Please describe what kind of mobility activities are foreseen in the Special Mobility Strand, what are their objectives and expected results. Explain how the mobility activities of students, researchers and staff support/complement the other activities of the Capacity Building and bring added value in the realisation of the project's objectives (limit 3000 characters).
I.2. Identification and selection of the participants
Please describe the procedures set up for identification and selection of participants for the mobility activity (limit 1000 characters).
I.3. Preparation and support
Please describe the structure for preparation of the participants for the mobility activity, including specific training or course, linguistic preparation etc. Please explain the support provided in terms of accommodation, insurances, etc. Please explain the quality measures set up in the sending and receiving organisations for monitoring the mobility activity and measures to be taken if the results foreseen are not met (limit 2000 characters).
I.4. Involvement of people with fewer opportunities
Does your project involve people with fewer opportunities? ☐ YES ☐ NO
IF YES, how many participants coming from which countries and organisations would fall under this category? Specify the type of situation of fewer opportunities these participants are facing (limit 2000 characters).
Please explain the nature of the support required and how it will be addressed, so that these persons can fully engage in the foreseen activities (limit 1000 characters).
I.5. Recognition and validation of learning outcomes
Please explain how the project intends to recognise and validate the teaching and/or learning outcomes of the participants (limit 1000 characters).
PART J - OTHER EU grants
Please list the projects for which the organisations involved in this application have received financial support from EU programmes.
Programme or initiative
Reference number
Beneficiary Organisation
Title of the Project☒
Please insert rows as necessary.
Please list other grant applications submitted by your organisation, or by any partner organisation in this project proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EU Programme concerned and the amount requested.
Programme concerned
Beneficiary Organisation
Amount requested
Please insert rows as necessary.
Please make sure that you fully completed each part of this application form, as follows:
☐ PART D - Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements
☐ PART E - Project characteristics and relevance
☐ PART F - Quality of the project design and implementation
☐ PART G - Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability
☐ Logical Framework Matrix
☐ Workplan
☐ PART H - Work packages
☐ PART I – Special Mobility Strand (where applicable)
☐ PART J - Other EU Grants
[1] Please see Programme Guide, Part B for your action, Table A – Project Implementation (amounts in Euro per day) Programme Countries and Table B - Project Implementation (amounts in Euro per day) Partner Countries.