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Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1 My sister told me the joke.

.../ was told the Joke by my sister./ The Joke was told to me by my sister....

2 Has Chris sent those letters yet?


3 Mr Jones hates people giving him orders.


4 People hope that the President will take control of the situation.


5 My mother decorated this room.


6 What stung her?


7 Has Jane read that book yet?


8 We hope they will send us an invitation too.


9 They say that Richard has inherited a lot of money.


10 I can't stand people laughing at me.


11 Who is repairing John's car?


12 Someone should tell Mary to stop being rude to people.


Choose the correct answer.

1 'Was Tom pleased with the newspaper article about him?'

'No. He was angry because his name ...B... wrong.'

A spelt B had been spelt C is spelt

2 'Did you buy that picture?'

'No, it............to me for my birthday.'

A was given B gave C is given

3 'Are you going to buy a wedding dress?' 'No. My dress............by my mother.'

A is being made B is made C made

4 'Have you arranged the party yet?' 'Yes. All the invitations.............'

A are sent B have been sent C sent

5 'So, have you had your book published?'

'Yes. It............in all bookshops from June 1st.'

A will be B is C is being

6 'Do your cats eat a lot?'

'No. They............once a day, that's all.'

A is fed B are fed C fed

7 'Paul is taking me to a ball this weekend.' 'I would love............to a ball!'

A take B to take C to be taken

8 'Did you hear about the burglary last week?' 'Yes. The thieves............now, haven't they?'

A have been caught B caught C are caught

9 'Can you swim?'

'Oh yes. I............how to swim when I was five.'

A taught B am taught C was taught

10 'Doctors have to do a lot of work.' 'Yes, but they............well.'

A be paid B are paid C pay

11 'Where does that lady keep her jewellery?'

'It............in a safe somewhere in her house.'

A is kept B are kept C was kept

12 'What is happening over there?' 'Oh, a new cinema.............'

A is being built B is built C was built

13 'How is Kevin?'

'Well, his car ............... last night, so he's upset


A is stolen B has been stolen C was stolen

14 'What should you do if you are lost?'

'You should stay where you are and wait.............'

A was found B to find C to be found

15 'Have you got Claire's phone number?' 'Yes. It............on this piece of paper.'

A is written B written C be written


Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

Someone broke into the National Gallery late last night. The thieves had broken the alarm system before they climbed through a window. They stole some priceless works of art. They used a getaway car to escape. The police have questioned some suspects. They have not caught the thieves yet.








33. Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

A few days ago, somebody stole Keith Dunn's motor­bike. Keith had left his motorbike outside his house. Keith reported the theft to the police. The police told him they would try to find his motorbike. This morning, the police called Keith and asked him to go to the police station. They had found his motorbike. The thieves had painted it and then sold it to someone else. The new owner had parked the motorbike outside the police station. The police arrested the thieves.










Date: 2015-12-17; view: 5001

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. | Die Periphrase und ihre Abarten
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