Listen to the dialogue. While listening, make some notes and retell the content afterwardsTo the teacher: to practice the language from the programme, copy and cut up 1 set of prompts per group of 3-4 students. The cards are placed face down in a pile.
Tell the students that they are sharing a flat together, but they are not happy with their flatmates' behavior. The reasons why they are not happy are written on the cards – one reason per card. The first student takes a card and uses the prompts to ask a student of his/her choosing to change his / her behavior eg. Would you mind cleaning the bathroom when you've finished using it?
The student who is asked the question can respond as s/he wishes. When the exchange is completed, the next student picks up a card and the cycle begins again.
bathroom / dirty
| washing up loud music
| don't pay for things
| housework smelly socks
| borrow other people's things without asking
| used all the coffee rent / late
| don't pick up rubbish
| horrible friends
| politeness – please / thank
How to... Complaining
Listen to the dialogue. While listening, make some notes and retell the content afterwards
To the teacher: to practice the functional language from the programme, copy and cut up 1 set of prompts per group of 4-5 students. One student takes the role of hotel manager; the others are guests.
The cards are dealt out to the guests, who take turns to complain to the 'manager' about the problems written on their cards. The manager should respond appropriately to the complaints.
dirty towels
| broken air conditioning
| cockroaches in the bathroom
| uncomfortable bed
| lumpy pillows
| torn sheets
| broken telephone
| cold soup
| horrible food
| rude staff
| noisy neighbors
| no soap
| smelly toilet
| no view
| early check-out time
How to... Responding to compliments
Listen to the dialogue. While listening, ask students to make some notes and retell the content afterwards
Mingling activity
To the teacher: Copy and cut up the cards below. Make enough copies so that each student can have one card. Give the cards out and get students to mingle (tell them they are at a party): every time they meet another student, they have to have a short conversation, in which each student compliments the other one using the prompt on their card. They respond appropriately to the compliment and then move on, until all the students have spoken to each other.
Fabulous hair
| Really nice shoes
| Very intelligent
| Great outfit
| Good English
| Great classmate
| Good friend
| Lovely person
| Great personality
Nice manicure (fingernails)
| Beautiful jewellery
| Lovely eyes
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1043