn't mean we condone the activities of all those involved in the scene. The slave market is just another one of many patriarchal systems that exploits the weak and the innocent. It's a man's world, not because it should be, but because we let it."

Tina sat forward and rested her forearms on her knees, her eyes conveying an understanding.

"Exactly, Losa, and that's why it needs to be stopped. You and I both know the cops haven't been able to do a damn thing with this because they can't get inside the scene."

Their eyes locked for a few silent moments as the leader of the Chicago Leatherwomen weighed her suspicion against the detective's words. Finally, Losa stood and walked over to a low shelf against the wall of the room, pouring herself another glass of wine and grabbing a grape from a bowl of fruit. Turning back around slowly, she leveled her eyes back at Tina and Mariel before she spoke in a skeptical voice.

"And you think you can get in?"

Tina nodded slightly and looked back at the leader with an eyebrow raise as she reached out and let her hand glide down the leather of the scientist's leg. Her expression was one of self-assurance and confidence.

"You tell me."

Regarding the two, Losa took a sip of her wine. The room was silent, save for the light pulsating beat of the music coming from the Whip Room. Lari and Caitlyn sat watching both their leader and the couple exchange looks. Setting her drink down on a small table near the couches, Losa crossed her arms, reluctantly conceding.

"It won't be easy, you know. Word has it that most of the business goes through a hardcore men's club called the Cage. No one knows much about it. But if you don't know the right people, you won't get in. We've tried. One of our own members was last seen there a few months ago, but we had no proof. We're just about ready to take matters into our own hands. I think you know what I mean, Tina."

The detective stood, her tall body stretching out to its full length. Intimidating in her leather and cop pants, her blue eyes found Losa's in a look of pure strength and determination.

"I know exactly what you mean, and trust me, if there's anything left when I get done, you're welcome to it. But we need your help to get in."

Mariel listened as the investigator spoke before she rose from the couch herself to stand slightly back to the side of Tina's tall form. Letting her green eyes find Losa's, the scientist's voice was a gentle request.

"Please. Anything you could tell us would help, Losa."

The leader shook her head as she glanced at the two women before briefly looking at Lari and Caitlyn. With a shrug, she walked over and sat back down in her leather chair, crossing her legs and finding the detective's eyes.

"It's a long shot, but try finding a guy who goes by the name Atoli. Likes to hang out at the Mortar and Pestle. A bit cocky, even for a man but he's a real sucker for a strong woman, if you know what I mean. You'd probably find him at the end of a leash"

Tina nodded and reached behind her, grabbing Mariel's coat and helping it over the scientist's shoulders. Letting her hand drift down against Mariel's back, she turned her gaze to Losa and they exchanged a look of mutual respect, knowing that both of them were committed to the same cause. With a slight raise of her chin and a murmur, the detective let a small genuine smile grace her lips.

"Thanks. I owe you."

With just the corners of her mouth raising ever so slightly, Losa nodded once as she settled back in her chair. Despite their outwardly challenging appearances, Losa and Tina shared similar sentiments about how to deal with those who would take advantage of women and children. As Tina and Mariel were moving towards the doorway that led back out into the public areas of the Whip Room, the leader of the Chicago Leatherwomen called out, her voice sincere.

"Good luck, Tina."

The detective just held up her hand in a wave as she walked out, not bothering to look back as they made their way out of the club. Once they were gone, the three women looked at each other, each of them lost in their own thoughts about the entire conversation and situation. Standing, Caitlyn's lanky body stretched before she nonchalantly ran a hand through her pale blond hair. With a slight shrug, she let her grey eyes flicker over to Losa and then to Lari before making an announcment in a casual voice as she headed out the door.

"I think I'm going out for a walk. Nice night."

With a wave, the young girl was gone. Before the other woman could protest, Losa closed her eyes and nodded towards the young girl, knowing that she could take care of herself and knowing how futile it was to try to stop one so determined.

"Let her go, Lari. If she's going where I think she is, she's as safe as she can be if she's near them. She needs to do this. She needs to know."

* * *


As the cab made its way to their next destination, the Mortar and Pestle, Mariel let her eyes glance down to her leg. Unconsciously, the detective's hand rested on her thigh near her knee as they sat in the darkened car. Tina seemed lost in her thoughts, looking out the car window as they drove through the city streets, her thumb gently moving against the leather covering Mariel's thigh. It was a warm secure feeling, knowing that the investigator felt comfortable enough with her to forget they weren't in front of an audience and didn't need to keep up appearances. Of course, it also meant that maybe there was more to this than their case. Mariel smiled to herself. Despite being focused on their mission, every single touch of the detective sent a little tingle down her back. If she didn't know better, her body was trying to tell her something. With a soft voice, the scientist's eyes turned towards Tina's shadowed face, the strong smooth lines standing out in gentle relief against the car's window.

"See something interesting?"

Tina turned her head towards the scientist, broken out of her revery. She had been thinking about the past two days, half of her brain working on the case and the information they had, the other half thinking about the woman sitting next to her. It was so easy and so comfortable... With a sudden realization, the detective looked down at her hand and pulled it away from the researcher's leg, her voice apologetic.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I...was just thinking about how you handled yourself with Losa."

Mariel smiled gently before reaching over and taking the detective's hand in hers, letting her smaller fingers entwine with Tina's. It felt like the most natural and normal thing to do in the world. Giving the investigator's strong warm hand a light squeeze, Mariel's expression was soft and open.

"It's ok, Tina. Really."

The detective looked over at the young doctor's face, the streetlights shining on and off, highlighting the softness of her smile. Settling their hands on top of her own leg, she smiled slightly, knowing that this was no longer just about solving a case. With a little head nod, Tina's voice was low, her simple word acknowledging everything.


Mariel smiled again as her eyes caught the detective's and she shifted in the seat, her fingers settling tighter and more securely into Tina's grasp. With a slight raise of her chin, the scientist's brows came together in gentle concern.

"So, it was alright that I stepped in and said something to Losa? I know you wanted to do all the talking."

Tina shook her head, her eyes catching the doctor's as she replied.

"No, you were perfect. Diplomacy usually isn't my style. You were a good balance. Losa needed to know that we weren't there to accuse them."

As the cab continued through the streets, Mariel considered the investigator's words. And she really, really liked the idea that she was a good balance to Tina's style. Even though she was qualified as a forensic psychologist, she still had doubts about her abilities sometimes and it was nice to hear that her gut instinct to respond had been the right one.

"So you think this Atoli guy is going to be able to help us?"

Tina looked out the window as the clouds covering the Chicago sky became thicker, almost as if it were threatening to rain. Shifting to turn towards the scientist, she shook her head slightly.

"Maybe. It's the best we've got right now. I think we're going to have to be very careful from here on out. The Whip Room was a relatively safe place, these others aren't. It's important now more than ever that we not raise suspicion. You still ok with this field work?"

The scientist had to smile at Tina's concern. At this point, she was ok with just about anything involving Tina Amphipoli and to hell if she was backing out of this when it was just starting to get very interesting. With a sparkle in her green eyes, she looked up at the detective.

"Loving every moment of it."

Tina chuckled and squeezed the young doctor's hand, her head shaking back and forth in amusement.

"Good. Now, once we get to the Pestle, you stick close to me. It's a rougher place and crowd and I don't want anyone getting any ideas about staking a claim on you. You're mine, Doc."

The scientist chuckled at the playful tone in Tina's voice. Raising up her free hand in a gesture of defeat, she shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face.

"What can I do? I'm a bottom."

Tina laughed and shook her head. Reaching behind her to her police belt, she pulled out a pair of shining silver handcuffs from their black leather belt case and held them up into the light. Mariel looked at them with a raised golden eyebrow before turning her eyes to Tina in a question. The detective's voice was low and amused.

"Relax. It's only for show. You'll just wear them on one wrist like a bracelet. It's a code in the scene. They'll see that you're with me."

Mariel nodded her agreement and watched as Tina let go of her hand and undid the cuffs, gently placing both cold metal circles around her right wrist, securing them comfortably. When they were on, the detective held up her arm and looked at the glinting silver bands, feeling their weight experimentally. Tina sat back in the cab seat and watched her, gauging her reaction to them. Shaking her wrist just a bit, Mariel smiled when the metal chain jangled between the cuffs before she let her hand drop back to her leg. With a cock of her head, she lifted her eyes to Tina.

"Well, it certainly makes a fashion statement."

Tina chuckled as the cab pulled to a stop near the corner of Belmont and Broadway in front of a pulsating nightclub, a crowd mingling on the sidewalk in front of the place. After paying off the fare, the detective opened her door and stepped out, her face now expressionless and ready for business as she scanned the crowd, appearing indifferent. Leaning back down into the cab, Tina let her eyes find Mariel's before giving her an eyebrow raise and a wink. Reaching her hand out, the investigator looped a finger in the chain of the cuffs on Mariel's wrist and gently pulled her out towards her. With an appropriately adoring and submissive expression, the young doctor smiled up at her big bad leather cop as she stepped out onto the crowded sidewalk. A finger still entangled in the handcuff chain attached to the scientist, Tina led Mariel towards the club's entrance, her tall form projecting an air of authority.

Glancing down, Tina gave them both the once over, making sure everything was set. She let her blue gaze fall on Mariel's smaller form as the blond covertly scanned the crowd with her inquisitive eyes, taking in everything. She would have never guessed this small town girl would have looked so at home next to her in this kind of a scene. It had to be the black leather. Definitely. Either that or the way the scientist's body knew instinctively where and how to move with Tina's own body. Just before they prepared to enter, the investigator abruptly stopped them short and leaned down, her mouth finding Mariel's ear before speaking in a low rumble.

"Can I just tell you that you look incredibly good?"

Mariel shivered at the words and the detective's warm breath and everything. Tina pulled back and let a sly smile cross her lips, knowing she had just caught the young doctor off guard...in a good way, of course.

"Now let's do this right."

With a nod of her head, Mariel's eyes briefly caught Tina's before the taller woman reached her hand out and placed it on the side of the scientist's face, her blue eyes focused solely on Mariel. Tina let her thumb roughly slide across Mariel's bottom lip in a subtle display of power and ownership for the rest of the crowd to witness. Letting her hand move down, the detective's fingers held Mariel's bare neck, her thumb pressing up under her chin, raising it. For a long moment, they just looked at each other, oblivious to the people around them and the case temporarily forgotten. Mariel held her breath, part from the intense look in Tina's eyes, part from her own body's reaction to that look, and part from not knowing what she was supposed to be doing. Slowly, a possessive smile crossed the detective's lips as her hand slide down Mariel's neck and gently grabbed the zipper to the leather coat. It seemed that the only sound either one of them could hear was the slow zip down as Tina pulled open the jacket, once again exposing the scientist to her eyes and anyone who happened to be watching. With a satisfied cock of her head, the detective's voice was low.

"Let's go."

Tina's hand reached down and she tangled her fingers in both the cuff chain and Mariel's own hand. Decisively, she pulled the researcher to her, waiting until she felt Mariel's body against her own before she led them to the door of the Mortar and Pestle. For the scientist's part, her heart was beating a mile a minute and all she could do was follow. Hell, she'd go anywhere with this woman. Case? What case?


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 575

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