Lecture 14. Translation into English
1. What are the peculiarities of the English language system which are to be taken into account in Ukrainian-English translation?
The English language system has numerous peculiarities, but the most important are the following three:
Ø Definite order of words in sentence
Ø Predominantly verbal style of expression
Ø Analytical way of expressing semantic and syntactic relations between words
2. What are the most important changes of the source text in Ukrainian-English translation?
When translating from Ukrainian into E the translator is:
ü To change the word order in the source sentences in accord with the English syntax
ü To change the source text style into predominantly verbal and
ü To express the syntactic and semantic relations between nouns by their proper positioning
The most applicable translation means and devices for U-E translation are rewording of the source sentences, replacement of noun combinations by verbal structures and substitution of target noun clusters for source prepositional combination.
3. What is the optional approach in U-E translation?
The denotative approach and transformations are used in combination in U-E translation. The matter is that the target audience of U-E translation is foreigners having cultural and educational background which is differ from Ukrainian culture and ways of life. In order to convey the source text content in any optional way one should translate it using the phrasing common to and easily understood by the target audience. And the best way to do this provides a combination of denotative approach (interpretation of the content) and transformational scheme (transforming Ukrainian phrases into standard E expression)
In E-U translation the translator is expected to interpret the content of the source text using standard expressions of the target language speakers.
4. Why is it desirable to use standard (clichéd) expressions when translating into a foreign language?
The use of standard (clichéd) phrases in translation into English is desirable since they are repeatedly tested by native speakers and carry with them correct associations and allusions.
5. Grade the texts according to difficulties they present for Ukrainian-English translation
The effectiveness of translation into The lowest level of connotations is observed in legal texts where no ambiguity is tolerated, besides, legal texts are highly clichéd. In a way the same is true for technical texts and official document. There is where one may expect good results translating into English by standard “well-worn” expression
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1660