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The independent Kazakhstan

1. Formation of independent Kazakhstan

Native history and the national language - the factors, mobilizing and consolidating Kazakh society on the path to independence. December events December 16-18, 1986 in Alma-Ata, the crisis ethnocentric policies of the Soviet state and the forerunner of independence. Sharpening of the contradictions in the socio-economic and socio-political life in the country. Rehabilitation of representatives of the Kazakh national intelligence Kudaiberdieva S., A. Bukeyhanova, A. Baitursynov et al (1988). Language Act (1989). Formation of political parties and movements. The Declaration on State Sovereignty of Kazakh SSR (1990) and its value. Institution in the country office of the President. First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Presidential Decree of N. Nazarbayev on closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and its value (1991). Strengthening of democratic tendencies in the society. The processes of revival of traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. "The Return" Nowruz.

Preparation of reforming the Soviet Union. Failing to seize power by the State Committee of Emergency (Emergency Committee) August 19, 1991, the failure Novoogarevskogo agreement. The first practical political actions of independent Kazakhstan. Objective assessment of the December events in Alma-Ata, and rehabilitation of citizens prosecuted for participating in them. The next Congress of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, its dissolution. The first general elections of the President of Kazakhstan. Renaming of the Kazakh SSR Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional Law "On State Independence of the RK" (1991) Work, N.A. Nazarbayev, "On the eve of the twenty-first century." Independence as a factor in national and state building. The basic values ​​of the independent Kazakhstan ways: Freedom. Unity. Stability. Prosperity. Results of the 20th anniversary of the country's independent development.

Belovezhskoe agreement on cancellation of the Union Treaty in 1991 and the formation of the CIS. The Ashgabat meeting of leaders of the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata meeting of the heads of independent post-Soviet states, signing the "Protocol on the establishment of the CIS", Alma-Ata Declaration on Education of the Commonwealth of Independent States (1991). The functioning of the CIS and its potential and value. The development of the Eurasian idea in its modern interpretation of the RK President NA. Nazarbayev. Intensified integration processes in the CIS. Treaty establishing an economic union. Eurasian Economic Union: theory and reality. Creation and launch of the Customs Union: Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, its value. The idea of ​​creating a Common Economic Space and its implementation. Prospects for the SES.

2. Socio-political development of independent Kazakhstan

Determination of the state strategy of development of independent Kazakhstan. The value of NA Nazarbayev, "Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state" (1992). The formation of internal and external policy. Laying the foundations of the constitutional order of society. Adoption of the characters of RK - the flag, emblem, anthem (1992). Act establishing the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (7 may 1992). The first Constitution of independent Kazakhstan (1993) and its value. Presidential Decree N. Nazarbayev, "On the introduction of the national currency" (1993) and its value. Definition of state borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Strengthening national security. The development of national identity, the strengthening of civil peace and political stability.

A national referendum, the adoption of the current Constitution of RK (1995). The development of the political system of society. Elections to the bicameral parliament. Parliamentary development in Kazakhstan. Modernization of public administration within the executive vertical. Decentralization, separation of powers between center and regions. The law on local government. The First Epistle of the President of Kazakhstan: "Kazakhstan - 2030. Prosperity, security and improving the welfare of all Kazakhs, "long-term development priorities RK (1997). Moving the capital from Almaty to Astana and its historical significance. Appeal to the people of Kazakhstan 10 December 1997.

N.A. Nazarbayev, "Ten years, equal to the centennial of" at the solemn meeting devoted to the 10th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan December 16, 2001., In Astana. Successive political modernization. A nationwide program of political reforms. Civic engagement of Kazakhstan, the growing number of NGOs. Development of political parties and party systems. The Law on Political Parties. Legal reform and humane laws. Optimization of the law enforcement system strengthening the rights and freedoms of citizens. The law "On combating corruption" (1998) and its contents.

Difficulties in transition period: Economic crisis, social unrest, decline in living standards, unemployment and criminality. Measures to overcome them: economic restructuring, the creation of a socially oriented market, privatization and price liberalization, investment policy.

Priorities and prospects for the development of priority economic sectors such as manufacturing, agricultural, financial and banking sectors. Direction of economic reforms in Kazakhstan - the principle of cluster development of the economy, raising productivity, the introduction of modern technology, investment, tax, agricultural and industrial policy, infrastructure development, particularly transport and communications. Preparation of Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO. RK foreign economic cooperation, the new system of international communications - TRACECA and North-South, TAE fiber optic, CPC, etc.

N.A. Nazarbayev, "Virgin Soil Upturned - a symbol of friendship and creativity" at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of virgin and fallow lands, February 6, 2004 in Astana. Message from the President to the Nation "Towards competitive Kazakhstan, competitive economy, competitive nation" (March 19, 2004) and its value. The global economic crisis and overcoming it successfully. Economic development and financial sector after the crisis. New opportunities in Kazakhstan. State program of industrial-innovative development, the first success of its implementation. Priorities of the Strategic Plan "Kazakhstan-2020". Prospects for economic growth in Kazakhstan. The trajectory of sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan model of the economy in the XXI century.

Task of forming a balanced socio-economic and human development. The quality and standard of living: Markers and development trends. Social reform and social modernization: State program to combat poverty, increase employment, support youth, college students, the pension reform. The strategy of human capital development and labor potential. The new employment strategy, the modernization of housing. The development of public health, sports and physical culture. Support and assistance to disadvantaged sectors of the population. Raising wages in budgetary organizations. Healthy lifestyle as a basis for shaping the future of the nation.

Current aims and objectives of upgrading the current system of education. Update the content of the education system. The results of the state program of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010. The development strategy of higher education in an innovative manner. Presidential program "Intelligent Nation 2020" and its value. Model of modern education. The transition of universities to innovation. The mechanisms of its development. The formation of an innovative model of higher education institution on the basis of "Nazarbayev University."

Migration, demographic trends in Kazakhstan, the changes in the ethnic structure of the population. The first census in terms of sovereignty, its results (1999). The population census in Kazakhstan in 2009, changing the ethnic and social structure of the population.

Democratization and modernization of social and political life of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The First World Kurultai of the Kazakhs and the beginning of the return of ethnic Kazakhs to their historical homeland. Kazakh diaspora in Asia and Europe The development of civil society and its political and social institutions. Forum of Peoples of Kazakhstan (1992). Social movements and political parties in the ROK. Political parties and party system in Kazakhstan. "Nur Otan", as the leading social and political force. The Law on Political Parties, and its value. The development of democratic processes, the introduction of a proportional system of elections to the Parliament, the election results by party lists. The development of non-governmental organizations, trade unions - the institutions of civil society. I Civic Forum and its value.

Interethnic accord - a basis to strengthen the independence and democracy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Create a People's Assembly of Kazakhstan (APK) - a public institution agreement and unity of ethnic groups in Kazakhstan, a consultative and advisory body to the President.

Information policy of RK, the development of media. National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organization of a permanent meeting to develop proposals for further democratization and civil society development. The National Commission on Democratization and Civil Society.

The main policy directions for youth affairs. The activities of the youth wing of the "Nur Otan". Patriotic and internationalist education of youth. Development Programme "Kazakhstan - 2020" on youth policy in the RK.

Improvement of law enforcement and judicial authorities. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 2, 2003 and its implementation. The establishment and activities of the Commission on Human Rights under President of Kazakhstan. Introduction to RK institutions Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman). Moratorium on death penalty. Kazakhstan's ratification of the International Covenants on Economic, Social, Cultural Rights, Civil and Political Rights. Humanization of the law. A nationwide program of political reforms. Message from the President NA. Nazarbayev to the people "Kazakhstan on the road to accelerated economic, social and political modernization" (February 18, 2005).

Spiritual rebirth of the people. Formation of historical consciousness and patriotism in the context of the decrees of the President: 1997 - Year of ethnic harmony and the victims of political repression in 1998 - the year of national unity and national history, 1999 - the year of unity and continuity of generations, in 2000 - a year of support culture. N.A. Nazarbayev, "In the stream of history." The elimination of "white spots" of national history. The publication of the multivolume "History of Kazakhstan from the earliest times to the present day" (Almaty, "Atamura" 1996 - 2011).

A new confessional reality in Kazakhstan. Legislative support for religious freedom and interfaith harmony in Kazakhstan. The revival of the traditional religion of the Kazakh people - Islam. Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan (SAMK). Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana (2003, 2006, 2009.) Difficulties and contradictions of religious and cultural revival. Confessional politics of Kazakhstan in the context of security issues.

State Care of the priority of the Kazakh language and the preservation of national cultural values. The state program "Madeni Mura - Cultural Heritage". Its goal and main lines: The development of spiritual and educational sectors, ensuring safety and effective use of cultural heritage, restoration of historical and architectural monuments, the establishment of an integrated system of studying cultural heritage - the folklore, traditions and customs, the creation of the state language of the full fund arts education.

Pursuing balanced language policy and the development of bilingualism - an important factor in maintaining social harmony and political stability in multiethnic Kazakhstan. The concept of language policy in Kazakhstan (1996), Law "On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (1997), the State program of functioning and development of languages ​​for 2001 - 2010, The "Trinity of languages". Politics RK revival of the Kazakh language, the expansion of its scope, as well as the preservation of common cultural features of Russian language and the development of languages ​​of peoples of Kazakhstan.

The revival of the national cultural heritage in modern Kazakhstan

Recognition of the sovereign Kazakhstan by the international community, taking it to the UN. Speech of President N.A. Nazarbayev at the 47th session of UN General Assembly. This head of state "generosity of each country - a pledge welfare of the planet." Rejection of nuclear weapons in Kazakhstan, located in its territory. Kazakhstan's priorities in foreign relations. Formation of Kazakhstan's foreign policy. Kazakhstan in the new globalized world. The objectives in the field of national security: international and regional security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state. Multi-vector foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan. Implementation of an active, pragmatic and balanced foreign policy. Line of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the new geopolitical environment, the desire to minimize the risks inherent in international relations. Priorities for economic development and modernization in Kazakhstan

Peace Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. RK initiative in organizing the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) (1992) Cooperation of Kazakhstan with the existing systems of collective security: the UN, NATO, OSCE, ODKV. The motto of the meaning of 4 "T» («Trust, Traditions, Transparency, Tolerance») - «Senim, Dәstүr, Ashyқtyқ, Toleranttyқ", symbolizing the many-sided positive content of the mission in Kazakhstan. Cooperation with international organizations: UNESCO, UNICEF, ECOSOC, and others, as well as the IDB, IMF, OSCE. Kazakhstan's role in the development of regional and global economic and political processes. RK participation in integration processes of global and regional scales, such as ECO, CAPS, the CSTO and SCO. Kazakhstan's contribution to the development of intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue, East-West. Initiatives to strengthen mutual confidence, dialogue between religions in terms of increasing global threats and international terrorism. N.A. Nazarbayev, "Critical Decade". Kazakhstan peacekeeping mission in the modern world

Initiative and the struggle of Kazakhstan for nuclear safety. Work of Nursultan Nazarbayev "Epicenter of Peace". Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE and its value. The historical importance of the OSCE summit in Astana Strengthening the position of the OSCE, the strengthening of trust and respect for this most important political organization of the world community of nations. OSCE Summit December 1-2, 2010 in Astana - the world event. Results of the study of the subject "The history of Kazakhstan."


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