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The status and mission of philosophy in the life of society. Philosophy, outlook, culture. The nature of the philosophical problems. Philosophy as personal knowledge and rational and critical form of outlook. A problem of scientific character of philosophy.

Cultural traditions of the East and the West and types of philosophical thinking. Philosophy and national consciousness.

The basic research strategies in post-classical West European philosophy.

Multidimensionality of a philosophy phenomenon. Social and cultural status and functions of philosophy in the modern world of cultural variety. The role of philosophy in forming of person‘s valuable orientations and principles of biosphere thinking.

Philosophical understanding of the problem of being. The search of the metaphysical bases being in various philosophical systems.

Ontology as the teaching of being and its interpretation in philosophy. The basic forms of being and their interrelation. Ontology of human subjectivity and culture in non-classical philosophy.

Being and matter. Evolution of ideas about matter. Modern science about matter structure.

The topological and temporal organization of a material world. Substantial and relational concepts of space and time. Specificity of biological space and time. Being of man and the Time.

Nature as a subject of philosophical and scientific knowledge. Self-organization and development of Nature. System-evolutionary paradigm in modern natural sciences.

Nature as an inhabitancy of Man. Biosphere and noosphere. The idea of co-evolution of Man and Nature. Social and ecological strategy of nature management.

Philosophy of global evolutionism. Dynamism of being and the concept of development. Dynamics and development.

Understanding of dialectics in the history of philosophy: ontological, gnoseological and logical aspects of dialectics. Dialectics as the philosophical theory of development. Modern discussions about the value of dialectics. Features of social dialectics.

Dialectics and synergetics. A role of synergetic in understanding of evolutionary processes.

Heuristic potential of global evolutionism and problems of the development in modern scientific picture of the world.

The problem of Man in philosophy. Man as a subject of the philosophical and scientific analysis. Multidimensionality of Man phenomenon. The basic approaches to its understanding. Images of Man in the history of philosophy and culture.

Origin of Man. The basic concepts of anthroposociogenesis. Man as a biosocial phenomenon. Corporality and spirituality of Man. The basic qualities of Man as a biosocial being. The problem of essence and existence of Man. Individual, individuality, personality.

Consciousness as a subject of philosophical understanding. Multidimensionality and poly-functionality of consciousness. Existential and phenomenological, social and cultural, and psychoanalytic traditions in the research of consciousness. Philosophy and cognitive sciences about the structure and functions of consciousness. Consciousness, language, communications. Consciousness and intelligence. A problem of an artificial intelligence: transhumanism forecasts.

Axiological parameters of Man’s being in the world. A phenomenon of subjectivity and existential experience of Man. A personal choice and a problem of life meaning of Man. Philosophical understanding of death and immortality phenomena. Freedom and responsibility as existential opposition in Man’s being.

Man in the system of social communications. Man and values of mass culture.

Anthropological crisis as the phenomenon of a modern man-caused civilization.

Specificity of a social reality. A place of social philosophy in the system of philosophical knowledge. Social philosophy and social sciences and humanities in the study of society. The concept of social reality. Society as a system. Concept of social structure of the society. Types of social structures. Modern concepts of social stratification.

The basic research strategies of social reality in modern philosophy. The Marxist concept of society. M.Weber’s concept of social action. Society as a product of social rationalization. Society model in the T. Parsons’ concept of structural functionalism. Social rationality and communicative action in J. Habermas’ theory.

The basic problems of social dynamics. Society as a developing system. The problem of sources and motive forces of social dynamics. Base factors of social evolution. The nature of social contradictions, conflicts, revolutions and reforms.

The status and functions of the social subject. Transformation and modernization in the conditions of a transition period.

The basic concepts and stages of the development of philosophy of history. Variability in social development. Historical alternatives and a choice of ways of development of society.

Linear and nonlinear interpretations of historical process. Formational and civilizational paradigms in the philosophy of history.

The basic concepts of social progress and their alternatives. Criteria of progress. Humanism as a measure of spiritual and valuable dimension of a social progress.

Society development as a civilizational process. Concept and civilization types in the history of society (pre-industrial, industrial, postindustrial). Deadlocks and contradictions of the man-caused civilization. Prospects and problems of an information-oriented society.

Local civilizations and the problem of preservation of cultural and civilizational identity in the modern world. A polilog of cultural traditions or «clash of civilizations» (S. Hantington). Globalization phenomenon.

East Slavic people between the West and the East. The basic preconditions and factors of consolidation of the East Slavic people. The problem of historical self-identification of Belarus and the basic vectors of the development of modern byelorussian society.

Philosophy of culture. Concept of culture. The basic paradigms of the philosophical analysis of culture (axiological, semiotic, functional, game, etc.).

Traditions and innovations in the dynamics of culture. The problem of unity and variety of cultural and historical process. Globalization of the social and cultural space and dialogue of cultures.

Culture and spiritual life of the society. Spirituality and value forms of consciousness. Morality as the form of standard regulation of human behavior. Art and specificity of Man’s aesthetic attitude to the world. Religion as the form of spiritual assimilating of the reality.

Spirituality metamorphoses in a modern society. Social mythology, utopia, ideology as forms of social consciousness. A problem of social and cultural identification of Man in a modern society. Values common to all mankind and universal values of modern humanism.

The newest tendencies in social and cultural development of the world community and the form of their philosophical understanding.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1446

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