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This teaching module is based on the period approach. It is one of those modules that give you an overview of major historical periods in the development of literature in English.

This module gives you an overview of the literature that was being produced in the Victorian age (1837-1901). You have the opportunity to study some of the best fiction, poetry and drama of the period and major literary techniques employed in this period. To deepen your understanding of the texts the book also includes some information about the historical and literary background and the lives of the authors.



· To become familiar with the works of some of the major writers of the period and reach an understanding of their contents.

· To get an insight into the historical and literary background of the period.

· To recognise some of the literary and stylistic techniques that are specific to this period and to build up an appreciation of how form relates to content.

· To discuss some of the issues raised in the texts and express your opinion in class.

· To be ready to apply your knowledge in an independent analysis of unfamiliar texts.



D. Delaney, C. Ward, C. R. Fiorina. FIELDS OF VISION. Literature in the English Language. Harlow: Pearson Educaton Limited, 2005, volume 2.



The course “Literary Text Analysis” is part of the discipline “The Culture of Verbal Communication” (Êóëüòóðà ðå÷åâîãî îáùåíèÿ – ÊÐÎ). The effectiveness of your work in the course is to be checked at every tutorial, the oral exam in this disciplinå at the end of the semester and three papers done during the semester.

To get ready for the exam you have to complete the following:

· Regularly attend the classes and effectively participate in class work at every tutorial.

· Learn the contents of the chapters “Historical and Social Background”, “The Literary Background”, and “Writer’s Gallery”.

· Write three two-page papers on the topics suggested in the schedule (See: Writing Suggestions).

· Any missed classes will have to be accounted for in written form.




1. 2 h     2 h English fiction – novel of initiation Extended metaphor Charles Dickens David Copperfield Text F1   Text F2 Historical and Social Background p. F124-126   The Literary Background p. F130-131
2. 2 h   2h English fiction – novel Revealing character through physical description Charles Dickens Hard Times Text F3   Text F4   Writer’s Gallery p. F15-16
3. 2 h   2h English fiction – romantic novel   Plot Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights Text F5 Text F6 The Literary Background p. F131   Writer’s Gallery p. F32
4. 2 h   2h English fiction – novel of initiation   Dialogue to reveal character Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre Text F7   Text F8   Writer’s Gallery p. F32-33
5. 2 h   2h English fiction – novel     Omniscient obtrusive narrator George Eliot Silas Marner Text F9   Text F10 The Literary Background p. F131-132   Writer’s Gallery p. F40
6. 2 h     2h English fiction – horror story Doppelgänger Robert L. Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde Text F11   Text F12     Writer’s Gallery p. F47
7. 2 h   2h English fiction – aesthetic novel Paradox Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Text F13   Text F14 The Literary Background p. F132-134     Writer’s Gallery p. F54-55
8. 2 h Paper#1 is due 2h English fiction – regional novel     Symbolic setting Thomas Hardy Tess of the d’Urbervilles Text F15   Text F16 The Literary Background p. F132     Writer’s Gallery p. F63-64
9. 2 h     2h North American fiction – novel       Pathos Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Text F17   Text F18 Historical and Social Background p. F127-129     The Literary Background p. F141 Writer’s Gallery p. F71
10. 2 h     2h North American fiction – novel     Symbolic names Herman Melville Moby Dick Text F19 Comprehension Text F19 Analysis The Literary Background p. F141     Writer’s Gallery p. F78
11. 2 h   2h North American fiction – novel of initiation   The naive narrator Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn Text F20   Text F21 The Literary Background p. F141-142 Writer’s Gallery p. F85   Writer’s Gallery p. F86
12. 2 h Paper#2 is due 2h English poetry – elegy Punctuation Lord Alfred Tennyson Break, Break, Break Text F22   Morte d’Arthur F23 The Literary Background p. F136     Writer’s Gallery p. F92
13. 2 h     2h English poetry – dramatic monologue Dramatic monologue     Robert Browning My Last Duchess F24   F25 Home-Thoughts, from Abroad The Literary Background p. F136   Writer’s Gallery p. F99
14. 2 h     2h English poetry – dramatic monologue Mood   Style Matthew Arnold     Gerard Manley Hopkins Dover Beach Text F26     Pied Beauty Text F27 The Literary Background p. F136 Writer’s Gallery p. F103   The Literary Background p. F137 Writer’s Gallery p. F106
15. 2 h     2h North American poetry   North American poetry – free verse Style   Free verse Emily Dickinson     Walt Whitman A Bird Came Down the Walk F28 Because I Could not Stop for Death F29   F30 When I Heard the Learned Astronomer O Captain! My Captain! Text F31 The Literary Background p. F142-143 Writer’s Gallery p. F111   The Literary Background p. F142 Writer’s Gallery p. F116-117
16. 2 h   2h Paper#3 is due English drama – comedy of manners Creating a character Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest Text F32 Comprehension   Text F32 Analysis The Literary Background p. F138     Writer’s Gallery p. F54-55
17. 4 h   Non-Fictional Prose Revision Correction of papers     The Literary Background p. F139-140




1. Analyse one of the life contradictions reinforced in an English novel of the Victorian Age (the relationship between adults and children, submissiveness and rebellion, the power of money and the power of love, good and evil in man, youth and old age, beauty and degradation, ‘a pure woman’ dying for her ‘sins’, etc.). Consider the techniques employed.

2. Analyse the narrative technique (a third/first-person narrator) in a North American novel (Hawthorne, Melville, Twain). How does the narrator guide the reader’s interpretation of events and characters?

3. Express your opinion on what happens in the poem of your choice. Explain how the form is suitable for its content (Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Hopkins, Dickinson, Whitman).


Note: For every one of your papers you are asked to choose one of the texts provided in this schedule.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 843

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