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Exercise 25. Fill in the blanks with prepositions

1. My father thought that opaque tights were a statement … strident political intent. 2. … years my daughter would wear only pink and only dresses. 3. She always wears her hair … a bun … her high-necked blouse. 4. You never wear clothes … food … them; clothes should not have holes … them; clothes should not be visibly dirty. 5. He had a horrified fascina­tion … the unwieldy instruments … the curling process. 6. The old rules were passed … in my family from mother to daughter … the unquestioned authority … the Ten Commandments. 7. She has hundreds … rules … her own. 8. My mother tried to live … the rules too. 9. She always dresses … travel and … dinner. 10. There used to be lots of rules … the old days. 11. To dress …, she has a long, black embroidered skirt. 12. Sarah's hair is often pulled … … a bun. 13. He tries to find a look that follows the rules … fashion, the rules … personal expression and the rules … not caring … fashion, all at the same time. 14. As she stands … front …the mirror, Sarah sometimes laughs at her. 15. She never went … … two petticoats. 16. Women never apply makeup … public. 17. We talk a lot … judging people … who they are and not what they wear. 18. Sara’s generation tries to throw … all the rules.

Exercise 26. Find out whether these statements are true or false:

1. To begin with you always dress for travel and for dinner. 2. Women always apply makeup in public. 3, We wear only black for bap­tisms and brides and only black for funerals. 4. There are some old rules, passed down in every family from generation to generation with the unquestioned authority of the Ten Commandments. 5. People always wear clothes with food on them. 6. Sometimes we wear clothes with holes. 7. If you want to be fashionable your clothes should be visibly dirty. 8. The author’s great-grandmother wore mini-skirts skirts with thick-soled boots. 9. The author’s great-grandmother’s hair was tied in a bun above her high-necked blouse. 10. The author’s great-grandmother never wore any petticoats. 11. The author’s mother tried to live by the rules too. She supposed that women with brown eyes couldn’t wear blue. 12. A pocketbook and shoes should not always match. They have to be of different colors. 13. The author’s father disliked women who wore pretty dresses. He thought that pretty dresses were a statement of strident political intent. 14. The author’s father thought women's hair should be straight. 15. The author’s father had a horrified fascina­tion with the Ten Commandments. 16. All members of the author’s family had curly hair. 17. Every generation tries to throw out all the rules. 18. The author of this article doesn’t spend hours dressing to go somewhere, trying to find a look that follows the rules of fashion. 19. Sara doesn’t have any rules of her own. 20. For years the author’s daughter would wear only white and only trousers dresses. 21. Now Sara wears only pink. 22. Sara’s favorite pants are blue jeans with torn pockets. 22. At 15 Sarah has developed a set of person­al fashion rules more definite and individual than anything the author’s mother or the author herself ever would have dared. 23. The author thinks her great-grandmother would be pleased if she saw Sarah now. 24. Fashion, after all, is rules - what changes is who makes the rules.


Exercise 27. Make up sentences: example:This blouse makes me look pale.

    This These trousers blouse jumper turtleneck coat pants skirt shirt suit tie dress pullover   make makes     me her him you   look   pale fat teenage matronly old young


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1086

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