FileTransfer within WIFI environmentPlease refer to follow picture's instructions, and download the PC client from Enter PC client’s IP address, then click “Connect” button. After the connected successfully, you can sync files.

Password Protection
GoodExplorer allows you to set password for using. It will note you enter password before using good explorer, which can prevent illegal access.

It contains all files/folders in your Skydive. User needs to login in it with windows live ID, then it allows user to manage folders/files on the Skydrive. We suggest using this function within WIFI environment. Below snapshot lists the granted operations.

Music Folder
As a Music collection library, it lists all music in SD card and phone storage except those in isolated storage. Music collection list will be shown after clicking “Music”. You can choose to play your favorite music from the collection list.

Similar as Music, it is a collection of photos on your WP.

Office Document
With using Microsoft office WP version, you can read the related document on your WP.
Ebook(txt, umd, epub)
With the 3rd party app, you can read above listed types eBook. For example you can use MoHoo Reader to read epub book, and use GoodRead to read txt and umd book. GoodRead is one of app for GOOD series developed by our team.

PDF document
Please download Adobe Reader to read PDF document.

Video(mP4, avi and3gp)
Loading speed is a little slow for playing the video in SD card, since it will take minutes to copy the video to isolated storage. WP SDK doesn’t provide the API for playing video in SD card. When the file is in LocalFolder, the loading speed is much faster.

Play music not in Music Lib, but in Isolated storage and SD card file extension modified(mp3 and wav)
User can drag the progress bar and adjust volume value.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1183