Catholicism/Protestantism and multiculturalism/internationalism/ suicidal humanism
Today’s European Church leaders (both Catholic and Protestant) are mostly internationalists/multiculturalists and socially and theologically on the left (obviously Protestants more so than Catholics). They are more concerned with the welfare of Jihadists, the so called Palestinians in particular then the persecuted Christians around the world. They ignore persecuted Christian minorities in the Middle East and in Africa. This is unacceptable and our future European Church will reflect our political doctrines. They should be compassionate but first and foremost towards other Christians.
Catholics themselves often buy into the non-Christian aspects of political leftism. Their leftism, to be quite blunt, is often born of an unparalleled theological naiveté. A church leader who fails to understand the essential Islamic doctrines of Taqiiya and Naskh and the subsequent threat posed by Islam must be removed from office. No multiculturalist/suicidal humanist church leaders will be allowed to spread their ideological poison in the future as they will be replaced by conservatives. We cannot afford to allow suicidal naive Church leaders sell Christians to Islamic slavery.
The future European Church must focus less on proletarian consciousness and should adapt more of the Calvinistic views relating to national and local industriousness (with the exception of globalist capitalism). Christian leftism is ultimately based on a mistaken theological premise: that God has a "preferential love for the poor." Scripture, however, informs us that God is no respecter of persons. As such, true Christianity refuses to romanticise either wealth or poverty (Prov. 30:8-9).
The contemporary definition of the Christian world view will be reformed to correlate with nationalistic doctrines, allowing the national pursuit of prosperity and allowing unlimited research and development relating to every aspect of technology and science (including all aspects of biological research, reprogenetics etc.).
The Pope, the ultimate knight of Christendom
When a just and conservative Pope mounts the chair of Peter, the tide will set strongly toward Rome. We will hear of conversions on every hand. The joyful radiance of this Popes appearance among us will be seen as nothing less than a strong and just knight of Christianity. A Crusader Pope, a man who symbolises and protects the persecuted Church. This new Pope will be a defender of Christianity, and will not contribute to the annihilation of Christendom through suicidal humanism.
Unity instead of diversity - Appeal to the Masses
The one (the Pope) appeals to the many, the united masses. There is no larger unified group of professing Christians on the face of the earth than Catholics. A just and strong Pope should be the religions and somewhat cultural and moral authority for all Christians.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 721