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David Wilcock Major Update: History of 'Old One's', Draco's, SSP, Plan for Disclosure in 2015, Cabal Surrender, Sphere Beings, and Much More


Thursday, April 30, 2015

David Wilcock Major Update: History of 'Old One's', Draco's, SSP, Plan for Disclosure in 2015, Cabal Surrender, Sphere Beings, and Much More

Update October 16th 2015 - David Wilcock put forth a disclosure date of summer 2015 in the below presentation from April of this year. That did not come to pass, and some may take this as an indication all of the data herein presented is similarly wrong. But in my view, this is not the case.

Corey Goode, the insider who provided a great deal of the information David shares below, has never asserted a date for disclosure. There is much contained within this article that still has value.

See Cosmic Disclosure summaries here for more on the story presented here.

The video's of this talk have been taken down from most places, but the notes below are a fairly comprehensive summery of the data offered.

For other Analyses by SITS click here.

Update June 1st 2015 -
On the 26th of May, David appeared on Fade to Black with Jimmy Church which we have taken notes and analyzed in the same fashion as this update. Click here for that article.

Corey recently did a another Q and A with Dr. Salla which expands on this talk. Click here for that article.


Update May 2nd 2015 -
Since the release of this post, there have been 2 events which may correspond to the narrative put forth by Corey Good, David's insider in the Secret Space program.

On April 30th, a Volcano off the coast of Oregon in the US began erupting. Click here for that article. This also relates to major uptick in seismic activity, possibly related to the solar evolution, click here for more on this.

On that same day, NBC 7 San Diego reported a massive UFO hovering over the city; click here for that article.

I asked Corey to look at the video and he suggested it could be a Dark Fleet or ICC craft, but it could also be a simulation; i.e. a projection or hologram. He also said that the Cabal is scrambling to spin the disclosure narrative in their favor.

They do still have 'WMD' tech which can affect weather and seismology, which is presently being targeted at the west coast of the US. Whether or not this is connected to the volcanic activity mentioned above remains unclear. Click here for the full update. We will issue an update if we receive anymore information about this.

Update: May 1st 2015:
The audio file below is working again. I added it below my notes, and it may be taken down at anytime.

Update: April 30th 2015 - 11:30pm.
Facebook released it's block allowing our posts to be shared once again. Apparently there was a new security system going live today, and other people have had similar problems sharing 'unsafe' content. We never received any communication from facebook as to the reason why the post, and our entire site was blocked.

I also went in and polished up the notes for easier reading.

Update: April 30th 2015
- 10:42pm. Facebook blocked this post and our entire blog within 30minutes of us sharing it. Please share this information widely before it is taken down.

Here is the screen capture of the facebook block:


This is the follow up talk to Davids Consciousness Life Expo from February.

BP from Starship Earth: The Big Picture was kind enough to host the audio file for this expo; which is below my notes. Of course David and his team may take down the audio file at any point in time, in lieu of that, I decided to take some notes of the more important points from his talk. If this data is accurate, it is vital information which everyone should have access to, in my opinion.

Presumably, this data will be released in even more detail by David and Corey in the near future, as they have both discussed several times.

This is probably the most extensive revealing David has done about what is happening behind the scenes and reflects much of what Insider Corey GoodETxSG has been revealing. Of course his data comes from insiders so one should not assume this is the gospel of absolute truth. However, there are many corroborative data points which line up with our own research here on SITS, linked in the notes. My commentary in green.


Note about synchronicity: As I was updating my notes with links and articles, I found it interesting that we have been covering much of this data on SITS, all the way back to our first few posts in 2013. It's always interesting to see how we are guided to do things in one moment of life that later weaves itself together into a grander picture. Nothing happens without purpose, it seems.


  • This is a follow up to the Consciousness Life expo
  • 5 million year old history of the solar system was discussed in the event in February and only major points from that talk will be discussed today.
  • The history of the Illuminati is much more complex than what we think.
  • Benevolent ET contact describing service to others in legends and myth throughout history, all suggesting a major shift in consciousness and way of life at this time in history.
  • Zeropoint energy. When you cool things down below 278 degrees kelvin they should be very still, no motion or heat; the so called "absolute zero point." Instead of no movement or energy, there is a vast amount of energy. A coffee-cup sized volume of space has enough energy that it could instantaneously boil off all the worlds oceans.
  • Scientists tell us because of conservation of momentum, there should be no energy there, but the further we zoom down into the quantum lengths, there is more energy. Therefore, if we go further then that the energy level should be huge. And it is. So called 'free energy' is very possible.
  • Scientists have recently theorized the Universe is made of a singularity or single geometry. The Amplituhedron. A single geometry which all things are derived from, according to the breakthroughs of late. These scientists said they can describe all interactions within 7 permutations of this primary geometry.

  • Mentions the Hexagon shape seen at the pole of Saturn, which organizes the material. Earth has magma which is organized similarly.

  • The shape is describing the Merkaba, which relates to the masonic compass.

  • 160,000 documented cases of transfiguration of their physical body into light.
  • Tibetan Legend of a man who descended down from space. Leaving hand prints into the stone, with 6 fingers on the hand.
Click here for youtube video of cave entrance where hand print was found.
  • David thinks the masonic G stands for God's Geometry. [for a deep analysis of Masonic Symbolism and its positive interpretations see the post Analysing Masonic Tracing Boards: The Masonic Levels of Consciousness to True Gnosis.]
  • ET Human Padmasambhava, came from space in an egg, taught the monks of Tibet how to turn into a light body. takes 7 days. Your body shrinks down to about 9 inches tall, rainbow appears of the hut. Then people start to see them in their dreams.
  • Human form and tetrahedron reveals the original form, or primary geometry of the creator (see above image).
  • The creator is within everything as a fractal of the original form.
  • Free will allows us to grow, with the balancing mechanism of the universe reflecting back to us what we need to learn. [we discussed this deeply in our radio series here.]
  • Law of free will is highest law. And the illusion of the universe (in relation to the prime reality) allows each being to evolve through collective co-creation. [when we say illusion here it does not mean 'nothing matter's', it means that the primary reality is total unity consciousness singularity of being. We experience life and evolve within the 'dream' of the prime creator'. See the above radio show link for detailed explanation of this.]
  • Forgiveness is the key, the stopping of the wheel of karma.
  • The negative path is allowed to occur, because all paths lead back to source. [from the creators perspective negativity is essential for the whole of collective evolution, another path back to source, but free will is always maintained. The so called negative path provides experience for others to learn from, if they contemplate and understand it opposed to 'ignoring the negative' in which case any lessons are avoided.]
  • Positive ET's manage our reality, beings 'above' the negative densities. [in the law of one negative path can only go as far as 5th density. In 6th density all negative paths rejoin with the positive, and it is in this density that the blue avians hail from according to the law of one model.]


  • The Illuminati group is thousands of years old [~ 240,000] which is luciferian or satanic in ideology. And believes if you don't have the light [are not spiritualy active and consciously evolving] then you are dead and you don't matter. [This is described in the Papal bulls themselves found here. Re: The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite | Birth, Marriage and Death Estate Are Seized and Traded By The Government.]
  • One gets interesting powers from playing with the dark side [much like in star wars, as well has becoming very difficult to kill, requiring beheading]. This is a first time reveal of this data about the Illuminati.
  • Humanity has colonized our solar system at various points in history; the Nazi space program was the first in the 20th century. 100 different colonies on moons and planets. Wide range of treaties and interactions with many different races. Disclosure will be much bigger and more complex than people think.
  • Cabal is on a timeline, Positive Et's are forcing them to disclose. If they don't, the positive ones will do it, and the cabal will lose some influence. 2014 was a big year for soft disclosure. Nasa's Drake Equation was wrong, and new scientists say life is highly likely. 1 billion earth like planets in milky way. Some of these earth like planets are 3.46 billion years ahead of us, according to the soft disclosure.
  • Humanoid life is standard throughout the universe. Some Reptilian, Avian, Aquatic, all different types. just like starwars.


  • Negative Group becomes human which evolves out of reptiles. The Draco were portrayed in the movie Jupiter Ascending. The wings are wrong. [some images from the film:]


  • They are very muscular very bulky 14 feet tall.
  • They went around plundering the Galaxy for Genetics, and interbred with those races to mix the DNA. Specifically reptilian races, which all become an interconnected 'family' of Dracos. Annunaki were these beings. [Dan Winter's Galactic History of DNA matches David's data perfectly, see this post DNA and Gold (Key to Immortality?) If Human Energy Backs All Currency, Why Are They Hoarding Gold? for a very detailed account and why they decided to pilfer the DNA from other races.]
  • Another type of slave class reptoids, 8 feet tall, look more human and almost like a cross between a grey and a Draco.
  • These histories are told in allegory throughout the world: in the bible, sumerian legends, and countless movies and fictional works.




  • The Cabal has to tell the truth in order for their 'magic' to work. [There are several reasons why they must do this and we discussed it here: Decoding Movies (Maxims and Aphorisms): 7 Lessons J.K.Rowling taught us about life]
  • Some of the Dracos made deals with humans from our past [about 13,000 years ago in some cases] giving them immortality tech (Mono Atomic Gold?). and some people on Earth are 13,000 years old [Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf spoke of an 'old man' from Asia who was 5,000 years old. When the OPPT filings took place in 2012, he apparently allowed this to occur as part of their prophecy which David describes below. The present work of Judge Anna revealing the nature of the Babylonian money magic system also is in concert with this.]
  • These 'old one's' [we could think of these humans as ones who made contact with 'the gods' and were given a 'divine right to rule'] have a super accelerated metabolism. The old ones or 'the parents', are above the 13 bloodlines of Illuminati. They go into something that looks like a sarcophagus [like from the movie Stargate or Underworld], like a vampire legend. It is a vampiric process, they have to feed on living people. The real method does not involve blood, but much more grotesque, and the victims must consent to the process or it won't work [this makes sense as their consciousness is more coherent during a willing sacrifice and it allows that energy to be more easily synchronized into the body vehicle of the 'old ones']. Cut their hand open, the old ones, and it just closes back up again. They have stargates, space ships, etc. that they keep to themselves, their underlings do not know about. The old one's keep the 13 families unaware of much of their true history, pushing a false religion on to them [Mark Passio discusses this in his interview with a former satanic family member here: Jay Parker and Mark Passio: Satanic Ritualistic Abuse | Truth Connections Radio]. They go to the families and get people to willingly give themselves up to the old ones, which claim to need this to 'protect the families.
  • This soft disclosed symbolically in movies as vampiric stories.
  • The old one's eyes are strange, large and can see very well in darkness.
  • You can kill them, but have to separate the brain from the spine. Like in the movie Highlander.
HIghlander - Image Source
  • The 'old ones' or parents (humans that were given immortality tech by the Draco's) are the heads of the 13 bloodlines. The Cabal Hierarchy is as follows: Old Ones (about 20 beings) > Trustees > Operatives (many more operatives then the other 2 groups) > the 13 families or houses called the Fathers.
  • The old one's prophecy states they are expecting that there will be a massive event on Earth, where they will be exposed, surrender and be defeated by the people who will then behead them. But their dark lords (custodian gods or Draco's) will return and resurrect them after this. They believe that they have to be caught, go on trial [ITNJ Developments?], and die before their Dark Lords will come to resurrect them. The old ones have had spacecraft and access to Stargates the whole time, hiding this from the Illuminati families or the Fathers. But due to recent events, the underlings now know they were not told about the tech and are very angry
  • The Pinder or Head of the Illuminati Families, Pinder meaning Pinnacle of the Draco or Penis of the Dragon [Mel Ve has been sharing the Dragon Symbolism on her series Dragonology which can be found on CCN]. The current Pinder or leader of the Illuminati is the Rothschild family.
Rothschild Family Seal


  • The good guy ET's [Blue Avians or Sphere Beings] have come back recently, erecting a barrier around our solar system, and the Draco's can't get out. The dracos will be held on trial. [The International Tribunal of Natural Justice is quickly becoming a major force for bringing charges against the cabal within a Natural Law framework (law of one) and is slated to become active early this summer. This could be the forum discussed by the alliance for the trials]
  • The Dracos tried to strike a deal with the Positive ET's, that they would betray the old ones and all their underlings, including the illuminati, to save their own skins. The Positive ET's did not accept their offer. The Cabal discovered that their dark gods wanted to betray them and are in disarray; complete chaos as a result. All their long prophesied histories which kept them loosely organized have been revealed as another fraud, and this is causing many defections to the 'light' side.
  • 13 Family Names [described well here] are: RothsChilds or Bauer, Bruce, Cavendish or Kennedy (but JFK betrayed the Illuminati, and Kennedy Senior said "no problem i'll have another one in the White House in a fear years" as in Jimmy Carter), De'Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupps (they built the ovens for the holocaust), Fontagne (Plantegenet?), Rockefeller, Romanov (working with Rasputin, who worked out a deal with on of the old ones, to learn some of their teachings. Thats why he was so hard to kill, shot through head and body and still alive after), Sinclair or Saint-Clair, Warburg or Del Banco, Winsors.
  • When the Recent betrayal of the Old One's happened, the 13 families reintroduced themselves as the committee of 200.


  • The Nazi's formed their own splinter group during the early 20th century and made an alliance with the Dracos in the 1930's. They got UFO tech from them, and there was a German Rosewell with greys inside. Also had telepathic contact [RE: The Black Sun and the Luminous Lodge The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work] which lead to a meeting in 1936 in the Himalayas. The Nazi's wanted to have their own independent space civilization without the Dracos, and got as much tech as possible from them. They went to Antarctica, and found massive domes for living structures from an ancient civilization, and set up bases there [RE: Are there really Pyramids in Antarctica?]. They also went to the moon, and found ruins of an ancient civilization of beings 70 feet tall. With massive rooms, but no tech because it was plundered long ago. The Nazi's set up a base on the moon, in the shape of a swastika.
Image Source
  • By the late 30's they were fully into this program colonizing the solar system and beyond, and it stayed that way until the 50's. They had 2 bases on mars, but they couldn't build near equator due to massive electrical discharges [evidence of electric universe?].
  • They cut a deal with the US towards the end of the war to continue the program. People below the highest levels didn't know that. Nazi's continued to have a dominance in space and tried to strong arm the US by threatening disclosure, flying over the US capitol in 1952. The US didn't want to give up the tech they found during the war, so they were forced to cut a deal with the Nazi's and brought them over [project paper clip] thinking they could keep them under US control. But it didn't work, the US secret space program didn't evolve out into space until the late 50's, and the Nazi program continued their activities in the solar system. David knows much of this from Corey Good or Insider GoodETxSG.


  • SOLAR WARDEN FACTION: The first US led secret government program developed [Majestic 12?] was Solar Warden [which turned against the Cabal several years ago and is working with the Alliance of Blue Avians or Sphere beings, more on this later]. The purpose of this group is to be the police force for the solar system. They go out and see who is who out in our local area. There are a lot of ET's out there.
  • The Nazi's decided to ally with the 'toughest group out there', the negative Draco Alliance called the Dark Fleet.
  • If you could see the dark side of the moon, it looks like Manhattan at night. There have been groups there for thousands of years. 40 different Negative ET groups all inhabit our solar system, and all refer to Earth as "the experiment," because we have a massive infusion of other types of DNA in our genome, and we have a special aspect of our DNA which makes it more easy to upgrade when galactic shifts happen [Dan Winter's work reveals that there are many ET races which used artificial tech to speed up their own evolution, Mono Atomic Gold. This tech works by forcing DNA to organize coherently, the so called Spice Melange from the Dune Series. The cost for this is disassociation from their soul group. Although they can maintain a type of immortality within a material body it causes personality dissociation or splitting. Eventually if they do not restore the organic evolution using love and STO modalities, their genetic pattern breaks down, forcing them to resort to cloning techniques. Additionally they can not imprint their soul memory into the Galactic Core. Many Negative ET races have come to Earth because humanity is about to transition into a modality of evolution which they can 'piggyback on to' allowing their soul memory to reconcile with ours. Many of these races are trying to 'have their cake and eat it too, not really changing to STO and using our DNA to fix the problem. This will not work. But those groups who do change can, and our part as humanity is to offer the STO of forgiveness to them. Hence the many channeled works saying our planet is very important to many races].
  • These groups want to take our DNA and infuse it into their own so they can ascend too. BUT if one person ascends and activates their dna, it would be enough to defeat all these negative ET groups, [ala Dragon Ball Z and GT storylines?]
  • These bad ET's are targeting Starseeds with operatives and trying to get them to embrace a Luciferian philosophy, as an attempt to stop this DNA activation.
  • Solar Warden had tech which wasn't updated since the 1980's, and were the underdogs of the SSP's for many years. But this has changed due to the alliance, more on this later.
  • Huge money launderings occurred during the 20th century to funnel money to the SSP's: the Korean War, Vietnam, Apollo moon mission, and overly inflated prices of military tech, gas prices, and many other examples.
  • Ronald Reagan became President, created trickle down economics, took the extra money and put into SSP projects. Thats when a huge upgrade to the Solar Warden program took place. All from back engineered UFOs.
  • ICC FACTION: Inter Planetary Corporate Conglomerate is another group, the manufacturing power behind the SSP Solar Warden program, and began secret negotiations with other races due to our location in the galaxy being a high traffic area. This group is the corporate infrastructure behind all the Secret Space Programs, much like in the Alien movies.
  • Our solar system is in a very special place in our galaxy, because there is a major portal to other galaxies very close to us, which other races use constantly [Ala Star Trek Deep Space Nine]. The ICC has been trading with these races (secretly upgrading their tech and leaving the other programs behind) and have some of the best tech in the solar system. The UFO flying disc is an 'outdated piece of crap.' The best tech now is in the shape of a 'dart.' Smaller and larger crafts that are modular, docking with other craft easily like in Alien.
  • The ICC has become extremely powerful and it does not share tech with the other human Space program factions.
  • GGLN FACTION: The Global Galactic League of Nations, this was a 'throw away' from the big groups, from almost all the nations on earth, africa, latin america etc. They all go to a planet outside the solar system where there is a colony with advanced tech, and beyond from there. [this is a token gesture offered by the ICC to other nations so they wouldn't 'feel left out', while they conducted their own secret negotiations] This group is also compromised by the Cabal, and are locked out of the solar system by the "barrier." [more on this later]
  • MILITARY FACTION: Military Faction, provides policing support for the other groups and are on the ground mostly. Much more need to know and compartmentalized then ICC or Solar Warden. They believe that all the ET's are ancient, none are new and all left the solar system thousands of years ago. They have been duped into thinking all UFO's are human, and steadfastly refuse to accept that other ET races are actively involved even today.
  • Because the Solar Warden program has broken off from the cabal, they want to end the babylonian money system (slavery), and want to bring their tech to humanity. They already have the "star trek' tech available. They use organic materials for replicators, the best is hemp oil.
  • DARK FLEET FACTION: The Draco, Insectoids, Mantis types, Hybrid Groups, half and half mantis, four arms and two legs. Very arrogant, treat the other programs like crap. [these are the fallen ones Dan Winter talks of, who have lost the ability to naturally evolve their DNA using bliss and STO modalities]
  • SMALL FACTIONS: Small groups go out in scott ships, looking to see if everything is ok; reconancence. They have older tech from the 80's. One of their jobs was to study life that grows in plasma, which are sentient, and feed off magnetic fields from moons and planets. They haven't been able to make contact yet, as every time the bring the plasma on board for study, the organism dies.


  • Sphere beings showed up in the 1980's, Re: from Pete Petterson from project camelot. During the time prior to contact, lots of Negative ET's abducting people, many of awful things happening and then in the 80's [right around the time the Law of One was channeled], a sphere the size of neptune shows up on the outskirts of the solar system and begins making its way in.
  • This freaked out all our groups. Solar Warden approached the sphere and hailed them. The sphere beings said they were peaceful explorers and told the scout ships to beat it.
This UFO was apparently 'debunked' as a Solar Filament, but gives an impression of the scale of these craft, about the size of Jupiter.
  • In 1999 to 2001 a whole series of spheres come in from the Oort cloud and the portal in the sun. They were cloaked and no one knew what was going on. The Old One's and Cabal thought this was their dark overloads who promised them resurrection, coming to oversea their plans for 9/11 and the dark occult ritual.
  • 9/11 was planned on the Gnostic day of the birth of Christ, supposedly exactly 2000 years after jesus' birth. They timed it to the minute as an attempt to gain control of the timeline and move the collective consciousness of humanity into a STS path of evolution [in the law of one the transition from third density to fourth density can either be STO or STS].
  • They asked the lower groups to seed it into the consciousness of humanity in the 80's and 90's, even earlier. Many examples in movies. The original 9/11 plan was a devastating attack on 5 major cities, but they argued amongst themselves and changed the plan. This was a major point of conflict all the way up to the event, and the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania was apparently targeting a more influential spot.
  • They first thought the spheres that showed up in 1999 to 2001 was their dark gods, but after the event no change really happened or contact was made. This confused the Cabal at all levels which caused conflicts in their plans developed over centuries.


  • In 2012 strange things started to happen. Now 100 major spheres, the size of planets, even Jupiter began to appear in the solar system. They didn't respond to hailing signals from the SSP factions.
  • They are known as the Alliance or the Blue Avians and made a treaty with Solar Warden who turned on the other 5 factions, during this time. These beings have been flying their cigar shaped craft in front of SSP installations and the International Space Station. They also have been working with Putin, who is the most knowledgeable member of all these programs.
  • Blue Avians are 8 feet tall, humanoid body type and covered with blue and violet feathers, depending on the individual. The face looks like a bird, with a flexible beek flexible. They speak telepathically, and use hand signals with one hand. This is the same group which identifies itself as Ra from the Law of one.
Thoth depicted over the eye of Ra, who was apparently a Blue Avian who created 'Karma' for the group, discussed in the law of one as 'the brothers and sisters of sorrow'.
  • All of them have a names which starts with Ra. Each name means something. In the law of one they describe themselves as the brothers and sisters of sorrow because they made a mess here and now they have to clean it up.
  • In the higher levels of the SSP the law of one is required reading, if you can't understand it, then you're not allowed in the program.
  • These beings show up in Spheres at various points over the past 35 years, which blow the ICC toys out of the water.
  • The Sphere beings worked out a treaty with the Solar Warden since 2012, and has upgraded their fleet, giving them tech greatly in excess of all the other groups, including the Dark Fleet Draco groups.
  • They provided Solar Warden with their non lethal weapon technology which drastically increases the size of metals, such as weapons or blades, so they become useless for a short period of time. [A Highly STO modality of defending oneself from an attacker without killing them or causing major harm, this honors the Sacred Masculine Principle of Self Defence while also honoring the Sacred Feminine Principle of Non-aggression. This is a great example for those seeking to become more STO, which does not mean passivity.]
Click Here for Related Article
  • Solar Warden has been using this tech to prevent cabal activities and nuclear war. Crippling the cabal and their plans. There can never be another massive war, despite the Cabal's efforts.
  • Indestructible EMP devices the size of a small drones are used to take out Cabal installations if needed..
  • Russians have Onyx missile tech, which can not be found on radar.


  • The Alliance ordered the cabal to make the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still to prepare humanity for what is coming. That the ET's have tech which will disable all weapons of war.
  • The Cabal knows they're in trouble, they are extremely afraid. AEGIS was Emp'd [destroyed here?] in november 2014. Putin apparently made it happen.
  • Some of these breakaway Alliance groups wanted to behead the illuminati, but that was decided against.
  • Cabal got really scared when the AEGIS got toasted.
  • A particle beam cannon in Australia, biggest baddest weapon from the programs, targeted a Sphere and fired the cannon in December 2014. The sphere glowed bright red, 1/5 the diameter of the moon, and it redirected the been to Pine Gap where it came from [read more about Pine Gap here]. Almost everyone died and it was considered a massive defeat for the Cabal.
  • "Stasis beings" have been found on Earth, from Atlantean times, beings kept inside a time bubble, intending to wake up at the end of the shift; now. There are about 50 who decided to wait it out for the ascension. They are starting to wake and the Cabal thought they were part of their Dark Gods. One woke up after the sphere was shot by Pine Gap. He was 25 foot tall young humanoid ET which apparently landed here and put himself in stasis along with several others, many thousands of years ago. The cabal was very disappointed it was not their dark god. As a result of this, there was also a massive policy shift in space.
  • The Solar Warden group created a no fly zone over the Earth [much like the Quarantine described here?]. Anyone who tried to fly in or out will be shot down. Some of these meteors we have been seeing, which are very bright, are these craft being shot down.


  • The "rods of the gods" Tungsten bolts that drop from space, which hit the ground with massive force, and can destroy underground bases. In orbit there are several major facilities around since the 80's but the Sphere beings prevented them from being accessed by the Cabal. They can only access them remotely, but not fire them.
  • All those major weapons have been cleaned out, there are no major cataclysmic weapons left.
  • The Sphere Beings built a barrier around the entire solar system. Stargates still work within the solar system but not outside. Many of the moons in our solar system are mined, and commerce occurs with the other civilizations near the galactic gate. The GGLM faction have an installation outside our solar system for this purpose and are now cut off.


  • All this activity is leading to major disclosure, the end of money, and the beginning of a 'star trek' society.
  • Bitcoin was made by the alliance so a system of exchange would be available when the Cabal FRN collapses. [despite the bad press Bitcoin has gotten, it remains largely uncontrolled by the Cabal, which is doing everything in their power to discredit it. It is one of the only major exchange systems that is truly peer to peer, no third party can interfere like in the federal reserve system, i.e SWIFT]
  • Dinar and RV part of the Bush Cartel's money generating scam.
  • AIIB off shoot of BRICS, is also an alternative not intending to us the Federal Reserve System.
  • The SSP's that were outside the solar system are stuck outside.
  • This is all building to a massive Cabal arrest and trial like nuremberg, and the ascension shift before 2018. [We have been covering the Babylonian slavery system disclosures of Judge Anna who put forth a call for a mass peaceful uprising against the cabal here: Citizen's Mass Arrest of the Cabal - What You Need to Know | NOTICE – PUBLIC ORDER – April 3, 2015 issued by Judge Anna von Reitz].
  • Earth is going into 4th Density, which has all the same matter as we do now. The vast majority of people will go to this new layer, but those who chose STS will experience a 'world ending scenario'. The Dark groups will experience this negative time line, Super volcanos go off, burying everything 40 or 50 feet down. This is for their karmic correction.
  • Top Cabal insiders from 2009, said the shift is not 2012 but 2017. Which is a massive solar event, pushing humanity up vibrationally to fourth density. This is where psi abilities come in, telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel, etc. [Law of One discussing the 4th density]
  • Some of these high tech groups, have time looking tech and have known about the 2017 solar shift for decades, but these cabal groups don't know how to make sense of it and think its a major cataclysm. [Daniel from consciousness hugs covered the science of this in depth here. I have been studying the physics of Dewey Larson and his Reciprocal Systems theory, which is endorsed by the Law of One, and it stands as the most accurate physical theory I have ever come across. See this post for more information]
  • Things are supposed to look really bad so we can choose the STO or STS path. [within the law of one philosophy and the principles of Natural Law, as we move towards the nexus point of solar upgrade, our choices which slow our progress will 'cost more' (create more instances for karmic learning) so we can choose a path of either STO or STS. While it may seem 'bad' it is like the pain experience in life, which draws our attention to something we are doing so we can grow. For example accidentally burning our hand while cooking food so we can become aware of our actions and not 'get burnt' again later.]
  • The only thing the Cabal has left is HAARP and Chemtrail tech, and of course the earthly programs of self policing mind control and food, etc. which are already installed in humanity.
  • The people who are aware of this shift are going to have the 'best seats in the house.' [I also think all the people who have been bravely seeking the truth, with varying degree's of success, will experience karmic shifts of a lesser degree, and will help anchor others around them. Each 'awake' person will be a guide for others as things heat up' before the event.]
  • The Cabal is expecting this solar energetic shift could happen as early as the end of summer 2016. [Dan Winter speaks of this as the Rapture, and the Daniel papers speak of this as the quantum leap of the sun. See above links for more on this]
  • David is having dreams of the negative timeline and cataclysms. [I have also been having dreams of post cataclysmic events for years, usually near the coastline, where there are massive city installations floating above the surface of the Earth. I actually just had a dream where I was in a forest with some friends who were working to help humanity. We were being hunted down by a vampiric group of satan worshipers who had normal clothing and looked like regular people. They captured us and were telling us of their plans to enslave humanity and extend their lives using our 'bio energy'. We escaped from them and found a race of gigantic (50 to 70 foot tall) ancient tree beings (much like the Ents in the Lord of the Rings Movies), who were laying dormant the entire time, waiting for a faction of humanity to realize their STO call and begin taking action. They woke up and began working with us to stop the vampiric group. Amazing similarities to the data david brings forth].
  • The Cabal's script (per their own myths and legends) is to willingly expose themselves and be defeated so they can be killed and resurrected. They are planning a disclosure, possibly as early as summer 2015.
  • David screwed up the cabal plan for disclosure with his previous talk, the Consciousness Life Expo.


  • December 5th 2014, Mound on Mars - Mysterious Mars Mound May Be Result Of Ancient Lava Flows, NASA Says.
  • February 10th Russia contacted Veterans Today and said they have a checkmate move on the cabal, that nukes were used to generate 9/11. - Putin Threaten's US Gov with 9/11 Truth | Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Satellite Imagery shows official story is a lie
  • Snowden was a group of at least 15 people working in the NSA, he was just the public face. Working with the Alliance to help with the disclosure and takedown.
  • February 13th, John Podesta, regrets he did not get disclosure of the UFO files. "The truth is still out there" - Outgoing Obama Advisor John Podesta Has UFO Regrets.
  • The Cabal needs to disclose before the Alliance deadline and is trying to do it before the Alliance does.
  • Ceres planetoid, 2 bright reflective dots, which are actually our own colonies. - Ceres Bright Spot | Colonization of Ceres by a Breakaway Civilization?
  • March 6th Mars had huge oceans over a mile deep. - NASA: Mars had massive, mile-deep ocean.
  • Ceres will be orbited by space probe, spacecraft Dawn.
  • The asteroid belt was originally a super earth [as described by Zecharia Sitchin and others; click here]. Which was a major Et center of activity, and fought over eventually being destroyed. Ceres could have been a moon of this planet, which froze.
  • 22 light years away there is a planet and which is earth like. Gliese 581D. - 'Habitable' Super-Earth Might Exist After All
  • March 12th Ganymede has a giant ocean. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, has ocean lurking below: NASA
  • The USA also announced the borrowing limit has been exceeded, and is now totally bankrupt [Again] Benjamin Fulford - April 20th 2015: US Corporate government goes bankrupt on April 17th, refuses to acknowledge
  • At the same time the Alliance is having huge meetings to finalize disclosure plans. Putin is also missing for 10 days. - Vladimir Putin has been 'neutralised' by a stealthy coup as rumours about his health and well-being continue to flourish
  • March 15th Obama hints that aliens run the government on Jimmy Kimmel. - Obama Admits Space Aliens Control USA: Was He Joking?
  • March 25th the ancestors of humanity show up right at around the same time about 250,000 years ago. Every man and women alive trace their origins to a common male ancestor. Discovery of the genetic adam. This is the exact time frame discussed by Sitchin and Lloyd Pye Evolution of Humans | Everything You Know Is Wrong (about Human Origins) .
  • Found an Ocean on Enceladus Saturn's moon. - Warm Oceans on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Could Harbor Life
  • April 5th Newsweek Aliens are Enormous, if they exist. Estimated the average weight of intelligent Et's would be 600 lbs or more. - Aliens Are Enormous, Science Suggests
  • April 7th The solar system and beyond are full of water. Every solar system has water. - The Solar System and Beyond is Awash in Water
  • April 8th NASA says definitive ET proof will exist within 20 or 30 years. - We’ll Find Alien Life Within 20 Years, NASA Says
  • April 23rd NASA announcing a bold expansion in their search for life outside of their earth. - NASA rebooting its search for life beyond Earth thanks to exoplanets
  • Largest fine in Libor scandal Deutsche bank, 2.5 billion. - Deutsche Bank pays record fine for Libor manipulation
  • April 24th The US debt rate has been mysteriously frozen for 25 days in a row, below the debt ceiling. - 21 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000 That means the US government is bankrupt. [Goes right along with Judge Anna and Fulford linked above, Updated May 1st. The spending has actually exceeded the statutory limit set by 'congress' which means the cabal run government is violating even their own codes of conduct and is completely incompetent. See this post for more USA, Inc Is Violating Public Trust, Contract and Statutory Code | US Spent $38,913,501,207.80 Over The Legal Limit.]


  • The disclosure plan involves an economic disaster so people will get angry enough to want to know the truth. [The karmic corrections and polarization of the STO and STS paths discussed in the law of one.]
  • It will be announced that the US economy will be bankrupt. No major disruptions are intended.
  • Disclosure that the Cabal is the order of the black sun. [Mark Passio spoke of this in his demystifying occult presentation here.]
  • US government is going to try and do "bail in's", taking money directly out of peoples accounts. People will get very angry, which will cause a little chaos for a while [this is where those who are aware and brave enough to speak the truth will be invaluable to stabilize the chaos of others]. The alliance has pulled a lot of high level witness for this already. Their testimony will be given remotely off planet when the trials begin, some famous people will be speaking.
  • Leads a guided meditation to end the talk.

Articles released since this talk:

In our weekly radio show we went over much of this data, and other key events of this year with Sierra Neblina, another former Secret Space Program insider and Contactee. See this post Events of 2015 Discussion with Sierra Neblina | PKFTA May 3rd 2015 8:00 PM EST.

Read this article for more indications the Cabal is loosing power: Is The New World Order Dying? 10 Recent Headlines Offer Hope.

The Philippines Media Covers UFO Sighting Recorded By Many Witnesses just recently.

'Masonic Police Department' Arrested For Impersonating Public Officials...By An Illegitimate Government Who Is Also Impersonating Public Officials

3 Soft ET Disclosure Articles | Roswell UFO Alien Photos, DNA Building Blocks Created By Exploding Stars & Saturn's Moon Enceladus Has Lakes

All Solar System Periods Fit The Fibonacci Series And The Golden Ratio | Why The Phi?

The Energetic Evolution of The Solar System | At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution

Major Volcanic Unrest Showing Globally | 1 Month of AMAZING Volcanic Activity Caught On Video Around The World

Analysis of Dr. Michael Salla's GoodETxSG Q and A from May 12th 2015, And Data From DIA Insider | Insider Corey GoodETxSG

Science For Ascension, Evolution and much more | Fractality: What Makes a LIVE ENZYME - Alive? with Dan Winter

Atlantean Technology and History | A Very Detailed Story of the Fall of Atlantis and their use of Crystals

Analysis of Dr. Michael Salla and Corey GoodETxSG Q and A Part 1: May 20th 2015 | Corporate Bases on Mars and Nazi Infiltration of US Secret Space Program

5 Major Banks (The Cartel) Plead Guilty To Market Rigging, Fined $5.7 Billion - Make this Red Pill Viral

SSP Alliance Telling Corey To Not Delay Releasing Data, Trapezoid Base On Moon, David Wilcock Part 2 Will Have More Disclosure | Corey GoodETxSG

Analysis of Dr. Michael Salla and Corey GoodETxSG Q and A Part 1: May 20th 2015 | Corporate Bases on Mars and Nazi Infiltration of US Secret Space Program

Analysis Of Part 2 - Multiple Moon Bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles As Cover Programs Dr. Salla Q and A May 20th 2015 | Corey GoodETxSG

USOs & UFOs | Underwater Extraterrestrial Bases: Declassified Russian Navy Records & Satellite Images

Solar Warden: Secret Space Program

In September, The U.N. Launches Major Sustainable Development Agenda for Entire Planet | Agenda 21

More Russian, Chinese Companies Switching to Yuan Transactions - Bank

Cabal Negotiating For Safety, Offline For Post-Surgery Recovery, Interviews and Articles To Follow | Corey GoodETxSG

China Plans First Ever Landing on the Dark Side of the Moon

Corey DID NOT Bad Mouth COBRA, Cabal Suffering Heavy Losses Due to Infighting, Earth Changes Are Nothing To Fear, Forgiveness and Compassion Are Key | Corey GoodETxSG

Transmuting The Symbols Of Fear Into Love | Symbolism is the Language of the Mysteries

Edgar Cayce's Health and Life Readings for Nikola Tesla - “The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”

Could The Moon Be An Ancient Space Ark? | Strange Moon Facts

Soft Disclosure | The Vatican Is Making Radical Changes In Preparation For Disclosure

The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFO's, Above Top Secret

Analysis of A.I. Influences on Earth and ET Civilizations | GoodETxSG NAZI "Alien Reproduction Vehicle"/ARV - Nazi Die Glocke - "Gold from Mercury Problem"

David Wilcock Interview - Show Notes and Analysis of: ET Warfare, Secret Space Program, Lost Civilizations and More | Taped in late December 2014

How to Become Your Own Savior (Harmony with Natural Law), Why The Blue Avians Won't "Save Us," Learn To Embrace The Challenges of Life And Become "The Hero" | Corey GoodETxSG

COBRA: Vril Society, Agartha Network, Nazi Secret Space Program, The Dark Fleet, Draco's, Chimera Group & More | Free the Colonies! Update and Videos

Oldest Pyramid Ever Found in Crimea

The New Atlantis | Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings & Connections to Atlantis

The Ra Material and The Secret Space Program | Required Science Described by The Law of One and Dewey B. Larson

Japan Issues Highest Alert, Evacuation Warnings After Volcano "Explosively" Erupts

2-Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Mega-Reactor Discovered in Africa

David Wilcock: Stargates, Consciousness Tech, Draco "Fear Food" & Methods of Personal Transformation, ET Contacts | Analysis of Fade to Black May 26th 2015


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