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Lesson 2

Int = Interviewer

Ck = Colin Knapp

Int: Colin, do you travel on business very often?

CK: I travel to Thailand about two to three times per year.

Int: And how long is the flight from England to Thailand?

CK: The flight is about twelve hours.

Int: Uh, huh. Do you enjoy that long flight?

CK: It’s, it is OK as long as I take plenty of reading, and they normally have three to four films.

Int: And do you watch all the films?

CK: I watch all of the films because I find it very difficult to sleep on a plane.

Int: OK. Do you erm suffer from jet lag after the flight?

CK: Er, I suffer jet leg, erm in Thailand it lasts for about one, one day.

Int: Uh, hu; and when you return to England?

CK: It is worse, for some reason, and it is about three days.

Int: So traveling back to England is, is less pleasant?

CK: It is less pleasant, but that apparently is quite common.

Int: OK. Erm, and what’s the reason for your visits to Thailand?

CK: It’s to teach and to do some business with the University.

Int: Why do you travel to Thailand to do business? Why can’t you do that by telephone or fax?

CK: Because our discussions are quite complex and it w…, it is too complex for telephone and fax.

Int: OK. When you visit Thailand do you experience a culture gap?

CK: There is a culture gap, yes.

Int: Erm, and what are the…can you give me any examples of that?

CK: They are very polite people, and so there are items when you may think they agree with you, but they are, they say ‘yes’ because they think it is polite.

Int: OK. So the, the way people communicate is different?

CK: They communicate in a different way, yes.

Int: OK. And so can you give people visiting Thailand any tips, for their visit?

CK: Erm, always try to be polite, and be respectful, and on first meeting try not to look the person in the eye, erm too often.

Lesson 3


Sarah: Hello, Sarah speaking.

Mike: It’s Mike here, Sarah, from Marketing.

Sarah: Hello, Mike. What can I do for you?

Mike: Could you make some travel arrangements for me?

Sarah: I’ll try. What do you need?

Mike: I’ve got to go to the States at the end of next month for a couple of meetings.

Sarah: Let me just down the dates and everything.

Mike: I’ve got an all-day meeting in Boston on the 27th, so I’ll be needing flights and accommodation.

Sarah: Right. I’ll get back to you later.



Lucy: Four Seasons Travel. Lucy speaking.

Sarah: Hello Lucy. This is Sarah from DSL Graphics. How are you?

Lucy: Can’t complain. How can I help you?

Sarah: I need return tickets and accommodations for my colleague, Michael Wise, going to the USA next month. Can you get me a flight to Boston on the 26th, and the return flight on the evening of the 27th or on the 28th?

Lucy: …to Boston on the 26th, return flight 27th pm or the 28th…Do you know what hotel he wants to stay at?

Sarah: At any hotel that’s central but not too expensive.

Lucy: Let’s see… Manchester to Boston, departing 09.15 arriving at Boston at 15.15 local time. That’s with a stopover at New York. OK. Shall I book?

Sarah: Yes.

Lucy: Boston to Manchester on the evening of the 27th…nothing direct. Through Washington at 22.50 is full, but there is one on the 28th, departing 10:00 arriving Manchester 20:15. Is that OK?

Sarah: Mmmm, the 27th would be better, but anyway.

Lucy: I’ll put him on the waiting list and see.

Sarah: OK. Let me know when you have the hotel sorted out, will you?

Lucy: OK. I’ll call you back in a while. Bye.

Sarah: Sarah Thorpe speaking.

Lucy: Hi Sarah, this is Lucy from Four Seasons Travel. I’ve got those flights confirmed for Mr. Wise.

Sarah: Great. Can we just go through them?

Lucy: He’s flying on BLE flight 466 to Boston via New York on the 26th, departing Manchester 09.15 arriving at Boston at 15.15 local time. Now on the 28th he flies back on EZL 195, departing at 10.00 and lands at 20.15 at Manchester Airport.

Sarah: That sounds fine. What about the accommodations?

Lucy: In Boston he’ll be staying at the Liberty Inn on the 26th and 27th. I’ll be emailing all the prices to you this afternoon.

Sarah: That will be great. Thanks a lot, Lucy. Bye!



Mike: Marketing. Hello.

Sarah: Hello, Mike. I’ve got your business trip sorted.

Mike: Brilliant. Let me just get a pen…OK.

Sarah: You are flying on Monday 26th on BLE flight 466 departing from Manchester at 09.15 and arriving at Boston at 15.15 local time. OK? You’ll be staying at the Liberty Inn for two nights. Then on the 28th you fly back departing at 10:00 and you are back in Manchester ay quarter past eight in the evening. How does that sound?

Mike: Sarah, didn’t I say it was Baltimore?

Sarah: What?

Lesson 4


Good evening. I have a reservation.

Good evening. What name is it, please?

Carbalho, Paolo Carbalho.

How long are you staying, Mr Carbalho?

I’m staying for two nights.

OK. You are in the room 312 on the third floor. Here’s your key card.

How does this work?

Well, once you’ve opened the door, you have to insert it into the slot in the wall to turn on the electricity in your room.

Right. And does it also activate the air-conditioning?

Yes. The air-conditioning comes on as soon as you put the card in the slot.

Fine. You think could you give me a wake-up call tomorrow morning?

Yes, certainly. What time?

At 7 o’clock, please.

Of course.

And what time is breakfast?

Breakfast is served from 7 to 10, and lunch from 12 until 2.


Do you need any help with your luggage?

No, it’s all right thanks. I can manage. Could you tell me where the lift is?

Yes, it’s just at the end of the passageway. Enjoy your stay at the Imperial Hotel, Mr Carbalho.



Good morning. I would like to check out, please.

Good morning, Mr Carbalho. Did you enjoy your stay?

Yes, the room was very comfortable. I’m afraid I have a problem with the remote control for the television, though. It fell in the bath last night while I was getting out, and it doesn’t appear to be working now. I’m terribly sorry.

Don’t worry, Mr Carbalho. We’ll sort it out. Thank you for telling us. Did you have anything from the minibar?

Yes. I had one bottle of mineral water and some beer.

How many bottles?

Just one. And I also made two telephone calls to Lisbon.

Right. I’ll just add that to your bill. That’s ˆ354.25, please.

Can I pay by American Express?

Yes, of course.

Here’s my card.

Thank you. Could you sign here, please?

Of course. Would it be OK to leave my bags here? My plane doesn’t leave until later this afternoon, and I want to do a bit of shopping before I leave Ljubljana.

Yes, certainly. Just bring them into the office, and you can leave them as long as you like.

Thank you. I’ll be back at about 3 o’clock to pick them up.


Lesson 5


Jun: So let’s just check where the Opera House is. Can you get out the map?

Wei: I thought you had the map! Never mind-let’s ask, shall we?

Jun: No need-I’m sure I can remember the way. So, if I remember right, we are supposed to go down the far end of Hide Park. Then we go through that gate and into…er…What was it… Maguire Street?

Wei: Macquarie Street!

Jun: How come you’re so good at names? He said we should keep going right to the end, until we get to the harbour.

Wei: Logically. Let’s get going then.



Wei: Now where were we meant to be having lunch? The Harbourside, wasn’t it? Hi there. Excuse me, is this the right way to The Harbourside? It’s a restaurant. It’s supposed to be easy to find but…

Neil: The Harbourside? OK, you go back down here when you get to Circular Quay, turn right. That’s Alfred Street, and you carry on to the end. Have you got that?

Jun: Sorry, was it right or left at Circular Quay?

Neil: Right.

Jun: OK, and then what do we do?

Neil: Then you take the first right again-that’s George Street- and keep walking. You can’t miss it.

Wei: That’s very kind of you.

Neil: You are welcome. Bye.



Wei: I thought men were meant to have a good sense of direction!

Jun: I’m sure they told us in Centrerpoint that it was down here.

Wei: I think maybe we were supposed to stay on that main road, and not turn right. I’m going to ask anyway. Excuse me, is Chinatown in this direction?

Pippa: Er…

Wei: Am I right in thinking we go straight down this road first?

Pippa: Yes, you go straight on until you get to Kent Street, and it’s third on the right.

Wei: So that’s second right into Kent Street, then third right.

Pippa: You’ve got it. Go down there, take the second right.

Wei: Thank you-you’ve been very helpful. Bye.

Pippa: Yeah, bye.

Jun: OK, you are not meant to cross over here, but let’s do it anyway.

Driver: Watch where you are bloody going!

Jun: Why do these people drive on the wrong side of the road?

Wei: Maybe they think we do.

Lesson 6


Taxi Company: City Cabs, hello.

Mr. Hansen: Hello, I’d like a taxi, please.

Taxi company: Your address?

Mr. Hansen: Oh, um it’s in Clifton and Cedar Avenue, number 252, Cedar Avenue, Clifton.

Taxi company: Where about is there?

Mr. Hansen: It’s right in the middle of Clifton. A few hundred meters along from the Royal Crescent.

Taxi company: And your name?

Mr. Hansen: Hansen.

Taxi Company: And where are you going to?

Mr. Hansen: I’m going to The Oasis Restaurant. It’s just to the north of the town centre, out towards the airport.

Taxi company: It’ll be about twenty minutes waiting time, I’m afraid.

Mr. Hansen: Oh, that’s OK. I’ll wait. Thank you. Goodbye.



Driver: Mr Hansen?

Mr Hansen: Yes, that’s right. I’m going to… the Oasis Restaurant.

Driver: Right. OK. The Oasis, you said? Is that in the centre of town?

Mr Hansen: No. it’s a little away out of town. It’s on the way to the airport, a few kilometers from the centre.

Driver: Ah, right. I think I know where you mean.


Mr Hansen: Right, it must be somewhere near here.

Oh, yes, it’s over there, I think, after the next set of lights. You can see the business park on the left, and The Oasis is just on the other side of that, just a few hundred metres down the road. I’ll tell you when you are near. We are not too far now.

Driver: Right. OK. That’s fine.

Mr Hansen: Right. You can drop me here if you like. The restaurant is just over there.

Driver: Ok then.

Mr Hansen: Could I have a receipt please?

Driver: Certainly.

Mr Hansen: Oh and keep the change.



Lesson 3


Carlos: So, where shall we go?

Bill:Well, there’s a nice little Italian place not far from here.

Otherwise, we could be a bit more adventurous. There’s a new Vietnamese restaurant.

I was there last week. It was excellent.

Carlos: Well, Bill, if you think it’s a good choice…

Bill: Yes. I think you’d like it.

Carlos: So Bill, what do you recommend?

Bill: Well, Carlos, the stir-fried lamb with mint and chill is good. I had that last time.

Or there’s lamb in a hot garlic sauce. It’s served with rice.

Carlos: Well, it all certainly sounds different.

Bill: Vietnamese food often has lime and mint in. And you’ll always get lots of noodles too.

Maybe you’d like to try the fish.

Carlos: No, no. I think I’ll go for one of the lamb dishes. The one with mint.

Bill : Right. And I’ll have the chicken in lemon grass, I think. Anything else?

Carlos: No, that’s fine for now.

Bill: O.K. I’ll catch the waiter.



Eva: This is a very cozy place.

That’s the good thing about these bistros: they’ve got a nice family atmosphere too.

And look-all those jars of pickles, and dried fruits. It’s just like someone’s home!

Amy: Oh, I love it because it’s so European. I come at least once a week.

And they have an excellent wine list. Anyway, what will you have?

Eva: Well, I’d like something quite light, you know, not too spicy.

Amy: And vegetarian, right?

Eva: Yes, I’m afraid so. I haven’t eaten meat for years now.

Amy: Well, Eva, you really should try the Greek vegetable dish they do then.

Eva: Oh, yes, what’s that?

Amy: Well, it’s a plate of grilled eggplant, tomatoes, and zucchini, with goat’s cheese. It’s delicious.

Eva: Well that sounds very nice. And what are you having, Amy?

Amy: I think I’ll have the roast goose. It comes with steamed red cabbage and boiled potatoes.

Mmm my favourite! And do you want anything before?

Eva: No, nothing to start with, thanks.

Waiter: Good evening, ladies. What can I get you to drink?

Amy: Hi. Well, a dry white wine, a bottle of this pinot grigio, please, and some mineral water.

Eva: Yes, sparkling water for me, please.

Amy: And one still.

Waiter: OK. I’ll be right back.

Amy: Well that was really good. How was yours?

Eva:Very nice. They are friendly here, aren’t they? Oh, some more wine?

Amy: Well, just a drop. Thanks. Would you like a dessert?

The chocolate cake is really rich-it’s just so good!

Eva: No really, I couldn’t. That was fine.

Amy: Well maybe we could share one?

Eva: Does it have nuts in? I’m allergic to nuts.

Amy: No, but it’s alcohol in.

Eva: Oh, OK, then.

Amy: Could we pay please?

Waiter: Certainly

Amy: Do you take cards?

Waiter: Of course.

Eva: Let me do this.

Amy: No, no, I insist. This one’s on me!

Lesson 5

Interviewer: So, how long have you been in business?

Ian: Well, we started in this particular business thirty-four years ago. My father had just been made redundant, and the owner of this shop was retiring, so he basically sold it to us. Dad finished his old job on the Friday, and moved into this job on the Monday. In the beginning, my Dad looked after the fish, and my uncle did the greens. Then later my uncle retired, so we bought him out.

Interviewer: And how many staff work here now?

Ian: There are seven full-time staff, and a driver on deliveries. And we have four part-timers for Fridays and Saturdays. Saturdays can get really busy.

Interviewer: What about the range of produce?

Ian: We try to get as wide a variety as possible. In the fish range, shellfish is big. And we have fresh chicken brought in five days a week. In the game season we have pheasant, duck, rabbits.

Interviewer: And where do you get them from?

Ian: Well, most of the fish is from Scotland or Cornwall, but we obviously get tuna and swordfish from overseas, usually from Oman and the Philippines. Rabbits and pigeons are usually locally shot around Cheshire and North Wales. The venison and chicken are local too.

Interviewer: Generally, who are your customers?

Ian: A very wide range, actually. Locals pop in for something cheap and easy, such as fish kebabs. Mothers come. Trying to get their kids to eat fish. The middle-aged of course have always eaten fish. And older people come in too. So we’ve a great customer base. We’ve been on a number of television cooking programmes recently, and we’re also on a few websites, which has really increased trade. The public have more confidence to cook with fish nowadays. I’d say eighty or ninety per cent of our customers come in knowing exactly what they want, and they’re full of ideas as to how they want to cook it. But for those few who don’t know, then our staff can help and give advice on two or three alternatives. People love that, and find it very impressive. We are always discussing ideas, and asking our customers how they cook things, and then passing that on to other customers.

Interviewer: what about the competition over the years?

Ian: Well another fish stop opened just up the road in the early nineties. We thought people would be loyal to us, but it wasn’t like that. It was all quite interesting, really. But overall it’s made us better at business, and made us examine what we do. For example, before, people were getting fish full of bones, so we started offering to skin and born them. That was popular. And then we did the same with salmon, and people were delighted. We also started offering all kinds of other useful little services-we can lend the customers special cooking equipment, for example, or we can cook a lobster for them. We also prepare crab, so that it’s cooked and ready to eat from the shell.

Interviewer: How have you coped with the new supermarkets?

Ian: Well, we thought it would be a disaster for us, but nothing seemed to happen. It’s just increased business. You see, the locals round here aren’t short of money, and this particular retail store, a multi-million pound business with an excellent reputation for produce, thought it was a good idea to open up. Soon after it was clear that it was helping us too. You see, it’s very difficult for a supermarket to provide its customers with quality fish and game. We’re such a one-off shop that there isn’t actually much competition. Apart from the quality produce we have, we don’t pre-package our food. The customer comes in and gets what they ask for, just as they want. And if we vacuum-pack it for them, then they can freeze it in large quantities, and just take out enough for one meal at a time.

Interviewer: So what have you done to make sure the business remains successful?

Ian: well, we try to keep up with the times and improve the look of the business and the shop. We put in air-con, and we’re always updating such things as scales, refrigeration, and vac-packing machines. We make sure we always stock a good variety of produce, and all the time we try to get the best quality fish, to find the best possible source of fish at a fair price, so that we can charge a fair price to the customers. To attract new customers, at special times of year, for example, at Christmas or during the barbecue season, we place adverts in local magazines-although word of mouth is the way most of our customers hear of us.

Interviewer: Do you think people spend more on good fish and meat these days?

Ian: Absolutely. They might think twice before they buy it, but at the end of the day people forget the price, and always remember the quality. And when they eat it, it’s exactly what they want!

Interviewer: indeed. Well, thank you very much.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1852

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