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Package holidays. Present the detailed description of the package holiday provided by your firm

A package tour or package holiday consists of transport and accommodation. Other services may be provided like a rental car, activities or excursions during the holiday.

Package holiday are organised by a tour operator and sold to a consumer by a travel agent.

Flights, accommodation, catering (meals) and entertainment are included in the price. To develop package tour the tour operator works with transportation companies, hotels, museums, restaurants.

Usually they advertise tours in mass media or in brochure but package holiday have and disappoint.

For example, the hotel standart is not on the level that you expected.

Package holiday have both advantage and disadvantages. They offer comfortable way of spending holiday, but they also have some disadvantage.

Types of tourism

There are many types of tourism nowadays. They are international and domestic tourism, inbound and outbound, recreational and business. There are such types of tourism as cultural and educational, ecological and adventure, hiking and hitch-hiking, pilgrimage, health and sports, holiday and resort tourism and other. Leisuretourism is also called pleasure or holiday tourism.

Sports tourism is a type of active holiday. The purpose of a sporting tour is to exercise and to keep physically fit.

Business tourism is a travel for business purposes. Businessmen and government officials often travel to attend an international exhibition or a trade fair.

They also taking part in a conference or a seminar.

Tourism means that a business company offers holiday tours to its employees and covers all travel expenses. The company does it as a reward to a person for his successful work.


The educational report about the business trip

An educational report is designed to help you become more familiar with a new country, destination or resort. This forms an important part of our customer service. There are 3 stages to the educational trip. Before you go you should complete the questionnaire using the Tour Operators brochure. During your stay you should complete the Educational Booklet, which contains questions about the resort itself. After the trip, you should discuss your trip with your manager.


Types of holiday

Holiday it is period of recreation, especially spent away from home or travelling, a break from work.

There are many types of holiday:

- activity holiday – a holiday on which you spend your time doing a particular activity such as walking, rock-climbing, painting.

- adventure holiday – a type of organized holiday in which people do new and exciting things, for example a trek or a safari.

- excursion – a short visit to an interesting place arranged by a tourist organization.

- jeep safari – an organized journey with a group of other people in a four-wheel drive vehicle, for example to look at wild animals.

- package holiday – a holiday arranged by a travel company for a fixed price that includes the cost of your hotel and transport.

- safari holiday – a journey, especially to Africa, take picture and see wild animals.

- self-catering holiday – holiday or place where you can cook your own food.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2039

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