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Training and teaching methods.

Practical training: a joint discussion with the teacher of theoretical material, work with educational literature, performing tasks (written responses to questions, filling out tables, etc.), testing, oral questioning.

Self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT): a panel discussion with illustrative tables, presentation slide.

Self-study student (SSS): working with the literature, Internet resources, educational and scientific materials in electronic media, preparation of presentations and thematic essays.

2.9 Methods of assessment of students knowledge and skills: writing assignments on options for control, test control.


The number of evaluations of competence of students of 2nd course on elective discipline
"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

• 60% - 9 practical trainings - knowledge;
• 15% - 2 practical trainings - practical skills
• 10% - 2 practical trainings - communication skills
• 5% - 1 practical training - legal competence
• 1 SSS - self-cultivation


Scorecard knowledge of students of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100
a) an oral interview - the maximum 80 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 74-80 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 60-73 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 52-59 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 50-51 points
- No answer - 0 points

b) the execution of tasks in test form - maximum 20 points
- 86 - 100% - 20 points
- 75 - 85% - 15 points
- 60 - 74% - 7 points
- 50 - 59% - 3 points
- Less than 50% - 0 points


Scorecard practical skills of students of of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points


Scorecard communicative competence of students of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100

¹ Skills Point
1. Effective self-presentation
2. An open posture, nonverbal demonstration friendly attitude
3. Compliance with the pace of the conversation, attentive perception
4. Confidence
5. Conscious perception
6. The ability to see the problem from the perspective of the interlocutor
7. Forming methods of persuasion
8. Keeping a group discussion, debate
9. Understanding and operating performance of pharmaceutical organizations
10. Feedback


Scorecard legal skills of students of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points


Evaluation SSS (maximum 100 points) of students of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"


¹ Criteria Point
1. Full implementation of all relevant claim forms SSS 90-100
2. Committed minor errors, inaccurate quest 75-89
3. Committed significant errors, incomplete quest 50-74
4. Committed an error of principle, not doing the job, ineligible SSS 0-49

SSS ratio in percentage of students of 2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"


¹ Name in%
1. Presentation
2. Essay
3. Abstract
4. Tables
5. Review of the literature
6. Tests – 10


Final control - examination taking into account results of the current and landmark control.

Final control: test examination in the testing center taking into account results of the current control.

The technology of monitoring students' knowledge

I = R x 0,6 + E x 0.4, where
I - the final score
R-rating score for admission
E - evaluation of the final control (examination of the discipline)
Rating is 60% of I, 40% of the exam on I.
Assessment rating is made up of students and a landmark assessment of the current control.
The first rating is calculated using the formula:

, where


t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Each practice session, SSUT, SSS, landmark control are calculated out of 100 points, which corresponds to 100 percent

The second rating is calculated using the formula:

, where


t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Rate of admission to the student's final grade is not less than 60%, so the semester evaluation of the discipline of students is determined by the formula


The student is admitted to the examination, if it semester score greater than or equal to 30%.
In the absence of many landmark controls the admission rating is calculated only on the current estimates.
In the case of larger number of landmark controls, calculated the appropriate number of ratings at the end of the semester average rating is calculated.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1432

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