Task 16. Put questions to the words in bold type.1. Criminal cases pass through preliminary investigation before
they are heard in court.
2. The investigators from the Procurator office carry out inquiries
into the gravest crimes.
3. The investigators from the Ministry of the Interior may institute
proceedings against persons who have committed any crime. In cases of
grave crimes they only perform urgent actions.
4. The investigators, job is to detect crimes and to disclose and
expose persons guilty of them.
5. Every person who commits a crime must suffer a just
6. The man you are speaking about is suspected of crime
7. She will be questioned as a witness of the crime.
8. The action is provided for by the criminal procedure law.
9. The main task of the investigators is to prepare a criminal case
for court hearings.
10. All investigators are called upon to facilitate the objective and
comprehensive administration of justice.
11. If the procurator agrees with the investigators indictment he
approves it and transfers the case to the court.
Task 17. Fill in the blanks with suitable words or word combinations
The vocabulary of the topic.
1. In … Ukrainian legislation all …cases pass through the state of …
investigation before they are … in court. 2. The investigators task is to … a
crime, to … persons guilty of crime and to … the case for … hearings. 3.
The investigators found the man guilty of the crime and … criminal
proceedings against him. 4. His guilt has been proved and he will … a just
punishment. 5. Banditry is a …crime. 6. There was not enough … and the
investigator ordered an … examination. 7. In case of grave crime the
investigator of the Ministry of the Interior usually perfumes …actions and
… the case to the investigator of ……. 8.He was a …as a witness to the
crime. 9. If you are sure of his guilt you must institute … … against him.
10. It there enough evidence to prove his … of the crime? 11. The
investigator is called upon to … the objective and comprehensive … of
justice. 12. The procurator did not approve the … and the case was not
transferred to the court.
Task 18. Speak of the work of an investigator using the following key
Words and combinations.
To pass through the stage of … , investigator departments; inquiries
into the gravest crimes; less dangerous crimes; ungentle actions; to transfer
the case; to detect crimes; to expose; just punishment; to have the right; to
provide for; to prepare the material; to facilitate.
Task 19. Learn the text.
Task 20. Learn the dialogue and stage in with friend of yours in class.
Task 21. Describe the investigation of a case.
The Procurator
Under the Constitution of our state supreme supervisory power to
ensure the strict observance of the law by all ministries, institutions,
organizations, as well as officials and citizens generally is vested in the
Procurator – General of Ukraine, who is appointed by the Supreme Council
of the Ukraine.
Procurator’s offices set up in the regions, districts by the
corresponding procurators, appointed by the Procurator General of Ukraine.
The procurator’s activity takes the following forms:
1. supervision of the strict observance of the laws by all ministries,
departments and local government bodies, officials and citizens generally;
2. supervision of the observance of legality by the organs conducting
inquiries and preliminary investigation
3. supervision of the legality of the grounds for judicial judgements,
4. supervision of the observance of the legality of keeping convicted
persons in places of confinement
Let us touch upon some rights and duties of the procurator.
Preliminary investigations or inquiries are conducted in most, criminal
cases before they are examined in court. Supervision over the strict
implementation of the law by investigators is exercised by the procurator.
He must see to it that no citizen is subjected to unlawful and ungrounded
criminal prosecution, or to any other unlawful restriction of his rights. By
law no person can be arrested except by court order or with the sanction of
a procurator.
The procurator discharges important functions in the trial of criminal
and civil cases, but he is not empowered to issue any instructions to the
court regarding the adjudication of a case justice in Ukraine is administered
by the court alone.
Like other participants in the trial (defence council, injured party and
others) a procurator may question eyewitnesses and other persons
interrogated in court, participate in the investigation of evidence in court,
submit fresh evidence in court, challenge the members of the court and
other participants of the trial. As soon as the court investigation is over, he
pronounces an indictment.
If he disagrees with the court’s judgement, he may lodge his protest
in a higher court, which passes a final decision on his protest.
The procurator has broad power of supervision over the observance
of legality in places of confinement: he verifies the legality of keeping
persons in places of confinement, he checks up if convicted persons are
released at the right time, he ensures that the statutory regime rules and the
rules of labor for convicted persons are observed, he supervises the state of
educational work, etc.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1387