Class 1 –introduction to academic literature. Project outline.
Class 2– library search at MISiS library ( first floor). Students use Science Direct and Scopus catalogues to
• make a short list of textbooks, key texts, academic journals and patents in English suitable for their course work. ( a group assignment for students with the same intended degree field)
• to find a book and a review article ( open access) in the field of their research paper for a short report ( a book) and a presentation ( an article);
Class 3– tutorials with a language teacher : discussion on how to present a book and an article;
Class 4, 5– presenting a short report on a book/monographs/handbooks. PPT presentation of the review article following the outline given below.
Class 1. Introduction to academic literature .
(based on EAP essentials. Teacher’s notes. 2008 Garnet Publishing Ltd.)
Discuss these questions in your groups and make notes of your answers.
1. What types of books or other texts did you read at different stages in your previous education (at the beginning of an undergraduate degree, near the end of undergraduate study?) How many of them were in English?
Study this list of types of academic literature and match the definitions to the types of texts. Write the correct number beside each definition.
Types of academic literature
1. course book
a__ a book connected with learning or intended for study
2. textbook
b__a book with a series of lessons designed to be taught in class for a particular course
3. key work
c___ important book on a topic that everyone studying the topic should read
4. seminal work
d___ a classic article or book which has influenced the way the understanding of the subject has developed
5. reference book
e___ book which explains how to do something, aimed at people who need to carry out that activity
6. guidebook, handbook or manual
f___ book that you look at to find information. such as a list of data, an atlas ( maps), a dictionary or encyclopedia
7. monograph
g___subject-related general interest magazines aimed at interested professionals and members of the general public ( e.g. New Scientist, The Economist)
8. review ( of other works or of the field)
h___ web site where a lecturer or professor lists his or her publications, and may post articles or lectures and materials for his or her studies
9. paper
i___ an article or short book that discusses a narrow topic in detail
10. academic or peer-reviewed journal
j___ a careful examination and analysis of what has been published about a particular topic
11. web page of practicing academic
k___ publication aimed at professional researchers, containing original research reports which have been checked by other specialists from that field
12. specialist magazine
l___ a report or discussion in an academic journal or a presentation at a conference on a particular subject by someone who has made an academic study of it
An undergraduate economics student was told by her tutor to read more widely. She found over 1200 titles in the economics section of her university library catalogue. Here is a list of some titles she found. Which category from Task 2 do you think each one belong to? How do you know? Which ones might be useful for her to read?
Directory of property developers, investors and financiers 1984-85.
The Economist.
James, D.E. and Throsby, C.D. (1973) Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Economics. England :Wiley.
James, S. and Nobes, C (2005) The Economics of Taxation. England: Prentice Hall.
Kagel,J.H. and Roth, A.E. (Ed) (1995) The Handbook of Experimental Economics. USA: Princeton University Press.
Kamien, M.I and Schwartz, N.L. (1991) Dynamic Optimization: the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management. USA: Elsevier.
Menezes, C.F. and Wang, H. Duality and the Slutsky income and substitution effects of increases in wage rate. Oxford Economics papers 2005 57:545-557
Sarah, R. (2005) Lecture: Slutsky equation. There are two effects when price of a good changes. Brown University-Department of Economics, www.personeel.unimass. nl/r.saran.
Seidl, C. (Ed) (1984) Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics. USA: Springer
Sloman, J ( 2003) Economics. 5th edn. England : Prentice Hall
Slutsky, E. (1937) The summation of random causes as the source
of cyclic processes. Econometrica Vol.5:105-4.
Smith, A. (1950) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Vol 1-2. England: Methuen.
Class 2. Library Search
Students go to MISIS library and search the catalogue ( see the procedure below) to make a short list of textbooks, key texts, academic journals and patents in English suitable for their course work. They should use the way the references are laid out in Task 3. Compiling this list is a group assignment for students with the same intended degree subject. One book must be selected for a short written description and one research article for a presentation.