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Lecture 15. Interpretation: basic skills and training methods


  1. What are the differences in the working environments of a translator and interpreter?

Translator has all time necessary to do and check the translation, but the interpreter is limited in time and cannot check the interpretation

Translator has free access to the dictionaries and reference material, but interpreter has no access to any outside information

Translator has no immediate contact with translation users and often is unaware of their reaction, but interpreter is in immediate and close contact with the audience reacting to interpretation mistakes

Translator is dependent on supporting environment; interpreter is entirely self-dependent.


  1. What are the in the working environments of a consecutive and simultaneous interpreter?

There are 2 main varieties of interpretation - consecutive and simultaneous. They have much in common and possess all mentioned characteristics that distinguish them from translation.

But they have some differences in the working environment:

ü In simultaneous interpretation the interpreter is much more limited in time

ü In simultaneous interpretation the length of the text translated as one batch is much shorter than in consecutive (although simultaneous interpretation seems continuous the flow of interpreter’s speech may be divided into individual fragments)

ü Unlike consecutive interpretation where the interpreter may correct mistakes and slips of the tongue, simultaneous interpreter has no time for correction


  1. What are the basic interpretation approaches used by consecutive and simultaneous interpreters? Explain why they keep to a particular approach?

The consecutive interpreter adheres to predominantly denotative approach in interpretation whereas the basic approach of simultaneous interpretation is transformational. Long stretches of speech to be translated do not allow the consecutive interpreter to keep close to the source text, whereas the simultaneous interpreter is forced by time limitation to translate by small fragments of the source text transforming them according to the target language grammar


  1. What is text compression? How is it used in interpretation?

Both during consecutive and simultaneous interpretation interpreters use text compression and text development as basic translation devices.

Text compression aimed at saving interpretation time and removing source text redundancy is one of the main instruments of simultaneous interpretation which allows the interpreter to keep in pace with the source text not sacrificing the content.


  1. What is text compression? How is it used in interpretation?

Text development is typical both for English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English interpretation. It is more usable in consecutive than in simultaneous interpretation, though simultaneous interpreters use it too.

Text development is performed in the course of interpretation in the restoration of the full composition of a source sentence starting from its syntactic and semantic core accompanied by restructuring of the source sentence in compliance with syntactic and semantic standards of the target language.

Date: 2014-12-29; view: 3040

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