Adopted obligation on reduction of strategic werapons
$$$195. What Central American state conflicted with the USA in 1980-s?
$$$196. What is Irangate?
$sale of American weapons to Iran through the third states
$Suez crisis
$USA’s operation on release of refugees in Iran
$Iran-Iraq conflict
$$$197. Where was first meeting of R.Reagan and M.Gorbachev on problem of reduction of nuclear weapons?
$$$198. Due to what formula acted unification of Germany?
$$"two plus four"
$"seven plus six"
$“three plus three"
$"eight plus one"
$$$199. What Stalinist regime did fall in the Eastern Europe last?
$$$200. What East European state divided into states in 1993?
$$$201. With what American president is connected war in Persian Gulf and operation “Hurricane in desert”?
$$$202. What conflict was regulated by Dayton agreements?
$South African
$North Ireland
$$$203. What does term “North” – “South” mean?
$$division on developed and developing states
$Americo-Mexican trade relationships
$conflict in Nagorny Karabakh
$Northern and Southern Korea
$$$204. This island is a subject of disagreement between Turkey and Greece:
$$$205. What statement is correct?
$$"Northern islands" – territories, which arguable between Russia and Japan
$UNESCO is an agency on atomic energy
$Near East conflict was solved completely
$Ethiopia is the strongest state in Africa
$$$206. What does term “New international order” mean?
$$Situation in the world after falling of Berlin wall
$Unification of Germany
$Rivalry between EU, Japan and USA
$Iran-Iraq conflict
$$$207. What of the following terms are not correct?
$$Central American “Common market”
$$$208. What does term “New industrial states” mean?
$$”Asian Dragons”
$Leading capitalist states (Big 7)
$Group 77
$Maghreb states
$$$209. Conflict in the Northern Ireland came to the act because of contradictions between:
$$Catholics and Protestants
$Protestants and Nonconformists
$Liberals and conservatives
$Extremists and members of religious sects
$$$210. What does American policy “Two China” mean?
$$Existence of China and Taiwan separately of each other as states with different systems
$Coexistence of Mongolia and China
$Existence of China and Hong Kong separatly
$Joining of Macao to China
$$$211. In what military-political block enters India?
$$doesn’t enter in any block
$Baghdad Pact
$$$212. What conference adopted decision about punishment of Nazis criminals?
$$$213. WWII ended by:
$$signing of unconditional surrender of Japan
$signing of unconditional surrender of Germany
$decisions of Potsdam conference
$convocation of Constituent conference of the UNO
$$$214. Who did declare course on “Cold war”?
$$$215. “Hallstein’s Doctrine” declared:
$$break out relationships with GDR those states, which have diplomatic relations with FRG
$aspiration to establish relationships with GDR
$foundation of regular army in Germany
$location of nuclear missiles in FRG
$$$216. In 1947 Great Britain recognized independence of:
$$$217. When was Israel founded?
$$$218. When was colonial war of France in Vietnam?
$$$219. When was agreement about regulation relationships between GDR and FRG signed?
$$$220. How long “Hallstein’s Doctrine” existed?
$$$221. African Union was formed in:
$$$222. ASEAN was formed in:
$$$223. What post war conference did discuss strait regime question?
$$Lozanno conference
$Versailles Conference
$Genoa Conference
$Geneva Conference
$$$224. Period after the WWI in Japan was characterized by:
$$Economic growth
$Conquest new territories
$Regulation relationships with China
$ Regulation relationships with Russia
$$$225. Main decision of the Canaan Conference 1922:
$$Convention of financial-economic conference of European states
$Convention of conference of European states on redistribution of colonies
$Convention conference of European states on Russian tsarist debts
$Convention of conference of European states on revision results of the WWI
$$$226. What were conditions of Rappal treaty?
$$Establishment trade-economic relations between Soviet Russia and Germany
$Establishment trade-economic relations between Soviet Russia and France
$Establishment trade-economic relations between Germany and USA
$Establishment trade-economic relations between Germany and Great Britain
$$$227. London Ultimatum 1921 was delivered to Germany and had next conditions:
$$Adoption Entente plan of reparation
$Adoption of Dawos Plan
$Redistribution of colonies
$Proclamation of Republic
$$$228. Rhein Warranty Pact was signed on:
$$Loccarno Conference
$Geneva Conference
$San-Remo Conference
$London Conference
$$$229. After the war with Japan at the beg. of the XXc. China
$$lost Korea and Vietnam
$$$230. What state did receive monopolies right on building of Panama canal in 1901?
$Great Britain
$$$231. One of the causes of the economic growth in 1924-1929
$$Dawos Plan
$Decisions of Versailles conference
$Briand-Kellogg Pact
$Young Plan
$$$232. In the 1920-s the country with the highest tempos of economic development was:
$Great Britain
$$$233. Period of 1924-1929 in the West is characterized by:
$$Economic stabilization
$National-liberation movement
$Collapse of colonial system
$Foundation of new socialist states
$$$234. Political regime in Russia before 1917:
$Federal state
$Fascist regime
$$$235. Military blocks at the beg. of the WWI:
$$Entente, Triple Union
$Balkan pact
$Quadruple Union
$Little Entente
$$$236. Fascio de Combattimento in Italy was formed in:
$$$237. What territory give to France due to Versailles conference 1919:
$$Alsace and Lorraine
$$$238. After the WWI Asia-Pacific problem was discussed at:
$$Washington Conference
$Versailles Conference
$Genoa Conference
$Geneva Conference
$$$239. What states did sign “Pact of Fourth” about mutual aid and partnership in 1933?
$$England, France, Germany, Italy
$USA, England, France, Japan
$USSR, England, France, USA
$England, France, Germany, Austria
$$$240. During the WWI Egypt was:
$$British protectorate
$French protectorate
$German protectorate
$Turkish protectorate
$$$241. Date of the treaty of Egypt’s Independence:
$$$242. In the 1920-30-s Egypt was:
$$$243. Consequences of the World economic crisis of 1929 for the Great Britain:
$$They were not disastrous as in other countries
$They lost colonies
$They established political domination all over Europe
$They established political domination all over the world
$$$244. In 1938-1939 Germany annexed:
$$Austria, Czechoslovakia
$Poland, Rumania
$Bulgaria, Austria
$Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia
$$$245. In 1940 France:
$$was captured by Germany
$was captured by Great Britain
$was captured by Italy
$was captured by the USSR
$$$246. The Ottoman empire split after:
$I Balkan war
$II Balkan war
$October Revolution
$$$247. Form of the British colonial administration in its colonies was:
$$Indirect ruling
$Direct ruling
$$$248. In 1963 in Iran was:
$$“White revolution”
$Islamic revolution
$Socialist revolution
$Democratic revolution
$$$249. “White revolution” in Iran was headed by:
$$M.Reza-shah Pekhlevy
$Zia ad-din
$$$250. After the WWII Japan:
$$had pay repations
$cede territories to China
$proclamation independence of Korea
$refusal from naval forces
$$$251. Country that opposed Britain joining the EU in 1950-60-s:
$$$252. One of the reasons of students’ movement in France in 1968:
$$necessity of reforms
$increasing of payment
$independence of colonies
$free education
$$$253. Crises of the “welfare state” took place in:
$$$254. Anglo-Boer wars were for control over:
$$South Africa
$North Africa
$Western Africa
$Eastern Africa
$$$255. British control over South Africa, French over Indochina are examples of:
$Post industrial development
$$$256. The dismissed of Bismarck by Kaiser William II paved the way for an alliance between:
$$Germany and Austro-Hungary
$Germany and France
$Germany and Great Britain
$Germany and Japan
$$$257. The Balkan wars:
$$preceded the WWI
$preceded the WWII
$collapse of the Ottoman Empire
$foundation of Yugoslavia
$$$258. After three Anglo-Afghan wars Afghanistan:
$$remained an independent country
$became colony
$became dominion
$became republic
$$$259. Durand line agreement signed between:
$$Afghanistan and British Empire
$Iran and British Empire
$Afghanistan and China
$China and Russia
$$$260. Durand line:
$$borderline between British India and Afghanistan
$borderline between Afghanistan and China
$borderline between China and Russia
$borderline between India and Pakistan
$$$261. Persia was divided into spheres of influence in 1907 between:
$$Russia and Britain
$Britain and France
$Russia and France
$France and Germany
$$$262. Regrouping of states in international arena in early 20th was caused by:
$$British-German antagonism
$British-French antagonism
$French-German antagonism
$French-Russian antagonism
$$$263. The Great Game:
$$Anglo-Russian competition for Central Asia
$Anglo-French competition for Central Asia
$Anglo-German competition for Central Asia
$China-Japanese competition for Central Asia
$$$264. Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies to fulfill diplomatic commitments made before the war:
$$to protect its colonial interests in Africa
$to protect its colonial interests in Asia
$to protect its colonial interests in Latin America
$to protect its colonial interests in Near East
$$$265. Russo-Japanese war ended by signing of treaty:
$$$266. In early XXc. Japan signed a naval treaty with:
$$Great Britain
$$$267. A rising non-western nation that avoided colonial subjugation by pursuing a concerted strategy of political and economic reform:
$$$268. From 1900 to 1915, a basic aim of USA foreign policy was to:
$$promote USA influence in Latin America
$promote USA influence in Asian-Pacific region
$promote USA influence in Central-Asian region
$promote USA influence in Near East
$$$269. The “unequal treaties” were made by European countries with:
$$China, Japan, and other Asian countries
$Latin America
$$$270. Fashoda incident (1898):
$$territorial dispute between United Kingdom and France in Eastern Africa
$territorial dispute between United Kingdom and France in Asia
$territorial dispute between Germany and France in Eastern Africa
$territorial dispute between Germany and France in Eastern Asia
$$$271. The Japanese expansion between 1905 and 1941 was to:
$$get markets
$get African colonies
$foundation of military blocks
$foundation of economic unions
$$$272. Colonial rivalries that helped to increase international tensions before WWI:
$$British and French conflicts with Germany over Morocco
$British and French conflicts with Germany over Congo
$Russian and French conflicts with Germany over Morocco
$Italian and French conflicts with Germany over Ethiopia
$$$273. In the early 20th c. the USA frequently sent troops into Central America to:
$$protect the security of the Panama Canal
$suppress national-liberation movement in Mexico
$prevent European influence in Latin America
$prevent Spanish domination in Latin America
$$$274. Separate peace treaty after WWI between Germany and Soviet Russia was signed in:
$$$275. The Soviet Russia left the WWI after signing:
$$Brest-Litovsk treaty
$Paris treaty
$Genoa treaty
$London treaty
$$$276. After WWI Germany forbidden to unite with:
$$$277. After WWI, the mandate for German colonies in Asia Pacific was given to:
$Great Britain
$$$278. Fascism came to power in Germany:
$$by legal way, as the result of election
$after national-liberation movement
$after revolution
$by compromise of political parties and government
$$$279. Position of the USA during the WWI:
$$It entered the war in 1917 against Triple Alliance
$It entered the war in 1917 against Entente
$It entered the war in 1917 against Soviet Russia
$It entered the war in 1917 against China
$$$280. Position of Italy during the WWI:
$$It left the Triple Alliance and joined Entente
$It was a member of Balkan Union
$It supported Ottoman Empire
$It supported Russia
$$$281. Participation of Italy in the Paris and Washington conferences after the WWI:
$$It took part in both conferences
$It took part just in Paris conference
$It took part just in Washington conference
$It didn’t take part in both conferences
$$$282. Date of Weimar Republic in Germany:
$$$283. Date of the revolution in Germany after the WWI?
$$$284. Constitution of 1919 in Germany
$$Proclaimed bourgeois-democratic republic
$Absolute Monarchy
$Constitutional monarchy
$Federative republic
$$$285. According Constitution of Weimar Republic great power was in the hands of:
$$$286. Hitler came to the power in Germany in:
$$$287. Chan Kai- Shek was a leader of:
$$Gomindan party in China
$Communist party in China
$National-liberation party
$Conservative party
$$$288. Shimonoseki treaty was signed between China and Japan:
$$after first Sino-Japanese war
$after second Sino-Japanese war
$after WWI
$after Russo-Japanese war
$$$289. Essence of the “Treaty of the 9” at Washington conference?
$$Countries agreed about limitation of fleets
$Countries agreed about limitation of weapons
$Countries agreed about payment of reparations
$Countries agreed about redivision of colonies
$$$290. Crises of the 1970-80-s were overcome by:
$$technical revolution
$social revolution
$redistribution of spheres of influence
$$$291. Government of Konoe in Japan established:
$$Military-fascist dictatorship
$Democratic republic
$Dictatorship of proletariat
$$$292. The international cooperation for creation of collective security system before the World War II failed as:
$$The USSR was seen bigger threat than Germany
$Interference of the USA to European affairs
$Formation of Anti Comintern Pact
$Japanese threat in the Far East
$$$293. The Zionist movement justified to right to create Israel by the:
$$Balfour declaration
$14 points
$Brian-Kellogg Pact
$Declaration of Independence
$$$294. Phony war:
$$the period of WW II before the German invasion of the USSR
$Invasion to Poland
$Invasion to the USSR
$Conquest of France
$$$295. Main causes of the WWI:
$$Redivision of the world
$Suppression of revolution in Russia
$National-liberation movement in colonies
$World economic crisis
$$$296. The American aid to its allies during the World War II:
$Marshall Plan
$Truman Doctrine
$Operation “Cyclone”
$$$297. Conference in Casablanca war aim was to:
$$force the unconditional surrender of both Germany and Japan
$force the unconditional surrender of Italy
$opening of the second front in Italy
$opening of the second front in the Far East
$$$298. The United states became involved in Korean War in order to:
$$support the South Korea in war against communist North
$support the North Korea in war against South
$support the South Korea in war against communist China
$support Korea in war against Japan
$$$299. The US agency responsible for anti-communist activities in Latin America:
$Agency of National Security
$Agency of Strategic Services
$$$300. What was the main conception of the “Quadruple Union” at Washington Conference?
$$Preservation of status-quo on the Far East
$ Policy of the “Open door” for Japan was proclaimed
$taking a variety of actions to prevent the spread of communism
$Preservation of status-quo on the Pacific Ocean
$$$301. Essence of the “Treaty of the 9” at Washington conference?
$$Preservation of status-quo on the Pacific Ocean
$Policy of the “Open door” for Japan was proclaimed
$taking a variety of actions to prevent the spread of communism
$Policy of the “Open door” for China was proclaimed
$$$302. George Kennan in the author of theory of:
$Real politic
$Domino Theory
$New World Order
$$$303. The Washington and London Naval conferences:
$$attempt to restrict specific categories of naval weaponry
$attempt to increase specific categories of naval weaponry
$liquidated Japanese naval weaponry
$liquidated German naval weaponry
$$$304. The pretext for the war between USSR and Finland:
$$refusal of Finland to remove state border 70 km north-west of Leningrad
$refusal of the USSR to restrict military forces on the Soviet-Finnish border
$interference of western states to conflict
$interference of the USA to conflict
$$$305. After Hitler occupation most France, the remain part of country became:
$$Vichy France and Anry Peten
$Charles de Gaulle
$$$306. Maginot line:
$$borderline between France and Germany
$borderline between Germany and Poland
$borderline between France and Great Britain
$borderline between France and Italy
$$$307. Mannerheim line:
$$borderline between USSR and Finland
$borderline between USSR and Poland
$borderline between Finland and Sweden
$borderline between USSR and Baltic states
$$$308. The USA foreign policy in the early years of the Cold War to stop the expansion of the Soviet Union:
$Real politic
$Domino Theory
$New World Order
$$$309. Shortly of the WWII, the cold war developed mainly as a result of the:
$$Soviet domination of Eastern Europe
$USA’s domination of the Eastern Europe
$Foundation of EU
$Soviet domination in Asia
$$$310. The purpose of the Marshall Plan:
$$to help rebuilt war-torn Europe with massive aid
$To restore military forces
$To establish control over Europe
$To refuse of Monroe’s doctrine and interference in internal affairs of Europe
$$$311. The economic cooperation of socialistic states went through:
$$Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
$Warsaw Treaty
$$$312. In 1915 pressure of Japan on China to get territory and establish control:
$$21 demand
$Tanaka’s Memorandum
$Treaty of Nine
$Treaty of Five
$$$313. A new industrialized country in Asia, city-state:
$$$314. Ostpolitic or New Eastern policy:
$$Western German policy of normalize of relations with East European countries
$Eastern German policy of normalize of relations with East European countries
$Eastern German policy of normalize of relations with West European countries
$Western German policy of normalize of relations with the USSR
$$$315. Both the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba (1961) and invasions of Panama (1989) are examples of USA attempts to:
$$eliminate unfriendly governments geographically close to the United States
$to locate USA’s missiles in Caribbean region
$to liquidate soviet presence in region
$to establish mutual Soviet-American control in region
$$$316. The USA acquired Hawaii by:
$$secretly sponsoring a rebellion against the Hawaiian monarchy
$conquest Hawaii
$bourgeois revolution
$economic sanctions
$$$317. President W.Wilson’ vision for international policy after WWI is contained in the:
$$14 points
$Geneva Protocol
$21 Demands
$Treaty of Nine
$$$318. The desire of the USA to join the Atlantic and Pacific oceans led to:
$$the creation of the Panama Canal
$creation of Suez Canal
$creation of Kiel Canal
$creation of Danubian Canal
$$$319. The USA formulated the Open Door policy toward China to:
$$Prevent a European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade and markets
$Prevent a Russian monopoly of Chinese trade and markets
$Found of Democratic republic in China
$Suppression of national movement in China
$$$320. Who was author the Open Door Policy concept toward China?
$$John Hay
$$$321. The program of post WW peace international order was outlined in:
$$14 Points of W.Wilson
$Briand-Kellogg Pact
$Tanaka Memorandum
$21 Demands
$$$322. Under the Versailles treaties of 1919 Japan got a mandate for German colonies in:
$$Pacific Ocean
$Atlantic Ocean
$South Asia
$$$323. Paris (Versailles) conference:
$$Refused to discuss “21 demands” of Japan to China
$Abolished German reparations
$Recognized Soviet Russia
$Declared independence of colonies
$$$324. Pretext of the WWI:
$$Assassination of Arch-duke Frantz Ferdinand
$Revolution in Russia
$Economic crisis
$German-French military conflict
$$$325. The major reason for US entry into WWI:
$$to maintain freedom of the seas
$to conquest of new colonies
$to prevent liberation movements in Latin America
$to prevent democratic movements in Europe
$$$326. In early 20th c. presidents William Taft and W.Wilson used the concept of “dollar diplomacy” to:
$$protect US investments in Latin America
$protect US investments in Europe
$ protect US investments in Asia
$protect US investments in Africa
$$$327. The Korean War and the Persian Gulf War were similar in that both:
$$represented UN efforts to assist nations in repelling aggressors
$represented NATO efforts to assist nations in repelling aggressors
$represented USA efforts to assist nations in repelling aggressors
$represented USSR efforts to assist nations in repelling aggressors
$$$328. The Moslem empire that controlled most of the Middle East and part of Europe till 1923:
$$$329. The “Sick Man of Europe” in XIXc.
$$Ottoman Turkey
$$$330. In 1869 the geopolitical importance of Egypt grew after completion of:
$$the Suez Canal
$Crimean war
$Unikar-Iskeles treaty
$Unification of Italy
$$$331. Semi-colonies during industrial revolution:
$$India, Iran, China
$Ottoman empire
$Egypt and Syria
$$$332. Before unification, Italian kingdoms were under control of:
$Ottoman Empire
$$$333. In XIXc. China, the Opium War resulted in:
$$An increase in European spheres of influence in China
$Development of trade
$Military presence
$Cultural development
$$$334. In early XIXc. British trade with China led to:
$$export of opium to China
$export of cotton
$export of raw materials
$export of tea
$$$335. The XIX c. ideology that led to unification of Germany and Italy:
$$$336. The Berlin Congress (1878) was held to:
$$Revise the terms of 1878 San-Stefano peace treaty
$Revise the terms of Unikar-Isskeles peace treaty
$Revise the terms of 1863 Paris peace treaty
$Revise the terms of Adrionopol peace treaty
$$$337. Major goal to conduct to the Berlin conference of 1884 initiated by Bismarck was to:
$$define the rules to divide Africa
$define the rules to divide Asia
$define the rules to divide China
$define the rules to divide Near East
$$$338. After Berlin conference of 1884 the division of Africa was based on the principle:
$$nations claiming African lands must demonstrate the military potential
$nations claiming African lands must demonstrate the economic potential
$nations claiming African lands must demonstrate the peaceful aims
$nations claiming African lands must demonstrate the aggressive aims
$$$339. Japan occupied Taiwan and Korea after:
$$first Sino-Japanese war
$second Sino-Japanese war
$proclamation Hay’s doctrine
$opium wars
$$$340. The Russo-Japanese war started as a conflict over:
$$part of Manchuria and Korea
$Ussury region
$island Shikotan
$$$341. The victory in the Russo-Japanese war:
$$$342. Japan in 1890s started war with China over:
$$$343. The country that ended Japanese isolation:
$$$344. The country that escaped the European colonization in Asia:
$$$345. In the Crimean war Ottoman Turkey fought in alliance with:
$$western powers against Russia
$Egypt and Syria
$$$346. The main objective of foreign policy of Bismarck:
$$diplomatic isolation of France
$diplomatic isolation of Austria
$diplomatic isolation of Great Britain
$diplomatic isolation of Italy
$$$347. The disputed land between Germany and France in diplomacy of late XIX c.
$$Alsace and Lorraine
$Rheine lands
$Schleswig and Holstein
$$$348. The Caucasian war of 1864 ended in:
$$Russian conquest of Caucasus
$British conquest of Caucasus
$Russian conquest of Iran
$British conquest of Iran
$$$349. The Kanagawa convention of 1854 let the western powers to trade with:
$$$350. Situation in economy in Italy after the WWI:
$$it fell
$it unificated with economy of Germany
$it prospered
$it militarized
$$$351. During the late 19th and early 20th cc., US policy toward Latin America was most strongly characterized by:
$$intervention and paternalism
$peace and friendship
$non interference policy
$supporting of self-determination
$$$352. President W.Wilson’s 14 point were intended to:
$$Prevent international tensions leading to war
$Interference in internal affairs of other states
$foundation of new military blocks
$further development of colonial system
$$$353. The 14 Points and the Atlantic Charter were both:
$$statements of post-war goals for establishing world peace
$foundation of new military blocks
$development of dominions
$Foundation of socialist system
$$$354. The mandate system created by the League of Nations was a form of colonialism where colonial rulers:
$$Appointed provisional governments and then granted independence.
$Suppressed national-liberation movements
$Established National governments
$Established military regimes
$$$355. Main content of Rhein Warranty Pact was:
$$Obligement to follow status-quo of Versailles treaty
$foundation of new military blocks
$further development of colonial system
$Development of Germany
$$$356. Welfare state is characterized by:
$$Great social expenditure
$Possession of colonies
$Military potential
$Cultural development
$$$357. Main cause of the economic crisis of the 70-s was:
$$energy problem (oil)
$rivalry between socialist and capitalist systems
$collapse of the colonial system
$$$358. China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea belong to:
$$China Confucionist cultural-civilization region
$$$359. Economic crisis of the 70-80-s were:
$$structural crises
$financial crisis
$colonial crisis
$collapse of the socialist system
$$$360. USA congress sanctioned the war against Vietnam by:
$$the War Powers Act of 1973
$invasion to Vietnam in 1977
$proclamation of independence in Vietnam
$declaration war to Japan
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 641