National, regional and local knowledge may be required
Considering the fact that national, regional or even local knowledge is required when evaluating targets it is generally advised that ”foreign” Justiciar Knights do not ignorantly act based on rumours or lacking intelligence when launching operations on ”unfamiliar grounds”. In many cases it can be difficult for a Spanish Justiciar Knight to fully comprehend f. example the political system in Sweden and vice versa. A Justiciar Knight should NEVER act blindly on external intelligence sources but should do his own research in order to confirm all relevant information when evaluating and selecting targets. People do make mistakes when preparing intelligence reports and all information should be thoroughly evaluated by a credible and competent individual who possesses national, regional or local knowledge.
Alternative areas to study
System disruption
Effective use of system disruption with the goal of completely shutting down an important process/production facility and delay and/or halt repairs.
Hostage taking
Effective use of hostages to coerce both the government and the multinationals.
Swarm-based maneuvers
A more sophisticated approach where we are quickly attacking targets in succession. Multiple, highly maneuverable units can keep the government's defensive systems (police/SWAT) off-balance defending their sprawling networks (Phase 2 strategy)
Actions which are considered counter-productive
Random violence against Muslims is considered counter-productive and will only create more sympathy for Islam at best. Random racist violence against people of colour (non-Muslims) is even worse. Not only does it undermine everything the movement stands for, it labels you as racist and a violent bigot. Be especially aware of people of the peaceful faiths - Jews, Buddhists, Hindus etc as they are considered allies against the Global Islamic Ummah.
Military efforts involving several nations
Very often it will be beneficial to plan and organise an attack from a bordering country. F example as a Norwegian, there are many benefits of doing much of the work relating to the organisation of a specific operation from Sweden (f example in Western rural Sweden). It is much easier to stay of the Norwegian NIAs radar (national intelligence agency) if you are located in another country as cross-border planning/organisation will complicate any efforts of surveillance or will in any case reduce the chance of the operation being compromised.
Operations swap
A national resistance commander or cell commander can at any given time initiate an operation-swap with a neighbouring country’s cell commander if both parties are willing. By doing so, and by combining this with cross-country planning they will increase their chances of success. Obviously, the general rules of confidentiality will still apply so no one will have any sensitive information about the other parts plan.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 681