Reforms in the empireFirst reforms- at the beginning of the XIX c.- sultan Selim:
*Tanzimat (1839-1870) ( Reorganization)
The Turkish liberals “ New Osmans” developed a constitution. Sultan Abdul-al- Khamid agreed to adopt constitution in 1876:
3. Foreign policy
During the XVIII c. the Ottoman Empire was almost continuously at war with one or more of its enemies- Iran, Poland, Austria, Russia. At the end of the XVIII century the European countries wanted to use economic decline of the empire.
*Aims of Russia-
Tsar Nicolas I called the Ottoman Empire as THE
“ the sick man of Europe”
Aims of “ European concert”
( England, France, Austria, Prussia)- EASTERN
3. Questions for test
In the XVII- XVIII centuries sultan in the Ottoman empire
A. had only political power
B. had both political and religious power
C. had no power
D. ruled with parliament
“Tanzimat’ means
A. restoration
B. reorganization
C. unification
D. revolution
Result of the Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt for the Ottoman empire
A. the Ottoman empire lost its control over Egypt
B. the Ottoman empire established its control over Egypt
C. nothing had changed
D. Britain established its control over Egypt
4. Task for IWS - Participation of Turkey in the WWI
5. Task for office hours - Political activity of M. Kemal
Golikova V.I.
Hand-outs on the course
“Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries”, part I
for major “ International Relations”
Approved by decision of the Methodical-Scientific Counsel of the University
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Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1639