$$$2. What document was signed between France and England in 1904?
$$Treaty about division of spheres of influence
$Military Convention
$Treaty about union and mutual aid
$Treaty about political union
$$$3. What states entered to Entente eve the I WW?
$$Russia, England, France
$Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary
$Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy
$Italy, Russia, England
$$$4. What president of the USA did lead a policy of “big log" in the beginning of XXc.?
$À. Lincoln
$$$5. What problem was decided b by Hague Conference 1907?
$$Armament limitation
$Results of Russian-Japanese war
$Regulation of first Moroccan crisis
$Regulation of second Moroccan crisis
$$$6. When was Portsmouth treaty concluded?
$1902 $1915
$$$7. What was the main contradiction eve the I WW?
$$$8. Who was author of «14 points»:
$Lloyd George
$$$9. When did Italy leave Triple Union?
$1904 $1915
$$$10. What states entered to Quadruple Union during the I WW?
$$Germany, Austro-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria
$England, France, USA, Russia
$Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary, Turkey
$Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria, Japan
$$$11. What was the result of the second Balkan war?
$$Defeat of Bulgaria
$Defeat of Serbia
$Defeat of Turkey
$Defeat of Russia
$$$12. What was the result of the first Balkan war?
$$Defeat of Turkey
$Defeat of Bulgaria
$Defeat of Russia
$Defeat of Serbia
$$$13. The Little Entente was formed in 1920-1921:
$$Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
$Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria
$Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland
$Poland, Moldova, Bulgaria
$$$14. The leaders of western states demanded from the Soviet Union at Genoa:
$$recognize the debts of tsarist regime
$refusal of straits control
$economic interference of European states
$political interference of Europeans states
$$$15. The western powers in 1920-s to prevent Bolshevic threat in Europe created:
$$sanitary cordon
$Curzon line
$Mannerheim line
$Neutral zone
$$$16. Curzon line
$$border between Germany and Poland
$border between Germany and Austria
$border between Germany and Italy
$border between Germany and France
$$$17. The German colonies and Ottoman empires land were managed by European states under:
$$mandate system of the League of Nations
$Trusteeship Council
$European administration
$$$18. The first states that established diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia:
$$$19. The demand for German war reparations by European Allies helped to explain the failure of the peace settlement following:
$$World War I
$World economic crisis
$Moroccan crisis
$Coming National-Socialist party to the power in Germany
$$$20. Dawes and Young commission were set up to manage the problem of:
$$German reparations after World War I
$Russian tsarist debts
$recovering of world economic crisis
$credits for Soviet Russia
$$$21. The Rhineland was demilitarized by:
$$Loccarno treaty of 1925
$Cannas Conference
$Rapallo Treaty
$Genoa Treaty
$$$22. Rhur crisis:
$$occupation of Ruhr area by France for reparation from Germany
$occupation of Ruhr by Great Britain
$occupation of Ruhr by Italy
$occupation of Ruhr by Austria
$$$23. The foreign policy of the USA in 1920 and 1930-s:
$Big log
$$$24. the Locarno treaty 1925 was a major diplomatic achievements of:
$$Gustav Stresemann
$Woodrow Wilson
$Winston Churchill
$George Clemenceau
$$$25. The Pact renounced aggressive war, prohibiting the use of war as an instrument of national policy:
$$Briand and Kellog
$Anti Comintern
$$$26. The Munich agreement (1938):
$$represented the appeasement of Nazis by France and Great Britain
$represented the appeasement of Nazis by Austria and the USA
$represented the appeasement of Nazis by Italy and Japan
$represented the appeasement of Nazis by France and Italy
$$$27.The USSR was excluded from the league of Nations:
$$war with Finland
$war with Japan
$war with Germany
$war with Poland
$$$28. In the non-aggression pact (1939) Germany and USSR agreed on division of:
$$$29. The turning point on the European theater of the WW II was battle:
$$of Stalingrad
$of Moscow
$of Kursk
$of Leningrad
$$$30. The Red Army didn’t liberate:
$$$31. Yalta Conference 1945 decided:
$$creation of the UNO
$creation League of Nations
$creation European Union
$creation World Bank
$$$32. The second front was opened in:
$$$33. Most lend-lease aid was set to:
$$USSR and Great Britain
$Germany and Italy
$Japan and China
$Germany and Japan
$$$34. Under the secrete clause of Soviet-German non-aggression pact the USSR got:
$$Baltic states – Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
$Eastern European states – Bulgaria, Rumania, Poland
$Balkan states
$$$35. The Warsaw Pact disintegrated with:
$$collapse of USSR
$world economic crisis
$foundation of NATO
$collapse of colonial system
$$$36. The Korean-Vietnam wars paved the way for economic rise of:
$Eastern-Asian states
$$$37. The first chancellor and “founding father” of the West German Federal Republic was:
$$$38. How should the following pre-First World War diplomatic arrangements be listed in chronological order, from earliest to latest?
I. Dual Entente
II. Dual Alliance
III. Triple Alliance
IV. Anglo-Russian Entente
V. Entente Cordial
$$$39. The Fashoda crisis was an imperial conflict between
$$France and Britain.
$Belgium and Britain.
$Germany and France.
$Italy and France.
$$$40. Which of the following countries was LEAST active in acquiring a colonial empire during the period from 1870- to 1914?
$$$41. As a result of the Italian-Turkish War of 1911-1912, Italy obtained
$$Tripoli (Libya).
$Islands in the eastern Mediterranean.
$The East African colony of Yemen.
$Trading rights throughout the Ottoman Empire.
$$$42. After WW II, Marshall Plan was proposed by USA:
$$help Europe nations recover economically
$help Europe nations recover military
$help Europe nations recover politicaly
$help Europe nations for integration
$$$43. Plan of Shumann:
$$an idea of European integration
$an idea of military block foundation
$an idea of UNO foundation
$an idea of NATO foundation
$$$44. The treaty of Rome:
$$creation of the European Economic Community
$creation of NATO
$creation of UNO
$creation European Union
$$$45. Truman doctrine was issued in support of:
$$Greece and Turkey
$Eastern Asian states
$$$46. The Truman doctrine and Marshall plan represented attempts by the USA to deal with:
$$spread communism
$spread of fascism
$spread of neocolonialism
$spread of terrorism
$$$47. The Truman doctrine pledged that:
$$the USA would support free people
$the USA would support economy
$the USA would support military forces
$the USA would form new political system
$$$48. The names of Stalin and Tito are associated with:
$$break-up of diplomatic relations between USSR and Yugoslavia
$break-up socialist system in Europe
$foundation of integration system in the Eastern Europe
$foundation of military blocks in the Eastern Europe
$$$49. One of the most important causes of the Cold War between the USSR and USA after the WWII:
$$ideological conflicts
$military conflicts
$space rivalry
$scientific rivalry
$$$50. The group of countries that became Soviet satellites after WWII:
$$Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria
$Yugoslavia, Albania
$Rumania, Czechoslovakia
$Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
$$$51. India and Pakistan dispute over:
$$Jammu and Kashmir
$Burma, Bengali
$Punjab, Assam
$$$52. The nationalist movement pioneered patterns of decolonization and Europe retreat:
$South-Eastern Asia
$$$53. The Africaner National Party in South Africa established a rigid system of racial segregation:
$African National Congress
$South African Party
$Communist League of Africa
$$$54. The Bandung Conference (1954) started the process of:
$$solidarity between Asian and African states
$solidarity between African and Latin American states
$Liberation of Africa
$Liberation of Asia
$$$55. The white settlers set up an apartheid racial regime in:
$$Southern Africa
$Northern Africa
$Latin America
$South-Eastern Asia
$$$56. The country got independence peacefully by partition:
$$$57. Decolonization occurred first in:
$Latin America
$Pacific ocean islands
$$$58. 1960 was declared the “Year of Africa”:
$$many European colonies gained independence
$liberation of southern Africa
$national-liberation movement in Africa
$liberation of northern Africa
$$$59. East of Suez:
$$foreign policy course of Great Britain after Suez crisis
$foreign policy course of the USA after Suez crisis
$foreign policy course of France after Suez crisis
$foreign policy course of Germany after Suez crisis
$$$60. Nationalization of Suez Canal led to:
$$military intervention of Israel, Britain, and France against Egypt
$military intervention of Israel, Britain, and France against Syria
$military intervention of Israel, Britain, and France against Saudi Arabia
$military intervention of Israel, Britain, and France against Palestine
$$$61. The movement of Third world countries for independent foreign policy in the Cold war era:
$$$62. The Soviet “Vietnam” war was in:
$$$63. The 6-day war in 1967 was waged by:
$$Israel against Arab states
$USA against Arab states
$USA against Israel
$Israel against Pakistan
$$$64. The Berlin wall separated:
$$Western Berlin from Eastern Berlin
$Eastern Europe from Western
$Socialist states from capitalist
$USSR from FRG
$$$65. During the Cold War, the USSR invaded this country to support the failing regime:
$$$66. The treaty banning the build-up of anti-ballistic missiles:
$$$67. The most serious threat of nuclear conflict during the Cold war:
$$Cuban missile crisis
$Vietnam war
$Iran gate
$Camp David agreements
$$$68. The immediate consequence of the Bay of Pigs incident:
$$the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba
$the Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan
$the USA invaded to Vietnam
$war of Israel against Arab states
$$$69. It most closely associated with the “domino theory”
$$military involvement in Vietnam
$the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba
$the Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan
$war of Israel against Arab states
$$$70. After Cuban crisis in 1963 the USA, and the Soviet Union signed:
$$limited test Ban Treaty
$$$71. The “High point” in the Cold war:
$$Caribbean crisis
$Vietnam war
$Afghan war
$Arab-Israel war
$$$72. The base of Versailles-Washington system was:
$$Treaties and agreements of winners with enemies of Entente
$Bourgeoisie-democratic revolutions in 1918/19
$Working and democratic movements in France and the USA
$Post war economic and social reforms
$$$73. What states did play main role in Paris Peace conference?
$$USA, England, France
$Italy, USA, France
$Germany, England, France
$Italy, Germany, USA
$$$74. The main aim of the League of Nations was:
$$Provision of peace and security
$Organization, fulfilled policy of the USA
$Anti Soviet organization
$Organization, fulfilled policy France and England
$$$75. What territories was given to France according Versailles treaty 1919?
$$Alsace and Lorraine
$German concessions in China
$Rhein zone
$$$76. What state didn’t ratificate Versailles treaty?
$$$77. What states took part in redistribution of German colonies after the I WW?
$$England, France, Japan, Italy
$England, USA, Japan
$England, France, USA
$England, Japan, Italy
$$$78. States, which didn’t satisfy by Versailles-Washington system and aspired to the redistribution of world:
$$Germany, Italy, Japan
$England, France, Germany
$USA, Germany, England
$USA, Japan, France
$$$79. According Charter of the League of Nations armament of its members must be:
$$Limited till minimum accordance with national security
$Decrease in two times
$Limited accordance decisions of international commission on disarmament
$Preservation the same proportions
$$$80. What political organization was formed in 1919?
$$League of Nations
$$$81. What states head League of Nations?
$$England, France, Italy, Japan
$England, USA, Japan
$England, France, USA, Japan
$England, France, USA
$$$82. What states did found Small Entente in 1921?
$$Czechoslovakia, Kingdom of Serbs, Khorvats, Slovens, Rumania
$Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania
$Poland, Bulgaria, Italy
$Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria
$$$83. What was the main conception of "Quadruple union" on Washington Conference?
$$Preservation of status-quo on the Far East
$Domination of Japan on the Far East
$Principle of "open doors" in China
$Turning of China to semi-colony
$$$84. What post war conference did discuss strait regime question?
$$Lozano conference
$Spa conference
$San-Remo conference
$Dairen conference
$$$85. What state did help Germany on "Dawos plan"?
$$$86. Dawos reparation plan was:
$$Established annual sum of reparations
$Just project for future plan
$Defined common sum of reparations for Germany
$Defined common sum of reparations for Germany and its allies
$$$87. When was adopted Dawos plan?
$$1924 London Conference
$1921 Paris Conference
$1921-22 Washington Conference
$1923 New York Conference
$$$88. Main decision of Canaan Conference 1922 was:
$$Convention of financial-economic conference of European states
$Regulation relations with Soviet Russia
$Solving of reparation problem
$Regulation of reparation problem
$$$89. What were conditions of Rappal treaty?
$$Establishment trade-economic relations between Soviet Russia and Germany
$Stopping diplomatic relations between Soviet Russia and Germany
$Soviet government should been paid debts of Tsarist government
$Establishment of military union between Soviet Russia and Germany
$$$90. London ultimatum 1921 was delivered to Germany and had next conditions:
$$Adoption Entente plan of reparation
$Reduction of army
$Withdrawal of troops from Rhein zone
$Recognition of post war borders
$$$91. Rhein warranty Pact was signed on:
$$Loccarno Conference
$Paris Conference
$Lozzan Conference
$Hague Conference
$$$92. Main content of Rhein warranty Pact was:
$$Obligement to follow status-quo of Versailles treaty
$Establishment of neutrality
$Establishment of regular political consultations
$Foundation of international control commission
$$$93. According Rhein Warranty Pact Rhein zone:
$Pass under the control of League of Nations
$Pass under the control of International Commission
$Pass under the control of triple commission
$$$94. When was China recognized equal and independent state firstly ?
$$In Soviet-Chinese treaty 1924
$In "Treaty of Nine"
$In Versailles treaty
$In Anglo-Chinese treaty 1923
$$$95. When was diplomatic relations established between the USSR and China?
$1933 $1935 $1934
$$$96. When was Manchuria conquered by Japan?
$$1931 ã.
$1930ã. $1932ã.
$$$97. «Manchu-go» - was formed in 1932 on the Chinese territory, conquered by
$$$98. Call the main thesis of Tanaka’s memorandum of 1927.
$$Manchuria is not a part of China
$Manchuria should been opened for free trade
$Manchuria is a part of China
$European states shouldn’t interfere in internal affairs of Manchuria
$$$99. Principle of “Equal possibilities” in China was confirmed by
$$«Treaty of Nine”
$Japan-Chinese treaty 1924
$Versailles treaty
$Anglo-Chinese treaty 1923
$$$100. How do we call the subject’s material responsibility for a damage made to another one as a result of breaking the International Law?
$Retorts $Reprisals $Contribution
$$$101. What was the problem of “Reparation question”?
$$ Preservation links between reparation obliges and military debts of allies
$Non solution of colonial problem
$Non solution of German borders problem
$Counter diction of Germany
$$$102. When was formed Berlin wall?
$$$103. Caribbean crisis was in:
$$$104. What is “annexation” mean?
$$Joining of territory by force
$Declaration of ultimatum
$Protest Note
$Liberation movement
$$$105. Call the main aim of foreign policy of Italian fascism:
$$Domination on the Mediterranean sea
$Conquest of new colonies
$Joining of the part of Austria
$Joining of the part of France
$$$106. When did Germany leave League of Nations?
$$Â 1933
$Â 1935
$Â 1936
$B 1937
$$$107. The first sign of the war danger before II WW is shown by forcing:
$$Japan onto China
$Germany onto Poland
$Italy onto Ethiopia
$Japan onto Mongolia
$$$108. Call the official project of England on disarmament in the beginning of 30-s:
$$To destruct chemical weapons and submarines
$To offer equal rights to Germany in militarization
$To revise Versailles treaty
$To form "International army"
$$$109. When and where was held conference on reduction and limitation of armament?
$$in 1932ã. Geneva
$in 1928ã. Moscow
$in 1933 ã. Paris
$in 1935 ã. Bern
$$$110. What was the main content of Brian-Kellogg Pact?
$$Refusal from war as a mean of national policy
$Obligation about partially reduction of armament
$Obligation about total reduction of armament
$Obligation to guaranty borders of European states
$$$111. Call conditions of Moscow Protocol 1929 :
$$USSR joined to the pact of Brian-Kellogg
$Offers on «Eastern Pact»
$Broke out diplomatic relations between England and USSR
$USSR didn’t recognize decisions of Washington conference
$$$112. Who was author of «Pan-Europe» Memorandum about foundation of European Federation?
$$R. Kudengov-Kalergy
$$$113. What states did support “Pan-Europe” Memorandum?
$$Eastern European states
$Germany, USA, England
$Germany and Italy
$Czechoslovakia and Spain
$$$114. Call one of the reasons of Anglo-French partnership on the problem of security?
$$Violation of Versailles treaty points by Germany
$Increasing of Italian fascism
$Growth of anti Soviet moods
$Sharpening situation in the East
$$$115. What document was declared as a “Great Charter of Peace” by England and France?
$$Geneva Protocol 1924
$London treaty
$Moscow treaty
$Dawos plan
$$$116. What condition was declared by Germany before entrance to the League of Nations?
$$Abolition of military signs of Versailles Treaty
$To prolong term of the payment of reparations
$To receive a permanent member place in the Council of the League of Nations
$To receive an equal rights for armament
$$$117. When did the USSR offer the program of the total disarmament?
$1930 $1931
$$$118. What states did sign “Pact of Fourth” about mutual aid and partnership in 1933?
$$England, France, Italy, Germany
$Bulgaria, Hungary, France, Turkey
$Yugoslavia, France, Greece, Rumania
$USSR, France, USA, China
$$$119. Call character of Soviet-Czechoslovakian peace 1935?
$$Defensive (about mutual aid)
$Political (establishment of diplomatic relations)
$$$120. What were decisions of Montre Conference 1936 ?
$$Free passage of all trade ships through the straits
$Establishment of Turkish straits control
$Foundation of International Commission
$Free passage for military and trade ships through straits
$$$121. What treaty was signed between France and USSR in 1935?
$$About mutual aid
$About Eastern Pact
$About non attack
$About neutrality
$$$122. What was the first step of violence of Versailles system by Germany?
$$Introduction of total military conscription
$Leaving of the League of Nations
$Anchshlus of Austria
$Division of Czechoslovakia
$$$123. When was axe Berlin-Rome-Tokyo formed?
$$$124. When and what states did sign anti Comintern Pact?
$$1936 Germany and Japan
$1937 USA and Germany
$1935 Great Britain and Germany
$1936 Germany and Italy
$$$125. When fascist Germany did conquer Austria?
$$$126. Austria entered to Germany eve the II WW:
$$in the result of unification (anshchlus)
$in the result of war
$in the result of treaty obligations
$in the result of international obligations
$$$127. What state did give warrants to Poland on March 21,1939 ?
$$$128. How can you characterize decade before the II WW?
$$Collapse of the Versailles-Washington system
$Stabilization of interstate relations
$Stabilization of economic and internal political development of great states
$Strengthening of Versailles-Washington system
$$$129. What policy the USA did lead, concerning Europe eve the II WW?
$$Interference in internal affairs of Europe
$Adoption Law about neutrality
$Blaming of the leaders of the League of Nations
$Refusal from Monroe’s doctrine
$$$130. Organization of United Nations is
$$Universal International Organization of Common competention
$Foundation of states on the base of
$Sovereign states
$Supporting and strength of peace and security
$$$131. When was the UNO founded?
$$24 October 1945
$25 October 1945
$21 October 2001
$29 October 1946
$$$132. How many working bodies the UNO has?
$$$133. The main Body of the UNO?
$$UNO General Assembly
$UNO Security Council
$UNO Secretariat
$$$134. Special Bodies of the UN -
$$International intergovernmental organizations, being created to develop international cooperation in economic, $cultural, education health and social spheres
$Location of big, middle and small towns
$Population that earn by their jobs
$Economical and regional unequality
$$$135. How many permanent members the Security Council of the UNO has?
$6 $3
$$$136. NÀÒÎ is -
$$Military-political block of capitalist states.
$Universal International Organization of general competention
$Real legislative power
$$$137. When was NÀÒÎ formed?
$$In 1949
$29 October, 1946
$21 October,2001
$25 October, 1945
$$$138. Where do situate NATO’s Head-Quarter?
$New York
$$$138. What state did use nuclear weapon against Japan in 1945?
$$$139. What is the Collective Security Body in the Eurasia?
$$Shanghai Cooperation Organization
$Eurasian Cooperation
$Commonwealth of the APR
$Commonwealth of Asian states
$$$140. When was Kazakhstan entered to the UNO?
$$$141. Sovereign state is
$$Independent state
$Any International organizations
$High level of international division of labor
$Variety economy, political and other relations
$$$142. Typology of states is-
$$Group of states, similar on level, character and type of social-economic and historical development
$Groupe of investigation objects
$Military-political block of capitalist states
$Universal international organization of common competention
$$$143. What states were colonies of France?
$$States of North-Western Africa
$States of South-Eastern Africa
$$$144. When did Portugal and England colonies get their Independence?
$$ 70-80-s 20 c.
$30-40 -s 20 c.
$70-80 -s 19 c.
$50-60-s 20 c.
$$$145. When was the treaty of antimissile defense signed between the USA and the USSR?
$$$146. Caribbean crises in 1962 was connected with what state?
$$$147. When did the war start on the Korean peninsula?
$1966 $1999 $1991
$$$148. How was called R.Reagan’s foreign policy doctrine?
$$Initiate of strategic defense
$Doctrine of strategic restraining
$Tactic of total nuclear attack
$Preventive attack conception
$$$149. Offensive Armament strategy Treaty is -
$$Agreement between the USSR and the USA about reduction of strategic offensive
$Agreement about increasing of nuclear potential of the USSR
$Agreement about increasing of nuclear potential of the USA
$Agreement about strengthening of arm racing
$$$150. «Arm racing» - is
$$Nuclear potential increasing
$Increasing arm racing treaty
$Agreement about nuclear research exchange between the USA and the USSR
$Agreement about reduction of the offensive armament strategy between the USA and the USSR
$$$151. Due to the Conclusion Act in Helsinki 1975 what organization was formed?
$$$152. When did the Soviet Army enter Afghanistan?
$$$153. When did the war in Persian Gulf and operation “Hurricane in desert” begin?
$1962 $1953
$$$154. When was the unification of two German states?
$$$155. When was the agreement of foundation of the CIS signed?
$$On December 8, 1991
$On August 22, 1991
$On January 17, 1991
$On June14, 1990
$$$156. When was the meeting of the leaders of the former Soviet Union held?
$$On December 21,1991
$On June14,1990
$In March 1992 $On February 23,1992
$$$157. How many states were represented at the meeting on the 21of December 1991 in Almaty?
$ 8
$$$158. The High Body of the CIS is
$$Council of the Head of states
$Council of Ministers of Defense
$Council of the Heads of Governments
$Interparliament Assembly
$$$159. Strategically nuclear weapon based in Kazakhstan, was withdrawn into Russia in:
$$By Summer 1996
$In Autumn 2003
$In August 1997
$On September14,1995
$$$160. Rule about the antiterroristical Center in the CIS was approved on:
$$On December1, 2000
$On May17, 2001
$On April 24, 2000
$On September14,1999
$$$161. The First Agreement between Kazakhstan and American company Chevron
was concluded on:
$$In Spring 1993
$On October 21, 1994
$On November 17,1996
$On August 11,1993
$$$162. In November 1997 in Washington the contribution Agreement between Kazakhstan and two Oil Giants of the USA was signed:
$$Texaco, Mobil
$Texaco, Shell
$Shell, Chevron
$Mobil, Shell
$$$163. When was the Wide World antiterroristical operation of the USA taken place in Afghanistan?
$$$164. Reasons due to, the states of the Central Asia developing the relations with Russia and the Antiterroristical center of the CIS within the Treaty of Collective Security, and China within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, widen their military cooperation with the USA and their NATO’s allies.
$$It’s a profitable multidirectional cooperation
$Have positive influence to economical reforms in the Central Asian region
$Decrease military expanse time limit
$Do not make damage onto State Independence
$$$165. What International Organization regulates conflicts in Europe?
$MAGATE, Red Cross
$$$166. European Bank of Development and Reconstruction is a creditor of the biggest private investor based in Kazakhstan:
$$Group ISPB (Karaganda Metallurgy Plant)
$Mangystau Munai Gas
$Project «ASPERA»
$$$167. Activity of the Asian Bank of Development in Kazakhstan goes to several directions:
$$development of transport-communication infrastructure
$development of human resources
$restoration of agriculture
$social aid to students
$$$168. Kazakhstan became a member of International Financial Corporation on:
$$In September 1993
$In January 1995
$In October 1992
$In November 1994
$$$169. What corporation is the priority of Kazakhstan and Japan?
$$Economical partnership
$Ethnical collaboration
$Financial cooperation
$Cultural cooperation
$$$170. Foreign Ministry Council of the CIS was formed on:
$In March 1995 ã.
$In October 1993
$In September 1993
$$$171. Treaty of Collective Security between Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan was signed on:
$$On May15,1992
$In March, 1992
$On February23,1992
$On February11, 1992
$$$172. When was treaty about foundation of Russia and Byelorussia union signed?
$1995 $1997
$$$173. When was Union Treaty between Russia and Byelorussia signed?
$In October, 1997
$IIn March, 2000
$In January, 1998
$$$174. When was Kazakhstan joined to NATO’s Program “Partnership for peace”?
$1993 $1995
$$$175. When was Agreement about building oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Djeikhan and trans Caspian gas pipeline signed between Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Turkey?
$1996 $1993
$$$176. When was Treaty about foundation of Eurasian Economic Community signed?
$$On October 10, 2000
$On June11,1993
$On August23,2003
$In October 2001
$$$177. Warsaw Treaty Organization was formed in:
$$$178. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was formed in:
$$$179. European Union was formed in:
$$$180. What states were joined to EU in 1950?
$$Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg
$Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Holland, and Luxemburg
$Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg
$Greece, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg
$$$181. Call the main content of four-sided agreement of on Western Berlin:
$$Western Berlin is not a part of FRG
$Western Berlin is a part of the FRG
$Western Berlin rules by Control Commission
$Western Berlin under control of the UNO
$$$182. Treaty about normalization relationships between FRG and GDR was signed in:
$$$183. From what year began annual congresses of “Big 7”?
$$$184. Congresses of the " Big 7" - is:
$$one of the forms of political consultations between heads of states and governments of seven developed states
$intergovernmental organization of state-creditors, formed on decision of IMF
$conference of the EEC state-members
$conference of state-members of the NATO
$$$185. How was called Helsinki Congress 1975?
$$Congress on cooperation and security in Europe
$Congress on disarmament in Europe
$Congress on disarmament and cooperation in Europe
$Congress on security in Europe
$$$186. Camp-David agreements are:
$$strengthened military-political position of the USA by aid to
$sanctioned occupation of Syria and Palestine by
$Regulate Near East problems
$Regulate Palestinian problem
$$$187. Introduction of the Soviet troops to this state sharpened international situation in the end of 70-s:
$Northern Korea
$$$188. Iran-Iraq war began because of:
$$frontier argument
$religious contradictions
$military presence of the USA in the Persian Gulf
$$$189. Program SDI aimed:
$$foundation of military system in space
$increasing of nuclear weapons
$development of space research programs
$location of missiles in Europe
$$$190. What states were colonies of Portugal in Africa?
$$Angola, Mozambique
$Algeria, Tunisia
$Morocco, Egypt
$Libya, Ethiopia
$$$191. Foreign policy of France in 1980-beg.1990 had tendency on:
$$increasing of proatlantic moods
$territorial conquests in Africa
$supporting of Latin American states
$contradictions to the USA
$$$192. Prime-minister of the Great Britain, who began war on Falkland islands in 1982:
$$$193. What states did take part in war on Falkland islands?