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English Language Department




Academic Year 2015-2016




Course: Advanced English

Credits: 3

Course/Syllabus Compilers: Louise Wheeler, Marco Vasquez




Approved by:


Dean of GEF N.B.Nurshatayeva




Head of the English Language Department Louise Wheeler



Almaty 2015


Dean of General Education Faculty


August, 2015



SYLLABUS Advanced English (ENG)

Credits – 3


Personal Information on the instructor Time and place of classes Contact information
Lessons Office Hours Tel. e-mail
  Monday, Wednesday, Friday      

Prerequisite: IELTS 6.0 or above

Post-requisite: Advanced English


The course is offered to students who have achieved 6.0 or above on the IELTS test. It is designed to respond to the particular needs of advanced learners who already have a good grasp of grammatical structures, have a wide active lexicon and who are relatively and competent communicators in English. However, while advanced learners are likely to have a deep understanding of the language they often have a tendency to rely on more basic structures and lexis with which they feel comfortable, to persistently make the same mistakes and to lack an awareness of the finer nuances of English such as register, collocation, strength, style and flexibility, as well as the ability to use the aspects when expressing themselves. This course aims to develop these areas in each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) by creating a context in which learners are encouraged to push themselves to and beyond their limits and learn to express themselves more fully and precisely. Furthermore, by engagement with course topics, learners will be encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills and to become more reflective about their own learning and use of language.



This course aims to:

  • Develop learner’s communicative competence, especially in relation to discussion to speaking and discussion skills
  • Extend learners lexical resource
  • Develop learners’ abilities to use more complex grammatical structures for effective communication
  • Improve learners’ accuracy in regard to use of grammar of vocabulary
  • Deepen learner’s awareness of the finer nuances and subtleties of English (including features such as style, register, contextual meanings etc)
  • Develop effective skills and strategies for reading and listening, even when the topic or language may not be familiar.
  • Make learners more aware of certain features of pronunciation in English and how they contribute to effective communication.
  • Encourage learners to become more ambitious, confident and reflective users of English.





  1. Jones. C. and Bastow. T. (2001) Inside Out Advanced: Student’s Book. Macmillan. Oxford
  2. Jones. C. and Stannard. R. (2001) Inside Out Advanced: Work Book. Macmillan. Oxford


Supplementary: (Internet resources – available on Class Teachers Intranet page)


  1. Coxhead (2000) The Academic Wordlist- http://www.uefap.com/vocab/select/awl.htm
  2. Idioms Wordlist: (2015) The Idioms Connection


  1. Zwier. Lawrence. (2009) Inside Reading- The Academic Wordlist in Context. Oxford University Press
  2. Vince. Michael. (1994) Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann.
  3. Cox. K. Hill. D. (2011) EAP Now- English for Academic Purposes 2nd Edition. Pearson Longman.
  4. French. A. (2003) CAE Testbuilder- Tests that Teach. Macmillan.




*Please note that although your instructor(s) will make his/her best effort to adhere to the course calendar, adjustments may be made for a variety of reasons, including holidays, technical problems, and student performance.


Week Module Speaking and Writing Reading and Listening Grammar, Lexis and Pronunciation TSIS SIS (Project)
1 (drop/add week) 0/1 Explain syllabus, course expectations, academic policy etc. Speaking, writing, reading, listening tasks to assess students level (add/drop if required) and for needs analysis purposes Ice breaking activities Zero Unit Quiz (Teacher’s book)   Zero Unit Student Profile (Teacher’s book)   Writing task – hopes and expectation of the course Explain Newspaper Project
1 Identity Speaking: Discussing what gives you identity Interviewing Stressing importance Strategies for when you don’t know what else to say. Anecdote: I am who I am Writing: Writing up an interview into a magazine article Practice reporting speech Using and selecting notes for article writing.   Writing Academic: Note Taking     Reading: Considering gender differences Jigsaw reading and discussion Prediction skills Reading for detail Inside Reading Clicks and Cliques Reading activity Listening: Active listening skills. Listening to people describe themselves. Listening for detail. Note-taking skills Grammar: Adverbials (types and position) Vocabulary: Personal values Word-building   Pronunciation: Focus on ‘th’ sounds (Okanagan Unit 1/2)     Workbook: Grammar 1, 2, 3 Vocabulary 1, 2 Reading and listening TSIS #1 Inside Reading 108,109   Reflection Submit Newspaper Project StageProposal, outline and list of roles
1 Identity Speaking: Telephone English Interpreting an ambiguous situation Speculating Describing photographs Story-telling   Writing (WB): Writing a personal profile Being concise and engaging. Writing Academic: Paragraph Structure Reading:Students choose an online newspaper article in English and come prepared to summarise and discuss it in class. Listening: ‘My Girl’ (song) Predicting Identifying and inferring the meaning informal expressions from context. A telephone argument Identifying tone Following a conversation Grammar:Phrasal verbs with objects Vocabulary; Phrasal verbs Informal expressions.   Pronunciation: Intonation Workbook: Grammar 4,5 Vocabulary 3,4,5 Writing 1,2, 3   TSIS#2 CAE Testbuilder English in Use Submit Newspaper Project Stage 1:Interview Write Up
    Module 1 Assessment  
Taste Speaking: Talking about food preferences and associations Expanding sentences Expressing enthusiasm and reservations Writing (WB): Writing a formal letter of complaint Being tactful   Writing Academic:Paraphrasing and Referencing   Reading: A restaurant review Scanning and reading for detail Jigsaw reading and discussion   Listening: People talking about food associations. People describing food experiences Listening for gist Identifying tone and opinion Grammar: Describing nouns Order of adjectives Review of narrative tenses Vocabulary: Descriptive vocabulary for food, situations and feelings. Pronunciation: Intonation to convey tone and opinion Workbook: Grammar 1, 2 Pronunciation 1 Vocabulary 1, 2, 3 Listening and Reading Writing 1, 2, 3, 4 TSIS #3 CAE Testbuilder English in Use  
Taste Speaking: Talking about a favourite restaurant Anecdote Discussing good taste and acceptable behaviour Agreeing and disagreeing   Writing: Writing a (restaurant) review Planning, preparing, structuring   Reading:Students choose an online newspaper article in English and come prepared to summarise and discuss it in class   Inside Reading-Brain Food, Reading activity   Listening: Friends discussing ‘good’ taste Following informal conversations Listening to definitions Note-taking Listening for details Grammar: Review of narrative tenses Fronting   Vocabulary: Collocations with ‘taste’ Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing Pronunciation: Intonation for agreeing and disagreeing Showing certainty Workbook: Food idioms Grammar 3, 4 Pronunciation 2 Vocabulary 4, 5   TSIS#4 Inside Readingp.77,78,82 Reflection  
    Module 2 Assessment  
City Speaking: Talking about towns and cities Describing places Discussing newspaper stories   Writing: Writing a travel guide Focus on style Peer editing   Writing Academic: Essay Writing Reading: Reading extracts from guidebooks Skimming Reading for detail Unit 7 Inside Reading- Roving Continents. Reading exercise Listening: A radio quiz Listening for specific information Listening to friends discussing the news Listening for gist Grammar: Hedging: language of certainty and uncertainty. Negative and limiting adverbials Vocabulary: Descriptive vocabulary and collocations Pronunciation: Focus on pronunciation of ‘ed’ endings Workbook: Grammar 1,2, 3, 4 Vocabulary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Reading 1, 2, 3, 4   TSIS#5 CAE Testbuilder- Essay Writing Inside Reading p.91,95   Reflection Submit Newspaper Project Stage 2:Reviews
City Speaking: Anecdote – A city that made an impression Discussing safety in cities Interpreting a painting/poem Using informal vocabulary Retelling a story   Writing (WB): Cohesion in texts Discourse markers Describing possible changes and effects Writing a persuasive newspaperarticle Reading: A text about Leicester Square Reading for detail Inserting words into a text Reading, reordering and interpreting a poem Reading for gist Listening: Friends discussing the dangers of cities Following conversations Listening for detail Listening to a poem Grammar: Negative and limiting adverbials Modifiers Vocabulary: Informal vocabulary Describing city life Pronunciation: Adding emphasis Stress and intonation Workbook: Grammar 5, 6 Vocabulary 6 Writing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5   Study for Midterm))    
    Module 3 Assessment + pre Mid-term Review  
Talk Speaking: Find someone who (conversation) Talking about conversations Developing conversation skills and styles Writing: BBC ‘How to Converse’’ ( Home task- see additional material) Conversation in different cultures Summary writing Formal reflection and analysis Reading: Conversational styles article Matching paragraph headings Reading for gist True. False, Not given questions Inside Reading: Machines that recognize faces Reading activity   Listening: What makes a good conversation Listening for gist Predicting Note taking Eavesdropping The importance of contextual information Grammar: Review of Wh words and question formation Vocabulary: Differentiating different verbs for ‘talking’ Collocations with conversation Expression to describe conversational style Idiomatic expressions Pronunciation: Question intonation and sentence stress Workbook: Famous quotes Expressions Vocabulary 1,3 Listening and Reading 1,2,3, 4, 5 TSIS#6 Inside Reading: p.35, 39    
Talk Speaking: Anecdote – talking about a member of your family Being diplomatic Telling funny stories and jokes Development of pace and timing   Writing (WB – in class): Developing a funny story from pictures Planning, developing, improving, editing Peer feedback –writing circle Reading: Reading, editing and proof reading another person’s work Suggesting improvements Listening: Listening to a monologue on family Listening for specific information Predicting and listening to a story Listening to check details Grammar: General tendencies Tendencies in the past Using modal verbs Countable and uncountable abstract noun (talk)   Vocabulary: Collocations and meaning of ‘talk’ Describing habits and behaviour Talking about humour   Pronunciation: Stress, timing, pace and telling jokes Workbook: Grammar 1,2,3,4 Vocabulary 4,5,6   TSIS #7 CAE Testbuilder English in Use   Reflection Submit Newspaper Project Stage 3: News Stories
    Module 4 Assessment  
Luck Speaking: Talking about luck Intercultural discussion Using verbs descriptively Discussing issues raised by fiction Writing: Diary writing Creative writing Using linking devices Speaking Academic: Presentations Reading: Lottery winner article Reading for gist and specific information Inferring meaning from context Inside Reading:How could they do that. Reading activity   Listening: Listening to a discussion Listening to a story (Day of the Triffids) Entended listening skills Listening for detail Grammar: Unreal conditionals Substituting ‘if’ Describing consequences Vocabulary: Cultural items Descriptive verbs Pronunciation: Using stress and intonation to make stories more interesting and to convey emotion Workbook: Superstitions Grammar 1, 2 Vocabulary 1,2 Listening 1,2,3   TSIS #8 Inside Reading 49,53   Reflection  
Luck Speaking: Telling a story from pictures Talking about wishes Anecdote – An event which has influenced your life Writing (WB): Writing a film review Summarizing skills Developing ideas in paragraphs Reading:Students choose an online newspaper article in English and come prepared to summarise and discuss it in class Listening: Predicting a story from pictures Checking predictions Grammar: Wishes and regrets Vocabulary: Uses and collocations of ‘wish’ Pronunciation: Focus on i/I (Okanagan Unit 4) Workbook: Grammar 3,4,5 Vocabulary 3 Writing 1,2,3,4   TSIS #9 CAE Testbuilder Essay Writing Submit Newspaper Project Stage 4 : Editorial/Opinion
    Module 5 Assessment  
Mind Speaking: Quiz – speculating and justifying Discussing the 5 senses Discussing Pets Talking about psychological issues   Writing (WB): Writing a personal letter Making tactful suggestions n writing Structuring a letter Writing Academic:Essay writing argumentation and critical thinking Reading: Extracts from ‘The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat’ Reading for gist and detail Inferring meaning from context Listening: Informal conversation about the 5 senses Listening for detail Note taking skills Grammar: Verbs of the senses Dynamic and stative verbs Can, could, be able to Vocabulary: Distinguishing between verbs for seeing Senses lexis Pronunciation: Focus on schwa (Okanagan Unit 9) Workbook: Mind songs Grammar 1,2 Vocabulary 1,2,3,4 Writing 1,2,3,4 TSIS #10 Summary Writing  
Mind Speaking: CAE Testbuilder Practice Speaking Test Writing: Summary writing Being succinct and precise Use of descriptive language Reading: Humorous pet psychology Reading for detail Examining style Listening: Work related conversation Song - ’m Going Slightly Mad (Queen) Listening for detail Interpreting images and metaphors Grammar: Participle clauses Vocabulary: Psychological vocabulary Mind and its collocations Metaphors and images Pronunciation: Word linking in connected speech Workbook: Grammar 3,4 Vocabulary 5,6 Listening 1,2,3 Reflection Submit Final draft of Newspaper Project
    Module 6 Assessment  
Review Chapter 7 End of Term Speaking Test Review Chapter 7 Review Chapter 7 Review WorkbookReview – Chapter 7   Reflection Group Presentation of Newspaper project(End of Term Assessment)


Speaking: All the speaking components of the course aim to provide an opportunity for students to develop their fluency, conversation and discussion skills in English. Furthermore, during speaking tasks, teachers should encourage risk-taking in the students, as this is essential for the lexical and grammatical development of advanced learners.

Writing:WB indicates that this material is found in the workbook, rather than the students book. Unless otherwise indicated, the preparation for such tasks should be done in class, but the actual writing is to be completed by the student at home.

Reading:The majority of reading texts can be found in the Inside Out Student’s book, but on occasion students will be asked to independently choose an online newspaper article in English and be prepared to summarize and discuss this in class. A list of suggested sites will be available on the class teacher’s intranet page. This not only develops the students’ independent reading skills, but will provide valuable input for the Newspaper project.

Reflection:Approximately once every two weeks, students will be asked to write a 1 page reflection on their learning. Guidance will be given by the teacher (Guidelines also available on the intranet).

Pronunciation:Addition focus on particular phonemes that Kazakhstan students may find challenging will make use of materials produced by Okanagan University (these will be available to students on the intranet).

SIS Project: Students will work in groups to produce a student Newspaper (guidelines will be made available). Students will make a group presentation on their project for the End of Term Assessment.



Attestation period I (30%) Attestation period II (30%) Examination (40%)
In-class participation and attendance Homework (T/SIS) Module Assessments 10% 5% 5% In-class participation and attendance Homework (T/SIS) Module Assessments 10% 5% 5% Listening Reading Writing Speaking 10% 10% 10% 10%
Mid-term   10% Project Portfolio and Presentation(end of term assessment) 10%
Total 30% Total 30% Total 40%
Gross Total

In Class Participationrefers to active involvement in all class activities and effort. Students will be given a mark from 0-5 for each class and an average will be calculated for each attestation period.

Homeworkincludes TSIS assignments, written reflections and SIS stages. Each assignment will be given a mark from 0-5 and an average will be calculated for each attestation period.

Module Assessments will be conducted at the end of each unit, approximately every two weeks. An average will be calculated for each attestation period.

Project Portfolio and Presentation(end of term assessment) will include the final newspaper and a group presentation of the project. Although these are group tasks, each student will be given an individual mark based on his/her contribution.

Deadline schedule

¹ Type of evaluation Week Score
Class work * * * * * * *   * * * * * * *    
TSIS   * * * * *     * * * * *      
SIS     *     *       *   *   *    
Mid-term and End-of-term assessment               *             *  
Final exam                               *



Academic honesty is expected of all students. Cheating and plagiarism are violations of academic honesty any student found violating the academic policy will receive an automatic “ZERO” for the assignment.

Cheating is the act of obtaining information and data improperly or in a deceitful or dishonest way. Examples of cheating are copying from another student’s paper, obtaining information illegally on tests, and using crib notes or deceitful practices. This will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic “ZERO” for the assignment or exam, or in the student being withdrawn from the course – at the teacher’s discretion.

Late work: All assignments, homework and project stages must be submitted at the beginning of class on the day they are due. There will be a deduction of points. (10% per day). It is the student’s responsibility to print material well in advance.

Absence:If a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to inform the teacher of the reason for this. Failure to do so will result in a 0 mark for participation in that class (which will affect the overall average mark). In the case of longer absences, students will be required to produce a certificate (ñïðàâêà) for the class teacher.

Make-up work following an absence:The student is responsible for obtaining all notes and assignments from the classes missed (deadlines to be agreed with the teacher). Any missed assessments will need to be completed.



Students are required:

· to be respectful to the teacher and other students;

· to switch off mobile phones during classes;

· not to cheat. Plagiarized papers shall not be graded and may be grounds for failing the course;

· to meet the deadlines. Late work is subject to deduction.

· to come to classes prepared and actively participate in classroom work

· to attend all classes. No make-up tests are allowed unless there is a valid reason for missing them;

· to follow KBTU academic policy regarding W, AW, I, F grades.

A student must earn not less than 30 points in the two attestation periods. If the sum of the two attestation scores is less than 30 points, the student gets the unsatisfactory mark “Fail” (F) and will not be admitted to the final examination.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1407

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