This section must be completed for each co-applicant within the meaning of Section 2.1.1 of the Guidelines for Applicants. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for each additional co-applicant.
Co-applicant no.1
EuropeAid ID number[25]
Name of the organisation
All co-applicant(s) .must encode the information below under their PADOR registration. See also Section 2.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
The co-applicant’s contact details for the purpose of this action
Legal Entity File number[26]
Registration number (or equivalent)
Date of registration
Place of registration
Official address of registration
Country of registration[27]/ Nationality[28]
Website and E-mail address of the organisation
Telephone number:Country code + city code + number
Fax number:Country code + city code + number
Number of employees
Other relevant resources
History of cooperation with the applicant
Legal status
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
Value based
â–¡ Political
â–¡ Religious
â–¡ Humanistic
â–¡ Neutral
Is your organisation linked with another entity?
â–¡Yes, parent entity: Â(please specify its EuropeAid ID:…………………………)
â–¡Yes, controlled entity(ies)
â–¡Yes, family organisation / network entity[29]
â–¡No, independent
Important: ÂÂÂÂÂ This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated Mandate from each co-applicant, in accordance with the template provided.
AFFILIATED ENTITIEY(ies) participating in the action
Description of the affiliated entity(ies)
This section must be completed for each affiliated entity within the meaning of Section 2.1.3 of the Guidelines for Applicants.. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for each affiliated entity.
Affiliated entity no.1
EuropeAid ID number[30]
Full legal name
All affiliated entity(ies) .must encode the information below under their PADOR registration. See also Section 2.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
Date of Registration
Place of Registration
Specify to which entity you are affiliated (applicant/co-applicant) detailing also the specific nature of that affiliation.Â
Official address of Registration[31]
Country of Registration[32]/ Nationality [33]
Contact person
Telephone number: country code + city code + number
Fax number: country code + city code + number
E-mail address
Number of employees
Other relevant resources
History of cooperation with the applicant/co-applicant
Legal status
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
Value based
â–¡ Political
â–¡ Religious
â–¡ Humanistic
â–¡ Neutral
Is your organisation linked with another entity?
â–¡Yes, parent entity: Â(please specify its EuropeAid ID:…………………………)
â–¡Yes, controlled entity(ies)
â–¡Yes, family organisation / network entity[34]
â–¡No, independent
Important: ÂÂÂÂ This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated affiliated entities' statement from each affiliated entity, in accordance with the model provided.