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Ex. 24 Revision: use one of the present or past forms in the following sentences


Ex. 23 Use the required present or past forms in the following sentences containing the adverbs scarcely, hardly, nearly and barely

1. Haven't we got enough junk in the house already? There (to be) barely room to move as it is. 2. David got really angry and beat his fist on the wall. Bits of plaster began to fall thick on the floor. "How amazing!" he said. "I hardly (to touch) it." 3. When the train got in, it (to be) nearly midnight. 4.I heard his father say: "I scarcely (to speak) to my son today." 5. Charles became impatient. He scarcely (to have) time to listen to our congratulations. 6. Last summer I very nearly (to go) to Spain. 7. There (to be) scarcely anyone there whom I knew. 8. Charles did not hope to become a doctor. He (to be) nearly twenty-six. 9. This was the side of my life he scarcely (to know). 10.I scarcely (to have) a glass of water since breakfast. 11.I asked her about her plans. But she scarcely (to listen). 12.I saw that all the family nearly (to come) to a disaster. 13. After ten minutes of the film, during which the star barely (to get) into her clothes, Ann rose to go. 14.I scarcely (to know) him up to the time I came to London. 15.The man (to be) hardly recognizable. 16.Grant hardly (to have) enough time to examine the room before the landlady came back. 17. You (to have) hardly any right to talk to me about these children. 18. He looked at his brother for agreement, but Philip barely (to move) his head. 19.I hardly (to see) him this week. 20.I (to be) nearly through with my work. 21. If you stand back, your face (to be) hardly visible.

22.It occurred to me that since we began our walk, he hardly (to talk) without guard. 23.His voice quavered. He nearly (to cry).


Ex. 24 Revision: use one of the present or past forms in the following sentences

1. It was early evening. John, who (to be) in bed until half an hour ago, (to wear) his silk gown. A fire (to burn) in the grate which he (to lay) and (to light) himself. 2. Mr Wrangle: "Why does a woman say she (to shop) when she I (not to buy) a thing?" Mrs Wrangle: "Why does a man say that he (to fish) when he (not to catch) anything?" 3. When she (to go) out of the room Jack (to stand) just outside I the door, and she (to have) the impression that he (to try) to 1 listen to what her father (to say) in the room. 4. She (to find) the family on the beach. Theo (to sit) on the sand I beside his clothes. Pierce, who (to swim), (to lie) limply on the I pebbles, half in and half out of the water. The dog, who (to swim) with Pierce, (to shake) itself and (to spray) rainbow 1 drops on Pierce's trousers. The cat, who (to fluff) itself into a I woollen ball, (to watch) the dog. Paula and John (to get) fully dressed and (to walk) slowly along the beach. 5. Martin Eden asked Ruth: "I wonder if I can get some advice from you. You remember the other time I (to be) here I (to say) I (can) not talk about books and things because I (not to know) | how. Well, I (to do) a lot of thinking since. I (to be) to the library many times, but most of the books I (to read) (to be) 1 too hard for me to understand. Maybe I'd better begin at the beginning. I never (to have) any advantages. I (to work) pretty hard ever since I (to be) a kid and now that I (to be) to the library, looking with new eyes at books, I just (to conclude) I (not to read) the right kind 6. She (to realize) that she (to be) so interested in what Jack (to say) that she (to forget) to eat. 7. "I (to mean) to call you up," Pete said, wanting to get away, "but I (to be) busy." 8. As we (to approach) the corner we (to fall) silent. 9. They (to walk) for less than an hour when the moon, which (to pass) its first quarter, suddenly (to appear) between the heavy clouds. 10. Her parents (to live) in Florence and she (to visit) them every Week-end. 11. Eric, who (to pace) the room, (to stop) behind the chair and (to 1 lean) on it, when his father (to tell) him to come up to his desk. 12.He (to remember) that his mother (to meet) her first husband 1 when she (to work) in a New York publishing house. 13."Hello," she said, "I'm glad you (to have) lunch here. I (torn want) to talk to you." 14. "How's your sister?" "I (not to know) anything about her." "Why you (to stop) going to see her?" 15. When news of his uncle's illness (to reach) him, Wake (to be) in New York. He (to act) in a play that (to have) a success in London. 16. He is not in very high spirts. He (to stay) up many nights cramming for an examination he (to fear) he is going to fail. 17. As he (to pay) his bill his brother (to come) up. 18. The lights were switched of and she (to sit) in the glow of the wood fire and he (to have) the impression that she (to cry). 19. "I (to be) on pension for a few years now." "Why they (to give) you a pension? What war you (to be) in?" 20. Nick had to repeat that he (to have) a letter from his sister and that she and her husband (too sail) the following week for Canada. 21. "You (to see) her today?" ""Yes. We (to have) lunch." 22. I (to play) for several minutes before I (to see) that Marcel (to sit) behind my back. B8.The telephone (to ring) as he (to unlock) the door to his apartment. 24. I felt I (to make) a fool of myself. I always (to do) things first and (to think) afterwards. 25. While I (to watch) the advertisements on the television last night I (to see) Sophy Brentt. I (not to set) eyes on her for some months. She (to advertise) a new kind of chocolate cake. Ââ. As he (to come) near the desk he (to stop). Veronica (to stand) there. She (not to see) him because she (to scribble) a note on a piece of the hotel stationery.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2093

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From hunting lodge to palace | Ex. 30 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form
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