1.an object that is made from two similar parts that are joined together
Pair of trousers/scissors/glasses etc
two pairs of jeans
a pair of black tights
2. two things of the same type that are used together
Pair of
a new pair of sandals
Pair of hands/eyes/legs etc
She felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was on her
3. in pairsin groups of two:
We worked in pairsfor the role-play exercise.
4. two people who are standing or doing something together, or who have some type of connection with each other [↪ couple]:
The pair are looking for sponsorship from local businesses
Couple ( ÷åòà, ïàðà)
A couple
1 a)two things or people of the same kind
A couple of
There are a couple of girls waiting for you.
b)a small number of things:
I just need to make a couple more calls.
A couple of
You'll be all right in a couple of days.
2 [countable]two people who are married or having a sexual or romantic relationship:
a newly married couple
the couple next door
Play / Game
Play (èãðà, ïüåñà, ïðåäñòàâëåíèå)on in a game or sport
a)[uncountable]the actions of the people who are playing a game or sport:
Rain stopped play after only an hour.
b)[countable]one particular action or set of actions during a game:
On the next play, Johnson ran fifteen yards for a touchdown.
Game (èãðà, çàáàâà, øóòêà
Activity or sport
a)DGDSan activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules
Computer/card/ball etc game
Dan's never liked card games.
We used to play gameslike draughts or chess.
You'll have to explain the rules of the game.
b)DGDSan occasion when a game is played [↪ match]:
Did you see the game on TV last night?
Game against/with
England's World Cup game against Holland
Game of cards/tennis etc
How about a game of chess?
Win/lose a game
They've won their last three gamesldren
2. [countable]DLSSCa children's activity in which they play with toys, pretend to be someone else etc
Game of
a game of hide-and-seek
The boys were playinga gamein the backyard.
Cook / Cooker
Cook – ïîâàð, êóõàðêà
Cooker –ïëèòà
Shade / Shadow
Shade ( ïîëóìðàê)
Shade is a cool dark area where the sun does not reach, made by the shadow of something such as a tree or wall• Let's eat our lunch in the shade. • He sat under the shade of a tree.
Shadow (òåíü, ïîëóìðàê, ïðèçðàê, ñóïðàê)
A shadow is a dark shape made by something that blocks the sun or a light• She saw his shadow on the wall.Shadowis an area of darkness made like this• The side of the valley was in shadow.
Place / Seat / room / space
Place (ìåñòî)
Placeis a very general word for talking about where something or someone is• the place where they live • Put this in a safe place
Seat (ìåñòî äëÿ ñèäåíèÿ)
[countable]Da place where you can sit, especially one in a vehicle or one from which you watch a performance, sports event etcCOLLOCATIONS
There were no empty seats.
Room (êîìíàòà, ìåñòî, ïîìåùåíèå)
[uncountable]space somewhere for a particular thing, person, or activity
I hope there's going to be enough room in the fridge.
Space (ïðîñòðàíñòâî, ìåñòî)
[uncountable]the amount of an area, room, container etc that is empty or available to be used