The second stage of the industrial revolution.At the second half of the XIX century the second stage of the industrial revolution began. Its symbols were:
This stage is closely connected with science development. A lot of new materials and discoveries were made in laboratories. Thomas Edison (USA) invented electric bulb. In the USA by 1860 36,000 patents were granted, by 1890 - 440,000.Samuel Morse perfected electrical telegraphy, Alexander Bell- telephone. In 1876 German N. Otto made first internal combustion engine, using it H. Daimler and K. Bentz in 1885 constructed the first automobile. Later R. Diesel improved the Otto’s machine.
4. Consequences of the industrial revolution.
Technical inventions raised labour productivity. As a consequences, millions of workers ?_________________________________________________
Luddism was one of the form of their protest- it was a movement that called the workers to destroy machines.
Economic changes.
*1) Changes in economy structure
2) Labour productivity
3) Standard of living
4) Trade
5) Economic development was uneven
Social changes
1) Number of peasants was reduced, number of industrial workers increased. Workers were personally free, but had no any property or means of production – they were
**called proletariat.
2) Role of industrial capitalists in society increased. Andrew Carnegie.
3) peasants in many countries had no land and they became agrarian labourers.
4) Rural population moved to towns – urbanization took place.
3. Questions for test
Country where the first stage of industrial revolution began:
A) France
C) England
D) Japan
The first invention of the first stage of the industrial revolution:
A) machines
B) steel
C) textile
D) electricity
Name of the inventor of train with steam locomotive:
A) T. Edison
B) George Stephenson
C) H. Daimler
D) R. Diesel
Luddism was
A) a form of protest against machines
B) a form of protest against urbanization
C) peasants’ revolts
D) name of textile machine
Tasks for office hours - Impact of railway construction on economy (by the XX century)
Tasks for IWS - Industrial revolution in the USA
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1028