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Explain the meaning of the following phrases

vocational subjects

subsidised courses


postgraduate degrees

parental contributions

student loans


16. True/false

1. To receive the GCSE sixteen-year-olds should take exams in not less than fifteen subjects.

2. After GCSE pupils may go on to higher education or professional training.

3. School-leavers may receive education in catering or tourism free.

5. All undergraduate courses take three year of full-time study.

6. Postgraduate degrees are awarded for research in Arts or Sciences.

7. The structure of the main sources of income for students in higher education hasn’t changed since 1980s.

8. Universities accept students only on the basis of their 'A' level results.

9. Before 1970s‘ A’ level examinations in two or three subjects were a prerequisite for further higher education or professional training.

10. Nowadays there are universities which accept students without 'A' level examinations.


Multiple choices

1. Three years of full-time study normally lead to

a) Bachelor’ degree

b) Professional qualification

c) Postgraduate degree


2. Degrees are awarded by

a. professional bodies

b. governmental bodies

c. educational institutions


3. Which is NOT a postgraduate degree?

a) Bachelor's degree

b) Master of Philosophy

c) Doctor of Philosophy


4. Money paid by the local authority to cover cost involved in higher education is

a. student loans

b. maintenance grant

c. parental contributions


5. The Open University may accept students who has

a) 'A' level results in two subjects

b) 'A' level results in three subjects

c) No 'A' level results


Text 4

Read and translate the text. Compare with your country.


Degree-granting institutions in the United States can be called by any of these terms, and colleges and institutes are in no way inferior to universities. As a general rule, colleges tend to be smaller and usually offer only undergraduate degrees, while a university also offers graduate degrees. An institute usually specializes in degree programs in a group of closely related subject areas, so you will also come across degree programs offered at institutes of technology, institutes of fashion, institutes of art and design, and so on.

Within each college or university you will find schools, such as the school of arts and sciences or the school of business. Each school is responsible for the degree programs offered by the college or university in that area of study.

There are four types of degrees:

Associate’s (completion of a program in a specific career field), Bachelor’s (conferred after completion of an undergraduate program), Master’s (first graduate degree), Doctorate (second graduate degree and final degree).

· One of the most attractive features of the bachelor's degree program in the United States is that it is highly flexible. You can usually choose from a wide variety of courses and create your own unique program of study. The degree is awarded after you complete a specified number of credits.

· The bachelor's degree typically takes four years to complete. The associate degree usually takes two years to complete. Associate degree programs may be "terminal" programs, which lead into specific careers upon graduation, or "transfer" programs, which correspond to the first two years of a bachelor's degree and tend to be more liberal arts based. Associate degree programs are offered at two-year colleges known as junior or community colleges. Four-year colleges and universities offer bachelor's degree programs, with a small number also offering associate degree programs.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1721

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